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This closes #230.
  • Loading branch information
edsko committed Aug 20, 2014
1 parent 9373da6 commit 7dda472
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Showing 6 changed files with 209 additions and 177 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion IdeSession/GHC/API.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import IdeSession.GHC.Responses
-- We use a Unix timestamp for this so that these API versions have some
-- semantics (, GMT).
ideBackendApiVersion :: Int
ideBackendApiVersion = 1404917596
ideBackendApiVersion = 1408541026

Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions IdeSession/GHC/Client.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -308,12 +308,12 @@ rpcPrint :: GhcServer -> Public.Name -> Bool -> Bool -> IO Public.VariableEnv
rpcPrint server var bind forceEval = ghcRpc server (ReqPrint var bind forceEval)

-- | Load an object file
rpcLoad :: GhcServer -> FilePath -> IO Bool
rpcLoad server path = ghcRpc server (ReqLoad path False)
rpcLoad :: GhcServer -> [FilePath] -> IO Bool
rpcLoad server objects = ghcRpc server (ReqLoad objects)

-- | Unload an object file
rpcUnload :: GhcServer -> FilePath -> IO ()
rpcUnload server path = ghcRpc server (ReqLoad path True)
rpcUnload :: GhcServer -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
rpcUnload server objects = ghcRpc server (ReqUnload objects)

-- | Crash the GHC server (for debugging purposes)
rpcCrash :: GhcServer -> Maybe Int -> IO ()
Expand Down
19 changes: 12 additions & 7 deletions IdeSession/GHC/Requests.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,8 +59,10 @@ data GhcRequest
, reqPrintForce :: Bool
| ReqLoad {
reqLoadPath :: FilePath
, reqLoadUnload :: Bool
reqLoad :: [FilePath]
| ReqUnload {
reqUnload :: [FilePath]
| ReqSetGhcOpts {
reqSetGhcOpts :: [String]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,10 +137,12 @@ instance Binary GhcRequest where
put reqPrintForce
put ReqLoad{..} = do
putWord8 6
put reqLoadPath
put reqLoadUnload
put ReqSetGhcOpts{..} = do
put reqLoad
put ReqUnload{..} = do
putWord8 7
put reqUnload
put ReqSetGhcOpts{..} = do
putWord8 8
put reqSetGhcOpts
put ReqCrash{..} = do
putWord8 255
Expand All @@ -153,8 +157,9 @@ instance Binary GhcRequest where
3 -> ReqSetArgs <$> get
4 -> ReqBreakpoint <$> get <*> get <*> get
5 -> ReqPrint <$> get <*> get <*> get
6 -> ReqLoad <$> get <*> get
7 -> ReqSetGhcOpts <$> get
6 -> ReqLoad <$> get
7 -> ReqUnload <$> get
8 -> ReqSetGhcOpts <$> get
255 -> ReqCrash <$> get
_ -> fail "GhcRequest.get: invalid header"

Expand Down
219 changes: 90 additions & 129 deletions IdeSession/Update/ExecuteSessionUpdate.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Data.Accessor (Accessor, (.>))
import Data.Accessor.Monad.MTL.State (get, modify, set)
import Data.Digest.Pure.MD5 (MD5Digest)
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, maybeToList, catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.FilePath (makeRelative, (</>), takeExtension, replaceExtension, dropFileName)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ executeSessionUpdate justRestarted IdeSessionUpdate{..} = do

-- Recompile C files; we do this after setting options because some ghc
-- options are passed to the C compiler (#218)
(numActions, cErrors) <- recompileObjectFiles
(numActions, cErrors) <- updateObjectFiles

let needsRecompile =
-- We recompile both when source code and when data files change
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,137 +272,97 @@ executeUpdateGhcOpts opts = do
Recompile object files

-- | In 'recompileObjectFiles' we first collect a number of 'RecompileAction's,
-- before executing them. This makes it possible to generate better progress
-- messages.
data RecompileAction = RecompileAction {
recompileActionUnload :: Maybe FilePath
, recompileActionCompile :: FilePath

data RecompileResult = RecompileResult {
recompileResultErrors :: [SourceError]
, recompileResultUnload :: [FilePath]
, recompileResultLoad :: [(FilePath, FilePath)]

instance Monoid RecompileResult where
mempty = RecompileResult {
recompileResultErrors = []
, recompileResultUnload = []
, recompileResultLoad = []
a `mappend` b = RecompileResult {
recompileResultErrors = recompileResultErrors a ++ recompileResultErrors b
, recompileResultUnload = recompileResultUnload a ++ recompileResultUnload b
, recompileResultLoad = recompileResultLoad a ++ recompileResultLoad b

-- | Recompile any C files that need recompiling; if any, also mark all Haskell
-- modules are requiring recompilation.
-- | Recompile any C files that need recompiling and mark all Haskell modules
-- that require recompilation.
-- Returns the number of actions that were executed, so we can adjust
-- Progress messages returned by ghc
recompileObjectFiles :: ExecuteSessionUpdate (Int, [SourceError])
recompileObjectFiles = do
-- We first figure out what to do so that we can give better error messages
recompileActions <- collectRecompileActions

-- Execute the actions (calling gcc on each object file)
RecompileResult{..} <- executeRecompileActions recompileActions

-- Unload old object files
forM_ recompileResultUnload $ rpcUnload

-- load new object files
loadErrors <- forM recompileResultLoad $ \(relObj, absObj) -> do
didLoad <- rpcLoad absObj
return [ SourceError {
errorKind = KindError
, errorSpan = TextSpan (Text.pack "No location information")
, errorMsg = Text.pack $ "Failed to load " ++ relObj
| not didLoad

-- Mark all Haskell files as updated if any C files changed
markAsUpdated $ update (map recompileActionCompile recompileActions)

-- Return number of actions (so we can adjust further progressm messages)
-- as well as all errors that happened during compilation/object loading
return (length recompileActions, recompileResultErrors ++ concat loadErrors)
-- Returns the number of actions that were executed, so we can adjust Progress
-- messages returned by ghc.
updateObjectFiles :: ExecuteSessionUpdate (Int, [SourceError])
updateObjectFiles = do
-- We first figure out which files are updated so that we can number
-- progress messages
outdated <- outdatedObjectFiles

if not (null outdated)
then do
-- When C files change, the addresses of the symbols exported in the
-- corresponding object files may change. To make sure that these
-- changes are properly propagated, we unload and reload all object
-- files (so that we reapply symbol resolution, necessary in case the
-- object files refer to each other), and we mark all Haskell modules
-- as updated so that we will recompile them.
-- NOTE: When using HscInterpreted/LinkInMemory C symbols get resolved
-- during compilation, not during a separate linking step. To be
-- precise, they get resolved from deep inside the compiler. Example
-- callchain:
-- > lookupStaticPtr <-- does the resolution
-- > called by generateCCall
-- > called by schemeT
-- > called by schemeE
-- > called by doCase
-- > called by schemeE
-- > called by schemeER_wrk
-- > called by schemeR_wrk
-- > called by schemeR
-- > called by schemeTopBind
-- > called by byteCodeGen
-- > called by hscInteractive
-- Hence, we really need to recompile, rather than just relink.
cErrors <- recompileCFiles outdated
objErrors <- rpcLoadObjectFiles
markAsUpdated $ dependenciesOf outdated
return (length outdated, cErrors ++ objErrors)
return (0, [])
-- NOTE: When using HscInterpreted/LinkInMemory, then C symbols get
-- resolved during compilation, not during a separate linking step. To be
-- precise, they get resolved from deep inside the compiler. Example
-- callchain:
-- > lookupStaticPtr <-- does the resolution
-- > called by generateCCall
-- > called by schemeT
-- > called by schemeE
-- > called by doCase
-- > called by schemeE
-- > called by schemeER_wrk
-- > called by schemeR_wrk
-- > called by schemeR
-- > called by schemeTopBind
-- > called by byteCodeGen
-- > called by hscInteractive
-- Hence, we really need to recompile, rather than just relink.
-- TODO: If we knew which Haskell modules depended on which C files,
-- we should do better here. For now we recompile all Haskell modules
-- whenever any C file gets recompiled.
update :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Bool
update recompiled src = not (null recompiled)
&& takeExtension src == ".hs"

executeRecompileActions :: [RecompileAction] -> ExecuteSessionUpdate RecompileResult
executeRecompileActions actions = do
-- We don't know what the dependencies of the C files are, so we just
-- reload _all_ Haskell modules
dependenciesOf :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Bool
dependenciesOf _recompiled src = takeExtension src == ".hs"

recompileCFiles :: [FilePath] -> ExecuteSessionUpdate [SourceError]
recompileCFiles cFiles = do
callback <- asks ideUpdateCallback
sessionDir <- asks $ ideSessionDir . ideUpdateStaticInfo

let srcDir, objDir :: FilePath
srcDir = ideSessionSourceDir sessionDir
objDir = ideSessionObjDir sessionDir

