Easy python package that allow install, configure and use Semantic UI Framework with a Django project (Python 3.x).
- npm (last stable version)
- Python 3.6.x
- Django 2.x.x
- Install gulp (CLI), the version 3.9.1 is the available to work with Semantic UI Framework.
$ sudo npm install -g [email protected]
- Install the django2-semantic-ui package:
$ pip install django2-semantic-ui
- Configure django2-semantic-ui in the settings.py:
- Running the install command
$ python manage.py semantic_ui install
NOTE: You need to define the settings required to install semantic-ui module, see: Install Semantic
- You can use the follow options when the semantic-ui module is configured:
❯ Automatic (Use default locations and all components)
? We detected you are using NPM Nice! Is this your project folder? /home/franklinitiel/Documents/TSJ/projects/personal/python_tests/semanticui/static (Use arrow keys)
❯ Yes
? Where should we put Semantic UI inside your project? (semantic/) semantic
- Running the gulp build command
$ python manage.py semantic_ui gulp_build
- Add 'django.template.context_processors.static' to context_processors option on the TEMPLATES settings
# settings.py
# TEMPLATES settings
'context_processors': [
- Configure the static files and folder, see: Managing static files
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
- Add CSS and JS to your django project
{% load dsu %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Semantic UI Test</title>
{% dsu_stylesheet_url %}
<!-- Your HTML code -->
{% dsu_jquery_url %}
{% dsu_javascript_url %}
- Configure the static files and folder, see: Managing static files
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')
- And execute the collectstatic command
$ python manage.py collectstatic
- GULP_VERSION by default is None, if you want to install a specific version of gulp module (local), you can use this settings, by example:
# settings.py
GULP_VERSION = '3.9.1'
- SEMANTIC_UI_VERSION by default is None, if you want to install a specific version of semantic-ui module (local), you can use this settings, by example:
# settings.py
- SEMANTIC_DIRNAME by default is 'semantic'', if you have defined a custom dirname for the JS and CSS files when the Semantic UI Framework was installed (step 4), you need to add it on this settings.
# settings.py
- DSU_JQUERY_URL by default is 'https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.min.js', if you have defined a custom path to you jquery, so, you can use this template tag.
# settings.py
DSU_JQUERY_URL = '...your jquery path...'
- You can uninstall Semantic UI Framework and Gulp (local version) using the follow command:
$ python manage.py semantic_ui uninstall && pip uninstall django2-semantic-ui
- 1.0.0: Initial and beta version (only installation and settings).
- 1.0.1: New settings added on the README.md file
- 1.1.0: Logic updated to install / uninstall django-semantic-ui, new settings added.
- 1.1.1: README.md updated
- 1.1.2: README.md updated
- 1.2.0: New templatetags added to load the javascripts and stylesheets files
- 1.2.1: README.md updated, bugs fixed to execute the command "python manage.py runserver" after installed.
- 1.2.2: Bug fixes execute the command "pytho manage.py runserver"