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Merge pull request cms-sw#29 from ajgilbert/add-pythia8-gun
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Add option to use pythia8 particle gun
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clelange authored Jul 11, 2017
2 parents d90e519 + 4818852 commit 9d9b336
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ To produce `NEVENTS` GEN-SIM-DIGI events with `NPART` sets of particles (per eve
--thresholdMin PTMIN
--thresholdMax PTMAX
--gunType GUNTYPE
[--gunMode GUNMODE]
--tag MYTAG
Here, one can produce a custom set of particles by providing `PART_PDGID` as a set of comma-separated single PDG IDs.
Here, one can produce a custom set of particles by providing `PART_PDGID` as a set of comma-separated single PDG IDs. To simulate the decay of unstable particles, e.g. quarks, gluons or taus, an alternative particle gun based on PYTHIA8 can be used by setting `--gunMode pythia8`.

To produce `NEVENTS` GEN-SIM-DIGI events with pair of particles within given angular distance ΔR(η,φ) (per event), where the first particle is of type `PART_PDGID` and in the p_T range from `PTMIN` to `PTMAX`, and the second one is of type `INCONE_PART_PDGID` and at distance from `DRMIN` to `DRMAX` and with p_T in range from `PTRATIO_MIN` to `PTRATIO_MAX` relative to the first particle, one should run:
Expand All @@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ To produce `NEVENTS` GEN-SIM-DIGI events with pair of particles within given ang
--thresholdMin PTMIN
--thresholdMax PTMAX
--gunType Pt
[--gunMode GUNMODE]
--MinDeltaR DRMIN
--MaxDeltaR DRMAX
Expand All @@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ To produce `NEVENTS` GEN-SIM-DIGI events with pair of particles within given ang
--tag MYTAG
One should also note that for the genertion of pairs of particles within a given cone, one has to use the "Pt" gun.
One should also note that for the genertion of pairs of particles within a given cone, one has to use the "Pt" gun. Also note that it is currently not possible to generate pairs within a cone using the PYTHIA8-based gun.

The script will create a directory called `partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE]` locally or on the CMG EOS area (see options), and submit jobs to queue `QUEUENAME` with `NPERJOB` events per job,
`NEVENTS` in total.
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13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ def parseOptions():
parser.add_option('', '--nPart', dest='NPART', type=int, default=1, help='number of times particles of type(s) PARTID will be generated per event, default is 1')
parser.add_option('', '--thresholdMin', dest='thresholdMin', type=float, default=1.0, help='min. threshold value')
parser.add_option('', '--thresholdMax', dest='thresholdMax', type=float, default=35.0, help='max. threshold value')
parser.add_option('', '--gunMode', dest='gunMode', type='string', default='default', help='default or pythia8')
parser.add_option('', '--gunType', dest='gunType', type='string', default='Pt', help='Pt or E gun')
parser.add_option('', '--PU', dest='PU', type='string', default='0', help='PU value (0 is the default)')
parser.add_option('', '--PUDS', dest='PUDS', type='string', default='', help='PU dataset')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,6 +60,11 @@ def parseOptions():
print 'ERROR: CMSSW does not seem to be set up. Exiting...'

partGunModes = ['default', 'pythia8']
if opt.gunMode not in partGunModes:
parser.error('Particle gun mode ' + opt.gunMode + ' is not supported. Exiting...')

partGunTypes = ['Pt', 'E']
if opt.gunType not in partGunTypes:
parser.error('Particle gun type ' + opt.gunType + ' is not supported. Exiting...')
Expand All @@ -80,7 +86,7 @@ def parseOptions():

