This tool offers the preliminary drafting of a grid layout consisting of containers, rows and columns, allows you to correctly define the spaces assigned to each page content, and to map these spaces for the different responsive steps.
The full documentation is at
warning: | ATTENTION !!! This package requires django-cms already installed. |
Install Django CMS bootstrap grid builder:
pip install django-cms-bootstrap-grid-builder
Add it to your INSTALLED_APPS:
The first thing to do is to override the page creation wizard with the one offered by the package.
# project/
from cms.cms_wizards import cms_page_wizard, cms_subpage_wizard
from bootstrap_grid_builder.cms_wizards import cms_wizards
from cms.wizards.wizard_pool import wizard_pool
A variable must be defined to specify the name of the placeholder that will contain the plugins generated by the page creation wizard.
Add the placeholder name inside your home.html template like this:
{% load cms_tags sekizai_tags %}
<title>{% page_attribute "page_title" %}</title>
{% render_block "css" %}
{% cms_toolbar %}
{% placeholder "grid_placeholder" %}
{% render_block "js" %}
Then run migrate to apply package migrations:
$ python migrate
You can customize the wizard-generated plugins to add functionality or fields to the basic implementation of the tool.
The plugins registered by the package are:
- GridContainerPlugin
- GridRowPlugin
- GridColPlugin
To modify one of these plugins you need:
- Create an associated model in which to add your own field.
- Create a plugin in which to insert the field previously added to the model and make the unregister of the base plugin and the register of the plugin just created.
# your_app/
class MyCustomGridContainerPluginModel(GridContainerPluginAbstractModel):
my_field = models.CharField("My Field", max_length=255)
class Meta:
verbose_name = _("My Custom grid container plugin")
verbose_name_plural = _("My Custom grid container plugins")
# your_app/
class MyCustomGridContainerPlugin(GridContainerPlugin):
model = MyCustomGridContainerPluginModel
module = _("Custom")
name = _("Custom Grid Container")
render_template = 'path/to/my/custom/template.html'
fieldsets = (
(None, {"fields": (
("variant_class", "tag_type",),
Following these changes it is necessary to set variables in the file to specify the name of the plugin that must be generated by the wizard instead of the base plugin.
# project/
GRID_CONTAINER_PLUGIN = "MyCustomGridContainerPlugin"
# this are the others plugins variables
After models creation run makemigration & migrate to create yours models in database.
$ python makemigrations $ python migrate
source <YOURVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate (myenv) $ pip install tox (myenv) $ tox
# Back-end $ pip install -r requirements_dev.txt $ pre-commit install $ python migrate $ python runserver
This is a Vue.js application for creating custom bootstrap grids throughout an intuitive interface and draggable elements
The page-layout-builder component is compatible with modern browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Edge. It also supports Internet Explorer 11 but with limited performance.
/django-cms-bootstrap-grid-builder/src ├─ main.js //Entrypoint for build ├─ index.js //Entrypoint for development ├─ components │ ├─ CustomDragElement.vue │ ├─ page-layout-builder.vue │ ├─ GridItem.vue │ ├─ GridLayout.vue │ └─ index.js └─ helpers ├─ DOM.js ├─ draggableUtils.js ├─ responsiveUtils.js └─ utils.js
The informations obtained from the interface configuration are serialized into a JSON object and sent to the backend wich replicates the desired grid structure with Django plugins templates
# Front-end $ npm i -g yarn rimraf @vue/cliz $ yarn install $ yarn serve (for development, lauches local live reloading server) $ yarn build (for production build, creates dist at django-cms-bootstrap-grid-builder/bootstrap_grid_builder/static/cms_plugin_structure/dist)
Tools used in rendering this package: