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feat: Add MultiContextProcessor class
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This commit introduces the MultiContextProcessor class, which is designed to handle the processing of multiple contexts with a selected prompt group and output settings.
The MultiContextProcessor class provides the following functionality:
Processes multiple context files grouped by name.
Reads the content of each file and processes it with the selected prompt group.
Organizes the results into a dictionary where keys are group names and values are lists of results for each file in the group.
Saves the results to separate text files named according to the group and result index.
This class enhances the flexibility and modularity of the code by separating the prompt building, launching, and result saving logic for multi-context processing.

Signed-off-by: Fred Zimmerman <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
Fred Zimmerman committed Aug 25, 2024
1 parent 4f70a8a commit b251262
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Showing 2 changed files with 231 additions and 0 deletions.
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions Codexes2Gemini/classes/Codexes/Builders/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
import os
import sys

current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Get the parent directory
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(current_dir)

# Get the directory above the parent
grandparent_dir = os.path.dirname(parent_dir)

# Append both directories to the Python path

from Codexes2Gemini.classes.Codexes.Builders.PromptGroups import PromptGroups
from Codexes2Gemini.classes.Codexes.Builders.BuildLauncher import BuildLauncher

class MultiContextProcessor:
def __init__(self, context_groups, selected_prompt_group, selected_output_group):
self.context_groups = context_groups
self.selected_prompt_group = selected_prompt_group
self.selected_output_group = selected_output_group

def process_contexts(self):
results = {}
for group_name, file_names in self.context_groups.items():
group_results = []
for file_name in file_names:
# Assuming you have a way to access the content of the uploaded files
# For example, if you store the files temporarily:
file_path = os.path.join("temp_upload_dir", file_name) # Replace with your actual file storage
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
context =

# Process the context with the selected prompt group
result = self.process_single_context(context)
results[group_name] = group_results
return results

def process_single_context(self, context):
# Create a PromptBuilder instance
prompt_builder = PromptGroups(

# Build the prompt
prompt = prompt_builder.build_prompt(context)

# Create a BuildLauncher instance
launcher = BuildLauncher()

# Prepare the arguments for BuildLauncher
args = {
'mode': self.selected_output_group.mode,
'context': context,
'output': self.selected_output_group.output_file,
'selected_system_instructions': self.selected_prompt_group.selected_system_instruction_keys,
'user_prompt': self.selected_prompt_group.complete_user_prompt,
'selected_user_prompt_values': self.selected_prompt_group.selected_user_prompt_values,
'list_of_user_keys_to_use': self.selected_prompt_group.selected_user_prompt_keys,
'maximum_output_tokens': self.selected_output_group.maximum_output_tokens,
'minimum_required_output': self.selected_output_group.minimum_required_output,
'minimum_required_output_tokens': self.selected_output_group.minimum_required_output_tokens,
'complete_user_prompt': self.selected_prompt_group.complete_user_prompt,
'complete_system_instruction': self.selected_prompt_group.complete_system_instruction,
'selected_system_instructions': self.selected_prompt_group.selected_system_instruction_keys,
'selected_user_prompts_dict': self.selected_prompt_group.selected_user_prompts_dict,

# Run the BuildLauncher
result = launcher.main(args)

return result

def save_results(self, results):
for group_name, group_results in results.items():
for i, result in enumerate(group_results):
# Assuming you want to save each result as a separate file
file_name = f"{group_name}_result_{i + 1}.txt"
with open(file_name, 'w') as file:
146 changes: 146 additions & 0 deletions Codexes2Gemini/ui/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
# ui/
import os
import sys

import streamlit as st

current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Get the parent directory
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(current_dir)

# Get the directory above the parent
grandparent_dir = os.path.dirname(parent_dir)

# Append both directories to the Python path
from Codexes2Gemini.classes.Codexes.Builders import PromptGroups
from Codexes2Gemini.classes.Codexes.Builders.MultiContextBuilder import MultiContextProcessor
from Codexes2Gemini.ui.utils import filter_dict, load_json_file
import os

class MultiContextUI:
def __init__(self, user_space):
self.user_space = user_space

def render(self):
st.header("Process Multiple Contexts")

