library for robot code created by frc team 3268
Features swerve-drive code, camera code, autonomous code & dashboard code
More features to come, including but not limited to: more dashboard code, more odometry integrations, and documentation
This library tries to abide by the following "ideals":
- Subsystems: End with "Subsystem"
- Commands: End with "Command"
- Methods/Functions: startWithLowerCaseThenCamelCase
- Classes: CamelCase
- Lib: All the library (ie non wpilib) things go here
- Robot: everything else goes here
- Keep it simple
- Don't appeal to boilerplate if you don't have to
- Allow extensibility
- Clone/fork the repo
- Change constants to match your robot
- Enjoy
Thanks to frc team 6814 for creating an excellent series on frc programming(0 to Autonomous). Their code in episode 6 served as the basis for much of the swerve-drive code in this library