I am a Post-Doc in the Remote Sensing of Environmental Changes (RSE) Group in the Department of Geography at the University of Zurich. Previously, I got a PhD in geomatics at LabMGF at Politecnico di Milano. My work focuses on photogrammetry and SfM for glacier monitoring.
I am contributing to Deep-Image-Matching, a multiview matching library with deep-learning and hand-crafted local features for COLMAP and other SfM software. For my PhD thesis I developed ICEpy4D, a python package for performing 4D monitoring of an alpine glacier by using low-cost stereo cameras, Deep Learning and photogrammetry, and I am I also work on integration of UAV photogrammetry, Terrestrial Laser Scanning and topographic techniques for structural health assessment, with a particular fP
I am a UAV pilot, licensed to operate in critical scenarios.