# Initialize multiplan in session state
if 'multiplan' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.multiplan = []
if 'current_plan' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.current_plan = {}

context_groups = {}
group_name = st.text_input("Enter a name for this group of contexts:")
uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Upload context files", accept_multiple_files=True)

if uploaded_files:
context_groups[group_name] = [ for file in uploaded_files]

# --- Prompt Group Configuration (Reusing from multiplan_builder) ---

user_prompts_dict = load_json_file("user_prompts_dict.json")
system_instructions_dict = load_json_file("system_instructions.json")

st.subheader("Step 2: Instructions and Prompts")

# --- System Instructions ---
with st.expander("Enter System Instructions"):
system_filter = st.text_input("Filter system instructions")
filtered_system = filter_dict(system_instructions_dict, system_filter)
selected_system_instruction_values = []
selected_system_instruction_keys = st.multiselect(
"Select system instructions",
format_func=lambda x: f"{x}: {filtered_system[x]['prompt'][:50]}..."

for key in selected_system_instruction_keys:

complete_system_instruction = "\n".join(selected_system_instruction_values)

# --- User Prompts ---
with st.expander("Enter User Prompts"):
user_filter = st.text_input("Filter user prompts")
filtered_user = filter_dict(user_prompts_dict, user_filter)
selected_user_prompt_keys = st.multiselect(
"Select user prompt keys",
format_func=lambda x: f"{x}: {filtered_user[x]['prompt'][:50]}..."

selected_user_prompt_values = [filtered_user[key]['prompt'] for key in selected_user_prompt_keys]
selected_user_prompts_dict = {key: filtered_user[key]['prompt'] for key in selected_user_prompt_keys}

custom_user_prompt = st.text_area("Custom User Prompt (optional)")
user_prompt_override ="Override?",
["Override other user prompts", "Add at end of other user prompts"],
if user_prompt_override == "Override other user prompts":
complete_user_prompt = custom_user_prompt
selected_user_prompt_keys.append("custom user prompt")
complete_user_prompt = "\n".join(selected_user_prompt_values)

# --- Form for Instructions and Prompts ---
with st.form("multi_context_instructions_prompts"):
if st.form_submit_button("Save Instructions and Prompts"):
# Create a PromptGroup object (assuming your PromptGroups class constructor
# takes the selected keys/values as arguments)
selected_prompt_group = PromptGroups(

st.subheader("Step 3: Output Settings")
with st.form("step3-output-settings"):
with st.expander("Set Output Requirements"):
mode_options = ["Single Part of a Book (Part)", "Full Codex (Codex)"] # Add "Codex" option
mode_mapping = {"Single Part of a Book (Part)": 'part',
"Full Codex (Codex)": 'codex'} # Add mapping for "Codex"
selected_mode_label = st.selectbox("Create This Type of Codex Object:", mode_options)
mode = mode_mapping[selected_mode_label]
if mode != 'codex':
maximum_output_tokens = st.number_input("Maximum output size in tokens", value=8000, step=500)
minimum_required_output = st.checkbox("Ensure Minimum Output", value=False)
minimum_required_output_tokens = st.number_input("Minimum required output tokens", value=50,
maximum_output_tokens = 10000000
minimum_required_output = False
minimum_required_output_tokens = 50

with st.expander("Set Output Destinations"):
thisdoc_dir = st.text_input("Output directory", value=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'output', 'c2g'))
output_file = st.text_input("Output filename base", "output")
log_level = st.selectbox("Log level", ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'])
plan_name = st.text_input("Plan Name", value=st.session_state.current_plan.get('name', ''))

if st.form_submit_button("Save Output Settings"):
selected_output_group = PromptGroups(thisdoc_dir, output_file, log_level, mode, maximum_output_tokens,
minimum_required_output, minimum_required_output_tokens)

st.success(f"Plan '{plan_name}' added to multiplan")
st.session_state.current_plan = {}

with st.form("process-contexts"):
if st.form_submit_button("Process Contexts"):
if not context_groups or not group_name:
st.warning("Please upload files and provide a group name.")
elif not hasattr(selected_prompt_group, 'process'): # Check if PromptGroup is configured
st.warning("Please configure and submit the Prompt Group settings.")
processor = MultiContextProcessor(context_groups, selected_prompt_group, selected_output_group)
results = processor.process_contexts()

for group_name, group_results in results.items():
with st.expander(group_name):
for file_result in group_results:
st.markdown(file_result, unsafe_allow_html=True)

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