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The FAVPlayer is an AVPlayer that let you play Frequency's videos Natively. Here's the snippet that would let you quickly play a Frequency Video.

To include this framework to your project:

set up your project with Cocoapods:

Add this line to your Podfile:

pod 'FAVPlayer', :git => '', :tag => '0.0.1'

Then in your terminal, at the root of your project, pod update

To play a video

First you'll have to authenticate, then create the player and pass it the token and deviceId.

var favPlayer = FAVPlayer.init(apiUrl: "", token: "TOKEN_ID", deviceId: "DEVICE_ID")

Create an avPlayerViewController and assign the newly created favPlayer as its player.

var avPlayerViewController = AVPlayerViewController.init()
avPlayerViewController.player = favPlayer

Load a videoId provided by a Frequency service

favPlayer.load(videoId: "VIDEO_ID")

Present the AVPlayerViewController.

self.present(avPlayerViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)


The Player has some functionnalities that can be added to it. So far it support Conviva tracking and advertisement. To enable Conviva tracking or Advertisment you'll have to provide a configuration for the plugin in the constructor.

let adsConfig = AdsConfig.init()
let convivaConfig = ConvivaConfig.init(customerKey: "KEY", gatewayUrl: "URL", tags: ["tag1","tag2"])

var favPlayer = FAVPlayer.init(apiUrl: "",
                                  token: "TOKEN_ID",
                                  deviceId: "DEVICE_ID",
                                  conviva: convivaConfig,
                                  adsConfig: adsConfig)

The Demo App

Open the FAVPlayer.xcodeproj Insert the token and deviceId in the Player constructor in the MainViewController

Launch the app on a device or simulator

A video will play

Note: if you're not using htpps:// you will need to change the video ids and channel ids in DemoConstants