Just another music package
Uses youtube to get audio
(Real docs soon)
npm i frost-music@latest
If you want to skip reading this and just install all of them at once (doesnt install ffmpeg)
npm i ytdl-core yt-stream @discordjs/voice @discordjs/opus sodium-native
ffmpeg is required for this package to work
You can download ffmpeg from here
Or if you would rather install it from npm you can run the following code
npm i ffmpeg-static
- Download audioyt-stream
- Search youtube
would have been used to download, but it sometimes drops the data
npm i ytdl-core yt-stream
This pacakge requires:
- Discord.js voice wrapper
- Opus encoding library
(can be substituted foropusscript
) - Encryption package
(can be substituted forlibsodium-wrappers
npm i @discordjs/voice @discordjs/opus sodium-native
const {Client, GatewayIntentBits: Intents, Events} = require('discord.js');
const MusicManager = require('frost-music');
let prefix = '!';
const client = new Client({
intents: [
const Music = new MusicManager(client, {
exludeBot: true, // Exlude bot accounts from member vc count
deaf: true, // Make bot deafen
errors: true, // Log errors
volume: 100, // Set default volume (starts to distort over 100)
maxVolume: 250, // Set maximum volume
loop: false // Set default looping
// When song starts
Music.on(Music.Events.songStart, (data, player) => {
player.data.channels.text.send(`Now playing: \`${data.song.title} by ${data.song.author}\``);
// When song is skipped
Music.on(Music.Events.songSkip, (data, player) => {
player.data.channels.text.send(`Skipped \`${data.song.title} by ${data.song.author}\``);
// When song ends
Music.on(Music.Events.songEnd, (data, player) => {
player.data.channels.text.send(`Song: \`${data.song.title} by ${data.song.author}\` has ended`);
// When song is added to queue
Music.on(Music.Events.queueAdd, (data, player) => {
player.data.channels.text.send(`Added \`${data.song.title} by ${data.song.author}\` to the queue`);
// When song is removed from queue
Music.on(Music.Events.queueRemove, (data, player) => {
player.data.channels.text.send(`Removed \`${data.song.title} by ${data.song.author}\` from queue`);
// When queue is cleared
Music.on(Music.Events.queueClear, (player) => {
player.data.channels.text.send(`Queue cleared`);
// When queue is empty
Music.on(Music.Events.queueEnd, (player) => {
player.data.channels.text.send(`Nothing left to play`);
// Get when loop is toggled
Music.on(Music.Events.loopToggled, (looping, player) => {
player.data.channels.text.send(`Looping set to \`${looping}\``);
// Get when volume changes
Music.on(Music.Events.volumeChange, (volume, player) => {
player.data.channels.text.send(`Volume set to \`${volume}\``);
// Get when player is paused
Music.on(Music.Events.paused, (player) => {
player.data.channels.text.send(`Paused playback`);
// Get when player is unpaused
Music.on(Music.Events.unpaused, (player) => {
player.data.channels.text.send(`Resumed playback`);
// Get when bot leaves
Music.on(Music.Events.leave, (player) => {
// When an error occours with the player
Music.on(Music.Events.error, (err, player) => {
console.log(`Error: ${err}`);
This is seperate because its big and optional
// Get search results (big one bc it also adds)
Music.on(Music.Events.searchResult, (results, msg, player) => {
let list = [],
size = results.data.length > 10? 10: results.data.length;
for(let i = 0; i < size; i++){
let result = results.data[i];
list.push(`${i+1}. \`${result.title} by ${result.author}\``)
// Send results for user to see
// Add collector to add song
const collectorFilter = m => (m.author.id == msg.author.id);
const collector = msg.channel.createMessageCollector({
filter: collectorFilter,
time: 15_000 // Give 15 seconds to choose
// Save if valid awnser has been given
let recived = false;
// Get messages
collector.on('collect', m => {
// Return if done, or not a number
if(recived || !Number(m.content)) return;
// Return if over 10 or less than 1
if(Number(m.content) > 10 || Number(m.content) < 1) return;
recived = true;
player.addFromSearch(Number(m.content)-1, m.author.id)
// End of 15 seconds
collector.on('end', () => {
// See if recived
if(recived) return;
// Didnt get anything :(
msg.channel.send('Didnt get a response on time')
This is optional
// When user leaves voice
client.on(Events.VoiceStateUpdate, (oldState, newState) => {
if (!oldState.channel && newState.channel) return;
if (!Music.has(oldState.guild.id)) return;
if (Music.membercount(oldState.guild.id) < 1) {
client.on(Events.MessageCreate, (msg) => {
if (!msg.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) return;
let args = msg.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
let command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
// Play song
if (command == 'play') {
// Check if message author is in voice channel
if (!msg.member.voice.channel) return msg.channel.send("You must be in a voice");
// Create the player for guild if there is none
if (!Music.has(msg.guild.id)) Music.create(msg.guild, msg.member.voice.channel, msg.channel);
let player = Music.get(msg.guild.id);
// Add song with who it was requested by
player.play(args.join(' '), msg.author.id);
// Search for song
if(command == 'search'){
// Check if message author is in voice channel
if (!msg.member.voice.channel) return msg.channel.send("You must be in a voice");
// Create the player for guild if there is none
if (!Music.has(msg.guild.id)) Music.create(msg.guild, msg.member.voice.channel, msg.channel);
let player = Music.get(msg.guild.id);
player.search(args.join(' '), msg);
// Rest require player before use
let player = Music.get(msg.guild.id);
// Skip the current song
if(command == 'skip') player.skipSong();
// Pause the saong
if(command == 'pause') player.pause();
// Resume the song
if(command == 'unpause') player.unpause();
// Set volume of song
if(command == 'volume') player.setVolume(args[0])
// Loop current song
if(command == 'loop') player.loop();
// Leave channel and stopp all playback
if(command == 'leave') player.leave();
// Clear the queue
if(command == 'clear') player.clearQueue();
// Remove item from queue
if(command == 'remove') player.removeFromQueue(arg[0])
client.on(Events.ClientReady, () => {
console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.username}!`);
-- More platforms may come soon --