I'm using GraphQL package which is really good. While it does support schema first federation, it doesn't support code first federation.
Looking at the specs, all we need here is a few things that our graphql server does. We need to define some scalars and some queries. Schema first federation already includes a FederatedSchemaPrinter we can use that to print SDL
I've multiple projects and I'm sure other people are also trying to do federation. Even though it's not a lot of code in this project, we'll always have to copy same code into all projects untill GraphQL project include federation.
Getting started:
First install Micro.GraphQL.Federation from nuget.
Create EntityType:
public class EntityType : Micro.GraphQL.Federation.Types.EntityType
public EntityType()
// register all types which uses @key directive
Enable federation on Startup.ConfigureServices:
Extend your schema:
public class AppRegistrationSchema : Schema<EntityType>
public AppRegistrationSchema(IServiceProvider services, Query query) : base(services)
Query = query;
extend your query:
public class Query : Query<EntityType>
extend your types:
public sealed class UserType : ObjectGraphType<User>
public UserType() {
ExtendByKeys("id email username");
will produce
extend type User @key(fields: "id email username") {
if it's core type and don't want to extend on gql schema
public sealed class UserType : ObjectGraphType<User>
public UserType() {
Key("id email username");
will produce
type User @key(fields: "id email username") {}
for more info, open a issue