results <- forM (zip actions [1..]) $ \(RecompileAction{..}, i) -> do
let relC = recompileActionCompile
relObj = replaceExtension relC ".o"
errorss <- forM (zip cFiles [1..]) $ \(relC, i) -> do
let relObj = replaceExtension relC ".o"
absC = srcDir </> relC
absObj = objDir </> relObj

let msg = "Compiling " ++ recompileActionCompile
let msg = "Compiling " ++ relC
callback $ Progress {
progressStep = i
, progressNumSteps = length actions
, progressNumSteps = length cFiles
, progressParsedMsg = Just (Text.pack msg)
, progressOrigMsg = Just (Text.pack msg)

liftIO $ Dir.createDirectoryIfMissing True (dropFileName absObj)

recompileResultErrors <- runGcc absC absObj objDir
recompileResultLoad <- if null recompileResultErrors
errors <- runGcc absC absObj objDir
if null errors
then do
ts' <- updateFileTimes absObj
set (ideObjectFiles .> lookup' relC) (Just (absObj, ts'))
return [(relObj, absObj)]
else do
set (ideObjectFiles .> lookup' relC) Nothing
return []

return RecompileResult {
recompileResultUnload = maybeToList recompileActionUnload
, ..
return errors

return $ mconcat results
return $ concat errorss

collectRecompileActions :: ExecuteSessionUpdate [RecompileAction]
collectRecompileActions = do
-- | Figure out which C files need to be recompiled
outdatedObjectFiles :: ExecuteSessionUpdate [FilePath]
outdatedObjectFiles = do
IdeStaticInfo{..} <- asks ideUpdateStaticInfo
managedFiles <- get (ideManagedFiles .> managedSource)

Expand All @@ -411,26 +371,19 @@ collectRecompileActions = do
$ map (\(fp, (_, ts)) -> (fp, ts))
$ managedFiles

mActions <- forM cFiles $ \(c_fp, c_ts) -> do
mOutdated <- forM cFiles $ \(c_fp, c_ts) -> do
-- ideObjectFiles is indexed by the names of the corresponding C files
mObjFile <- get (ideObjectFiles .> lookup' c_fp)
return $ case mObjFile of
-- No existing object file: need to recompile, nothing to unload
Nothing -> Just RecompileAction {
recompileActionUnload = Nothing
, recompileActionCompile = c_fp
-- No existing object file yet
Nothing -> Just c_fp
-- We _do_ have an existing object file, and it is older than
-- the C file. We need to unload the object file and recompile.
Just (obj_fp, obj_ts) | obj_ts < c_ts -> Just RecompileAction {
recompileActionUnload = Just obj_fp
, recompileActionCompile = c_fp
-- Otherwise (existing object file is newer than C file) we don't
-- have to do anything
-- the C file. We need to recompile
Just (_, obj_ts) | obj_ts < c_ts -> Just c_fp
-- Otherwise we don't have to do anything
_ -> Nothing

return $ catMaybes mActions
return $ catMaybes mOutdated

-- | Call gcc via ghc, with the same parameters cabal uses.
runGcc :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> ExecuteSessionUpdate [SourceError]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -745,15 +698,24 @@ rpcSetGhcOpts = do
unrecognized :: String -> String
unrecognized str = "Unrecognized option " ++ show str

rpcLoad :: FilePath -> ExecuteSessionUpdate Bool
rpcLoad fp = do
IdeIdleState{..} <- get id
liftIO $ GHC.rpcLoad _ideGhcServer fp

rpcUnload :: FilePath -> ExecuteSessionUpdate ()
rpcUnload fp = do
IdeIdleState{..} <- get id
liftIO $ GHC.rpcUnload _ideGhcServer fp
-- | Unload all current object files
rpcUnloadObjectFiles :: ExecuteSessionUpdate ()
rpcUnloadObjectFiles = do
IdeIdleState{..} <- get id
liftIO $ GHC.rpcUnload _ideGhcServer $ map (fst . snd) _ideObjectFiles

-- | Reload all current object files
rpcLoadObjectFiles :: ExecuteSessionUpdate [SourceError]
rpcLoadObjectFiles = do
IdeIdleState{..} <- get id
didLoad <- liftIO $ GHC.rpcLoad _ideGhcServer $ map (fst . snd) _ideObjectFiles
return [ SourceError {
errorKind = KindError
, errorSpan = TextSpan (Text.pack "No location information")
, errorMsg = Text.pack "Failure during object loading"
| not didLoad

Auxiliary (generic)
Expand All @@ -765,4 +727,3 @@ maybeSet acc (Just new) = do
old <- get acc
if old /= new then set acc new >> return True
else return False


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