A knife plugin for the VMware® vCloud API.
It uses vcloud-rest to communicate with a VMware vCloud Director instance.
This plugin is distributed as a Ruby Gem. To install it, run:
gem install knife-vcloud
Depending on your system's configuration, you may need to run this command with root privileges.
- login/logout
- list/show Organizations
- show VDCs
- show Catalogs
- show Catalog Items
- create/start/stop/delete/show/reset/suspend/reboot/discard suspended vApps and VMs
- add/edit/delete vApp networks (both internal and external)
- basic VM network configuration
- basic VM Guest Customization configuration
- OVF upload
- chef
- knife-windows
- vcloud-rest
(see knife-vcloud.gemspec for details)
###Available commands
knife vc catalog item show [CATALOG_ITEM] (options)
knife vc catalog show [CATALOG] (options)
knife vc configure (options)
knife vc login (options)
knife vc network show [network] (options)
knife vc org list (options)
knife vc org show (options)
knife vc vapp bootstrap [VAPP] (options)
knife vc vapp clone [VDC] [SOURCE_VAPP] [DEST_NAME] (options)
knife vc vapp create [VDC] [NAME] [DESCRIPTION] [TEMPLATE_ID] (options)
knife vc vapp delete [VAPP] (options)
knife vc vapp discard suspended [VAPP] (options)
knife vc vapp network external [add|delete|edit| [VAPP] [NETWORK] (options)
knife vc vapp network internal [add|delete|edit| [VAPP] [NETWORK] (options)
knife vc vapp reboot [VAPP] (options)
knife vc vapp reset [VAPP] (options)
knife vc vapp show VAPP (options)
knife vc vapp snapshot [create|revert] [VAPP] (options)
knife vc vapp start [VAPP] (options)
knife vc vapp stop [VAPP] (options)
knife vc vapp suspend [VAPP] (options)
knife vc vdc show VDC (options)
knife vc vm bootstrap [VM] (options)
knife vc vm config guest [VM] (options)
knife vc vm network [add|delete|edit| [VM] [NETWORK] (options)
knife vc vm reboot [VM] (options)
knife vc vm reset [VM] (options)
knife vc vm set disks [VM] (options)
knife vc vm set info [VM] (options)
knife vc vm show VM (options)
knife vc vm start [VM] (options)
knife vc vm stop [VM] (options)
knife vc vm suspend [VM] (options)
A first configuration should be done using knife vc configure
that would prompt user for
credentials and vCloud URL.
$ bundle exec knife vc configure
Loading existing pem
vCloud URL (https://mycloud.test.com):
vCloud username (testuser):
Other configuration options can be set either via arguments or inside the .chef/knife.rb file. The only difference is that in knife.rb dashes must be converted to underscores and vcloud_ must be prepended.
E.g., $ ... --org-login XXX
becomes knife[:vcloud_org_login] = 'XXX'
in knife.rb.
The following options specify, respectively, the url of the vCloud instance and the API version to use:
--url URL
--api-version API_VERSION
The following options specify user's credentials and thus are accepted by every command:
--user-login USER
--org-login ORGANIZATION
Knife.rb configuration example:
knife[:vcloud_url] = 'https://vcloud.server.org'
knife[:vcloud_org_login] = 'vcloud_organization'
knife[:vcloud_user_login] = 'vcloud_user'
knife[:vcloud_password] = <MUST BE GENERATED WITH knife vc configure>
(OPTIONAL) knife[:vcloud_api_version] = '1.5'
####IDs and names Most commands accept both names and IDs. For searches based on names, in general, at least --vdc must be specified.
The examples in this document try to use names whenever is possible. Keep in mind that ID-based search is still in place but will be dropped in future releases.
$ knife vc vapp delete a3f81395-4eda-43b0-8677-b2d597014979
Note: --vdc not specified, assuming VAPP is an ID
Do you really want to DELETE vApp TestAppN (ID: a3f81395-4eda-43b0-8677-b2d597014979)? (Y/N) Y
Default --vdc and --vapp can be set in knife.rb.
