A a really slick form builder for Angular and Bootstrap. JSON in one end, a nice form out the other.
Include the formidable
module in your app...
###Then in your controller, get some data in a format similar to this:
$scope.formBuilderForm = {
formName : "testForm",
formModel : "testData",
fields : [
type : "section",
name : "coolItems",
title : "A cool Section",
children : [
type: "text",
name : "textItem",
required : true,
default : "some stuff",
label : "SSASD",
placeholder : "acool thing"
type: "checkbox",
default : "false",
hide : "hidetest",
name : "athing",
label : "ddasdas dsd",
placeholder : "acool thing",
type : "divider",
name : "a dviders"
type : "section",
show : "hidetest",
name : "coolOtherThings",
title : "Another sectiopn",
children : [
type: "text",
name : "textItem",
label : "dgdfgwergr",
placeholder : "acool thing"
type : "section",
name : "aSubSection",
hidden : "hidetest",
children : [
type: "radio",
name : "radio1",
default : "radio1",
label : "SAdasda",
options : [
value : "radio1",
label : "some other thing"
value : "radio2",
label : "some thing"
type: "radio",
name : "radio4",
label : "dssdada ",
options : [
value : "radio1",
label : "a thign"
value : "radio2",
label : "another thing"
type : "section",
show : "hidetest",
name : "andSomeotherstuff",
title : "Select Section",
children : [
type: "select",
label : "afwegweegw",
name : "selettest",
required : "hidetest",
default : "anotherthing",
placeholder : "Select a test",
options : [
{title : "a thing", value : "anotherthing"},
{title : "a thing2", value : "another thing2"},
{title : "a thing3", value : "another thing3"}
type : "header",
name : "dumb header",
value : "HYY THERE"
type: "text",
name : "text5",
value : "text7",
required :"hidetest",
label : "efwefef",
placeholder : "a thing2222"
type: "textarea",
name : "anothe box",
label : "gewgfweg",
value : "textbox1",
required : "hidetest",
placeholder : "textarea"
###In your partial:
<div form-builder form-builder-form="formBuilderForm"></div>