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FreeScout Development Process

FreeScout edited this page Aug 16, 2023 · 24 revisions

Main Application

  1. Feature requests are received via GitHub Forum and Feature Requests. Bug reports are received via GitHub Forum and by email.

  2. FreeScout Team periodically checks and implements issues.

  3. If you also want to contribute feel free to choose from issues marked as help wanted (see Development Guide). If you are a developer you can implement the functionality and submit the pull request or you can find a developer (for example here).

Official Modules

  1. Feature requests are received via GitHub Forum and Feature Requests.

  2. Requests are being analyzed and periodically implemented by FreeScout Team.

  3. Anyone can also contribute to official modules (see Modifying Modules).

New Features

New features are not added to the core just in case or when someone just wants to have them.

Keep in mind, that not all your feature requests, ideas and pull requests will be accepted. Stay humble and remember that any aspect of the application can be adjusted using custom modules and filters & actions.


Don't forget that you are not the project manager. Try to be humble, polite, friendly and positive. Otherwise your account may be banned and it can't be undone.

"I've bought a lot of modules (or I've spent $$$ on modules), now all my needs have to be fulfilled" - this kind of attitude is a mistake which may lead to being banned.

See also repository forum guidelines.

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