For the sake of simplicity, the following examples assume that --vdc
is configured in knife.rb.
knife[:vcloud_vdc] = "vDC_Test"
knife[:vcloud_vapp] = "Test"
Using a vCloud System Administrator account is possible to browse several organizations and thus --org can be used to specify different organizations.
Only --org-login is valid for other users. If --org is used by those users, a warning is shown:
WARNING: --org option is available only for vCloud System Administrators. Using --org-login ('test')
###Login This command can be used to verify that vCloud Director can be reached and credentials are correct.
$ knife vc login
Authenticated successfully, code: 9NkgOPh8tH6hPmujAvc99UBSyuqm713/23mFW1f7lJ0=
###List organizations This command lists the available organizations.
$ knife vc org list
Name ID
TEST-ORG 9f3ac2a8-92dd-4921-b48b-85b42f4d247c
###Show organization's details This command shows details about a given organization.
$ knife vc org show TEST-ORG
Name ID
Catalog_1 7414bc46-44fc-44ed-9844-0aa6ea9f5cf9
Catalog_2 97a1e07f-7c1a-49fe-9cda-6ccfd4658ab7
Name ID
Test_vDC_1 440d5134-d2dd-4be7-8692-79a28c86f55b
Name ID
TestNet_1 35e5bed1-8475-4fd9-b495-ed1f062ca9c1
TestNet_2 d56d8035-4b9e-454e-aa75-6ff450fb432d
Name ID
<unnamed list> 9f3ac2a8-92dd-4921-b48b-85b42f4d247c
###Show catalog's details This command shows details about a given catalog.
$ knife vc catalog show Catalog_1
Description: Test Catalog description
Name ID
CentOS 6.3 40e5e071-8231-46c1-92b7-fbe8f633e259
###Show catalog item's details This command shows details about a given catalog item. e.g., retrieve a template ID
$ knife vc catalog item show CentOS 6.3 --catalog Catalog_1
Description: Linux CentOS 64 bit 6 update 3
Name Template ID
CentOS 6.3 edb5bb2f-58bc-4a44-aaf6-c244543e4a1b
###Show vDC's details This command shows details about a given vDC.
$ knife vc vdc show Test_vDC_1
Name ID Status IP
TestKnife (1 VMs) 09551b42-dca9-474d-aa50-201b223522db running
TestCENTOS (1 VMs) 4338a436-19fc-47b9-aaba-024841acfd66 stopped
###Manage vApp/VM status vApp/VM's status can be managed with start/stop/reboot/reset/suspend/delete
A suspended state can be discarded, it means that a vApp/VM is switched from paused to stopped.
Note: use knife vc vm... to operate on VMs.
$ knife vc vapp start clone3
vApp startup...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 2.967 seconds
###Create vApp from template This command creates a vApp starting from a template (see catalog item).
$ knife vc vapp create vDC_Test clone4 "Create example" 89e33fd7-04a7-4b5f-830b-2423c41089e3
vApp creation...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 28.967 seconds
vApp created with ID: 9cdd92ad-ab65-467f-abe1-075e35c050ec
###Show vApp's details This command shows details about a given vApp.
$ knife vc vapp show TEST_CENTOS
Status: running
Gateway Netmask Fence Mode Parent Network Retain Info bridged TST_Data false
Gateway Netmask Fence Mode Parent Network Retain Info bridged TST_FE false
Name Status IPs ID Scoped ID
CENTOS63 stopped 83f6aeb3-f624-4a79-9e6b-23e162893daf 69b0fe46-224f-4266-a424-2fe16ca99ff7
###vApp's network configuration
External vApp networks (from vDC) can be added, removed and modified using the vapp network external command.
Add example:
$ knife vc vapp network external add test_vapp4 TST_DATA
Forcing parent network to itself
Adding TST_Data to vApp...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 2.72 seconds
Edit example:
Delete example:
$ knife vc vapp network external delete test_vapp4 TST_Data
Removing TST_Data from vApp...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 2.63 seconds
Internal vApp networks can be added, removed and modified using the vapp network internal command.
Add example:
$ knife vc vapp network internal add test_vapp4 INT_NET
Dns suffix: test.suffix.local
Start address:
End address:
Adding INT_NET to vApp...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 6.88 seconds
# Note that options can also be specified on the command line
$ knife vc vapp network internal add test_vapp4 INT_NET --gateway ""...
Edit example:
## Add a parent network to this internal network
# Note that FenceMode is automatically set to natRouted
## PRE-edit
Gateway Netmask Fence Mode Parent Network Retain Network isolated TST_FE true
Gateway Netmask Fence Mode Parent Network Retain Network bridged TST_FE false
$ knife vc vapp network internal edit test_vapp4 INT_NET --parent-network TST_FE
Retrieving parent network details
Setting a parent network for an internal network requires fence mode natRouted. Fixing it...
vApp network configuration for INT_NET...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 5.324 seconds
## POST-edit
Gateway Netmask Fence Mode Parent Network Retain Network natRouted TST_FE true
Gateway Netmask Fence Mode Parent Network Retain Network bridged TST_FE false
Delete example:
$ knife vc vapp network internal delete test_vapp4 INT_NET
Removing INT_NET from vApp...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 5.05 seconds
###Clone a vApp This command clones an existing vApp.
$ knife vc vapp clone vDC_Test clone_vAPP clone3
Cloning vApp...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 24.69 seconds
vApp cloned with ID: 587210aa-cf92-48e8-8f37-07e058c0116f
###Show VM's details This command shows details about a given VM.
$ knife vc vm show TestVM --vapp TEST_CENTOS
VM Name: centos64-x64-s
OS Name: CentOS 4/5/6 (64-bit)
Status: running
Number of Virtual CPUs 2 virtual CPU(s)
Memory Size 1024 MB of memory
Hard disk 1 16384 MB
Index 0
External ip
Is connected true
Mac address 00:50:21:02:01:27
Ip allocation mode POOL
Guest Customizations
Enabled true
Admin passwd enabled false
Admin passwd auto false
Admin passwd xxxxxxxx
Reset passwd required false
Computer name centos64-x64-s
###Set VM's CPUs / Memory / Name This command sets name, CPUs and RAM info for a given VM.
Renaming a VM implies renaming its guest name.
Use --no-override-guest-name
if you want to preserve the old name.
$ knife vc vm set info --name NewName --vapp vApp_test vm-test
Renaming VM from vm-test to NewName
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 7.66 seconds
$ knife vc vm set info --ram 512 --vapp vApp_test vm-test
VM setting RAM info...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 7.69 seconds
$ knife vc vm set info --cpu 2 --vapp vApp_test vm-test
VM setting CPUs info...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 5.19 seconds
###Set VM's disks This command manages disks for a given VM.
# Create a new disk
$ knife vc vm set disks --add --disk-size 3000 --vapp vApp_test vm-test
VM setting Disks info...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 6.12 seconds
# Resize an existing disk (note that disk size can only be increased)
$ knife vc vm set disks --disk-name "Hard disk 2" --disk-size 3500 --vapp vApp_test vm-test
VM setting Disks info...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 6.69 seconds
# Delete an existing disk
$ knife vc vm set disks --disk-name "Hard disk 2" --delete --vapp vApp_test vm-test
Do you really want to DELETE disk Hard disk 2? (Y/N) Y
VM setting Disks info...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 7.21 seconds
###VM's network configuration VM networks can be added, removed and modified using the vm network command. This commands allows for basic VM network configuration and accepts several options to configure a given network (see knife vc vm network --help for details).
Please note that you must use the human readable name of the network (i.e., TestNet_1).
Add example:
$ knife vc vm network edit testvm TST_Data
Forcing parent network to itself
VM network configuration...
