Reduce boiler plate needed on each new Golang main functions (Command Line Interface) for both tools and servers (use ServerMain() for server)
It abstracts the repetitive parts of a main()
command line tool, flag parsing, usage, etc...
You can see real use example in a tool like multicurl or a server like proxy.
It also supports (sub)commands style (where there is a word/command before the flags and remaining arguments, fortio uses that mode).
Client/Tool example (no dynamic flag url or config) sampleTool
Code as simple as
import (
func main() {
myFlag := flag.String("myflag", "default", "my flag")
cli.MinArgs = 2
cli.MaxArgs = 4
cli.Main() // Will have either called cli.ExitFunction or everything is valid
// Next line output won't show when passed -quiet
log.Infof("Info test, -myflag is %q", *myFlag)
// This always shows
log.Printf("Hello world, version %s, args %v", cli.ShortVersion, flag.Args())
// This shows and is colorized and structured, unless loglevel is set to critical.
log.S(log.Error, "Error test",
log.Str("myflag", *myFlag),
log.Attr("num_args", len(flag.Args())),
log.Attr("args", flag.Args()))
$ sampleTool a
sampleTool 1.2.0 usage:
sampleTool [flags] arg1 arg2 [arg3...arg4]
or 1 of the special arguments
sampleTool {help|version|buildinfo}
Force color output even if stderr isn't a terminal
Prevent colorized output even if stderr is a terminal
-loglevel level
log level, one of [Debug Verbose Info Warning Error Critical Fatal] (default Info)
-myflag string
my flag (default "default")
Quiet mode, sets loglevel to Error (quietly) to reduces the output
At least 2 arguments expected, got 1
Since v1.3, the above is colorized on a terminal and looks like this:
or normal case:
Old style, no colors:
$ sampleTool -logger-no-color a b
17:20:41 [I] Info test, -myflag is "default"
17:20:41 Hello world, version dev, args [a b]
17:20:41 [E] Error test, myflag="default", num_args="2", args="[a b]"
% go install
go: downloading v1.10.1
% multicurl buildinfo
1.10.1 h1:h9yM3XplwG7JWtVaSS0eJPiDmCJfnxvj3w+yoAMWMo4= go1.19.6 arm64 darwin
go go1.19.6
mod v1.10.1 h1:h9yM3XplwG7JWtVaSS0eJPiDmCJfnxvj3w+yoAMWMo4=
dep v0.6.1 h1:V9L6ly4oz4fJjeQ5745FulIMsFAwFZvLPSUN+cKUrKk=
dep v1.2.2 h1:vs42JjNwiqbMbacittZjJE9+oi72Za6aekML9gKmILg=
dep v1.0.2 h1:8NwxdX58aoeKx7T5xAPO0xlUu1Hpk42nRz5s6e6eKZ0=
build -compiler=gc
build GOARCH=arm64
build GOOS=darwin
% multicurl help
Fortio multicurl 1.10.1 usage:
multicurl [flags] url
or 1 of the special arguments
multicurl {help|version|buildinfo}
Force color output even if stderr isn't a terminal
Prevent colorized output even if stderr is a terminal
-loglevel level
log level, one of [Debug Verbose Info Warning Error Critical Fatal] (default Info)
Quiet mode, sets loglevel to Error (quietly) to reduces the output
Short 'numeric' version (v skipped, useful for docker image tags etc)
% multicurl version
You should always try to use FROM scratch
Docker images when possible,
it's one of the strength of go.
Using this
as a base makes it work for outcalls to internet valid TLS certs (e.g. https).
It does this by defaulting to the bundle provided by
See for a good example.
If you do not want this behavior, build using -tags no_tls_fallback
If you application doesn't do http request/response logging at all, use -tags no_http
or -tags no_net
(that one will also imply no_tls_fallback
) and save 1.6 Mbytes in your binary's size (because the linker isn't smart enough to see net/http isn't actually used) (1.1Mbytes for log's no_http and 530k from the no_tls_fallback)
And, if you don't need any of the advanced JSON logging (which is quite likely with a cli), use -tags no_json
the logger will still produce json structured logging just not as advanced if what you log are deep structures - this saves another 130k or so.
These tags are from v1.14 and later
In summary: for smallest pure local cli binaries using this package:
CGO_ENABLE=0 go build -trimpath -ldflags="-w -s" -tags no_net,no_json .
saves ~1.7Mbytes in total (a basic cli dependending on this package will then only be about 300k more as an hello world yet include color help, buildinfo, version, logging etc)