# list of supported particles, check if requested partID list is a subset of the list of the supported ones
global particles
particles = ['22', '111', '211', '11', '13', '15', '12', '14', '16', '130']
particles = ['22', '111', '211', '11', '13', '15', '12', '14', '16', '130', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '22']
inPartID = [p.strip(" ") for p in opt.PARTID.split(",")] # prepare list of requested IDs (split by ",", strip white spaces)
if not (set(inPartID) < set(particles) or opt.PARTID == ''):
parser.error('Particle(s) with ID(s) ' + opt.PARTID + ' is not supported. Exiting...')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,7 +143,7 @@ def printSetup(CMSSW_BASE, CMSSW_VERSION, SCRAM_ARCH, currentDir, outDir):
curr_input= opt.RELVAL
print 'PU: ',opt.PU
print 'PU dataset: ',opt.PUDS
print 'INPUTS: ', [curr_input, 'Particle gun type: ' + opt.gunType + ', PDG ID '+str(opt.PARTID)+', '+str(opt.NPART)+' times per event, ' + opt.gunType + ' threshold in ['+str(opt.thresholdMin)+','+str(opt.thresholdMax)+']',opt.RELVAL][int(opt.DTIER=='GSD')]
print 'INPUTS: ', [curr_input, 'Particle gun mode: ' + opt.gunMode + ', type: ' + opt.gunType + ', PDG ID '+str(opt.PARTID)+', '+str(opt.NPART)+' times per event, ' + opt.gunType + ' threshold in ['+str(opt.thresholdMin)+','+str(opt.thresholdMax)+']',opt.RELVAL][int(opt.DTIER=='GSD')]
if (opt.InConeID!='' and opt.DTIER=='GSD'):
print ' IN-CONE: PDG ID '+str(opt.InConeID)+', deltaR in ['+str(opt.MinDeltaR)+ ','+str(opt.MaxDeltaR)+']'+', momentum ratio in ['+str(opt.MinMomRatio)+ ','+str(opt.MaxMomRatio)+']'
print 'STORE AREA: ', [opt.eosArea, currentDir][int(opt.LOCAL)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,6 +189,8 @@ def submitHGCalProduction():
SCRAM_ARCH = os.getenv('SCRAM_ARCH')
commonFileNamePrefix = 'partGun'
partGunType = 'FlatRandom%sGunProducer' % opt.gunType
if opt.gunMode == 'pythia8':
partGunType = 'Pythia8%sGun' % opt.gunType
if opt.InConeID != '':
partGunType = 'MultiParticleInConeGunProducer' # change part gun type if needed, keep opt.gunType unchanged (E or Pt) for the "primary particle"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -361,6 +369,7 @@ def submitHGCalProduction():

elif (opt.DTIER == 'RECO' or opt.DTIER == 'NTUP'):
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52 changes: 36 additions & 16 deletions templates/
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Expand Up @@ -78,22 +78,42 @@
from Configuration.AlCa.GlobalTag import GlobalTag
process.GlobalTag = GlobalTag(process.GlobalTag, 'auto:phase2_realistic', '')

process.generator = cms.EDProducer("GUNPRODUCERTYPE",
AddAntiParticle = cms.bool(True),
PGunParameters = cms.PSet(
MaxEta = cms.double(3.0),
MaxPhi = cms.double(3.14159265359),
MinEta = cms.double(1.479),
MinPhi = cms.double(-3.14159265359),
PartID = cms.vint32(DUMMYIDs)
Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
firstRun = cms.untracked.uint32(1),
psethack = cms.string('multiple particles predefined pT/E eta 1p479 to 3')
gunmode = 'GUNMODE'

if gunmode == 'default':
process.generator = cms.EDProducer("GUNPRODUCERTYPE",
AddAntiParticle = cms.bool(True),
PGunParameters = cms.PSet(
MaxEta = cms.double(3.0),
MaxPhi = cms.double(3.14159265359),
MinEta = cms.double(1.479),
MinPhi = cms.double(-3.14159265359),
PartID = cms.vint32(DUMMYIDs)
Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
firstRun = cms.untracked.uint32(1),
psethack = cms.string('multiple particles predefined pT/E eta 1p479 to 3')
elif gunmode == 'pythia8':
process.generator = cms.EDFilter("GUNPRODUCERTYPE",
maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(1),
pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1),
pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(True),
PGunParameters = cms.PSet(
ParticleID = cms.vint32(DUMMYIDs),
AddAntiParticle = cms.bool(True),
MinPhi = cms.double(-3.14159265359),
MaxPhi = cms.double(3.14159265359),
MinEta = cms.double(1.479),
MaxEta = cms.double(3.0)
PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(parameterSets = cms.vstring())

# Path and EndPath definitions
process.generation_step = cms.Path(process.pgen)
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