Guest customizations must be applied to a stopped VM, but it's running. Can I STOP it? (Y/N) y
Stopping VM...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 1.617 seconds
Adding TST_Data to VM...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 5.866 seconds
Forcing Guest Customization to apply changes...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 13.387 seconds
Edit example:
$ knife vc vm network edit testvm TST_Data --ip-allocation-mode DHCP
Forcing parent network to itself
VM network configuration...
Guest customizations must be applied to a stopped VM, but it's running. Can I STOP it? (Y/N) y
Stopping VM...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 5.34 seconds
VM network configuration for TST_Data...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 3.397 seconds
Forcing Guest Customization to apply changes...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 8.01 seconds
Delete example:
$ knife vc vm network delete test_vm TST_Data
VM network configuration...
Guest customizations must be applied to a stopped VM, but it's running. Can I STOP it? (Y/N) y
Stopping VM...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 4.77 seconds
Removing TST_Data from VM...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 3.614 seconds
Forcing Guest Customization to apply changes...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 11.194 seconds
###VM's Guest Customization configuration This command allows for basic VM Guest Customization configuration. By default it forces a guest customization, use --no-force to disable it.
Please note that the vapp must be turned off.
There are several options that can be specified.
- admin-passwd: change guest admin password
- script: load a given file and use it as guest customization script
- guest-computer-name: change guest name
$ knife vc vm config guest test_vm --vapp test_vapp1 --script guest_script.txt
VM guest configuration...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 5.23 seconds
Forcing Guest Customization...
Summary: Status: success - time elapsed: 2.567 seconds
It's also possible to upload a customization script using script:
$ knife vc vm config guest ... --script script_filename.txt
It's possible to bootstrap single VMs or every VM of a vApp.
# Bootstrap every VM belonging to test_vapp
$ knife vc vapp bootstrap test_vapp
Bootstrap VM: SMALL_CentOS6.4-x86_64...
Trying to reach xxxx (try 1/5)
xxxx:22 replied with: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.9p1 Debian-5ubuntu1
Bootstrap IP: xxxx
Bootstrapping Chef on xxxx
xxxx Starting Chef Client, version 11.6.2
# Bootstrap a single VM
$ knife vc vm bootstrap SMALL_CentOS6.4-x86_64 --vapp test_vapp
Bootstrap VM: SMALL_CentOS6.4-x86_64...
Trying to reach xxxx (try 1/5)
xxxx:22 replied with: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.9p1 Debian-5ubuntu1
Bootstrap IP: xxxx
Bootstrapping Chef on xxxx
xxxx Starting Chef Client, version 11.6.2
Since a VM may have several addresses, these commands loop over them until they find a reachable one.
$ knife vc vapp bootstrap test_vapp
Bootstrap VM: SMALL_CentOS6.4-x86_64...
Trying to reach (try 1/5)
Unable to reach => Connection refused - connect(2)
Trying to reach xxxx (try 1/5)
xxxx:22 replied with: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.9p1 Debian-5ubuntu1
Bootstrap IP: xxxx
Bootstrapping Chef on xxxx
xxxx Starting Chef Client, version 11.6.2
Upload a given OVF.
$ knife vc ovf upload VDC Catalog TemplateName "Example ovf upload" centos64.ovf
Uploading OVF...
Time: 00:03:12 <=========> 100% Uploading: ../vm-d384582f-2457-477c-ad9b-6228740ca762-disk-0.vmdk
Time: 00:00:32 <=========> 100% Uploading: ../vm-d384582f-2457-477c-ad9b-6228740ca762-disk-1.vmdk
OVF uploaded. vAppTemplate created with ID: b1e58873-8227-4168-add3-87554d2043db
The underlying library vcloud-rest can be configured to print debug information. Debug can be enabled setting the following environment variables:
- VCLOUD_REST_DEBUG_LEVEL: to specify the log level (e.g., INFO)
- VCLOUD_REST_LOG_FILE: to specify the output file (defaults to STDOUT)
Author:: Stefano Tortarolo [email protected]
Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2012-2013 License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
This code was inspired by knife-cloudstack.