By following this guide you will deploy a mocked banking API, expose it via the Kong API gateway. It will demonstrate the following Kong features:
- API Proxy
- Load balancing
- Consumers
- File Log
Install JSON server for mocking endpoints:
npm install -g json-server
Create an entry in /etc/hosts
Run two JSON server instances, which will answer to /accounts
and /payments
json-server --watch db.json --middlewares logger.js --port 3000
json-server --watch db.json --middlewares logger.js --port 3001
Run Kong and Cassandra:
docker-compose up
Afterwards import the Kong.postman_collection.json
into Postman.
Execute all requests in the Setup... folders one after another. Remember to store the output of the Create JWT requests, as it contains the information which is required to generate JWTs afterwards, e.g.
"secret": "EeJvCSslK5PQaToOwb3Gn5h7sygikrqf",
"key": "snJv2d02Llv6rcbI7tJRzwwH2LIybRyF",
"consumer": {
"id": "5f39bf25-ff19-4675-851e-caf95b39b9b3"
"rsa_public_key": null,
"created_at": 1620823373,
"algorithm": "HS256",
"tags": null,
"id": "1343748c-787d-4b53-8e9e-8aa8f0856cf0"
In order to access the APIs behind the gateway, you need to generate JWTs for the example users Joe and Judy. Therefore, navigate to and add the following information: Payload
"iss": "<key-from-previous-step>"
Afterwards copy the resulting JWT and copy it into the Authorization
header of the examples.
In a real world API, JWT authentication should be implemented as following: