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Rodrigo Fraga edited this page Mar 25, 2015 · 9 revisions

This guide will help you install git v.1.9.5 in order to develop it for AX.

  1. Download git version 1.9.5 and run the setup
  2. When prompted to adjusting your PATH environment, select "Use Git Bash only"
  3. When prompted with "Configuring the line ending conversions" select "checkout windows-style commit unix-style line endings"
  4. Follow the instructions until the end

Configuring Git

  1. Open the Bash
  2. Type in the following command to make sure you have Git version 1.9.5

$ git --version

  1. Configure your username and email. This will identify your commits

$ git config --global yourname [email protected]

  1. Check if the value has been set

$ git config --get-all

$ git config --get-all

Cloning the Gitax repository

  1. Open windows services (start --> Run --> services.msc)
  2. Check which service user Dynamics AX 2012 AOS is running as
  3. Fork this repo by clicking in the fork action, refer to your repository http path
  4. Open a new bash window and clone the repo

$ git clone

  1. When you cloned git created the set of directories, go to the top level 'gitax' folder
  2. Let's add the upstream remote

$ git remote add upstream

  1. Now let's fetch the upstream repo

$ git fetch upstream

Your basic Git setup is now done

Additional tools


A great tool to be used along git is GitExtensions. It can be downloaded here and it's open source.