Java sunrise simulator LED controller using Raspberry Pi and ANAVI Light Controller with MQTT
This project requires specific hardware including any Raspberry Pi, including the Pi Zero, RGB LED strips, a suitable power supply and this MQTT based LED controller:
The project requires Java 8 or above.
After building the project run it with a command line such as:
java -jar target/natural-alarm-mqtt-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies --broker tcp://localhost:1883 --topic 1cfcc0e01714d467a44f4bd6b13afe4f/action/rgbled --sunriseInSeconds 1800 --pauseInSeconds 1800
The only mandatory parameter is --topic, all others default to the values shown above.
An example of how the hardware could be assembled using an Ikea Holmo floor standing lamp ( Wrap the self-adhesive RGB LED strips around a suitable tube that fits inside the Holmo lamp.
Example setup steps
Hardware: raspberry pi zero with wifi and header, plus anavid led pHat
Software: Raspbian Stretch light - prepare the SD card and add empty ssh file and populated wpa-supplicant.conf to root directory.
Then, adapted from:
First boot, connect via ssh and use sudo-raspi-config to set hostname: rpi-zero-natural-alarm-1 enable IC2
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Install mosquitto MQTT & clients
sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients
Configure mosquitto, allow_anonymous true
sudo systemctl enable mosquitto.service
sudo systemctl start mosquitto.service
Test mosquitto using the clients
Install wiringpi, piGPIO and OpenSSL:
sudo apt-get install -y wiringpi pigpio libssl-dev
Install git:
sudo apt-get install git
Install Paho (library for MQTT clients):
cd ~
git clone
cd paho.mqtt.c
sudo make install
The make failed, see] so,
sudo apt-get install doxygen
make html
then cleaned up previously broken installation
sudo rm /usr/local/lib/libpaho*
and then
sudo make install
ran ok
Build and install anavid:
cd ~
git clone
cd anavid
sudo make install
Retrieve device ID:
anavid -m
Device ID: 5fbbaaa9bbbd4ad2409a09966145df57
Troubleshooting: found this
tail /var/log/syslog
Oct 16 17:04:45 rpi-zero-natural-alarm-1 anavid[583]: Device ID: 5fbbaaa9bbbd4ad2409a09966145df57
Oct 16 17:04:45 rpi-zero-natural-alarm-1 anavid[583]: ERROR: Cannot open '/etc/anavilight.ini'. Loading default configrations...
Oct 16 17:04:45 rpi-zero-natural-alarm-1 anavid[583]: ===CONFIGURATIONS===
Oct 16 17:04:45 rpi-zero-natural-alarm-1 anavid[583]: MQTT address: tcp://hassbian.local:1883
Oct 16 17:04:45 rpi-zero-natural-alarm-1 anavid[583]: MQTT client ID: ANAVI-Light-pHAT
Oct 16 17:04:45 rpi-zero-natural-alarm-1 anavid[583]: ====================
Oct 16 17:04:45 rpi-zero-natural-alarm-1 anavid[583]: ERROR -1: Failed to connect to MQTT broker.
Oct 16 17:04:45 rpi-zero-natural-alarm-1 systemd[1]: anavi.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Oct 16 17:04:45 rpi-zero-natural-alarm-1 systemd[1]: anavi.service: Unit entered failed state.
Oct 16 17:04:45 rpi-zero-natural-alarm-1 systemd[1]: anavi.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
so we need to change the address for MQTT. Found an example here
[mqtt] address=tcp://hassbian.local:1883 clientId=ANAVI-Light-pHAT username= password=
and copied to /etc/anavilight.ini
then stop and restart the anavi daemon
sudo systemctl stop anavi
sudo systemctl start anavi
this time we got: Oct 16 17:17:59 rpi-zero-natural-alarm-1 anavid[821]: Unable to open I2C device: No such file or directory
ah, haven't enabled IC2 in raspi-config!
Next, install java to the pi
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre-headless
create a file containing the topic / deviceId we obtained from the anavid -m command:
# run natural-alarm-mqtt on localhost
java -jar /home/pi/natural-alarm-mqtt.jar -b tcp://localhost:1883 -t 5fbbaaa9bbbd4ad2409a09966145df57/action/rgbled
chmod +x
Then use e.g. crontab to run each day at the desired time, different at weekends, for example to start at 07:00 on weekdays and 09:00 at the weekend use crontab settings like:
# m h dom mon dow command
0 7 * * 1-5 /home/pi/
0 9 * * 6-7 /home/pi/