A JS module for shuffling strings and other helper methods like alphabet generation
A quick reference
import * as shuffle from "string-shuffle";
console.log(shuffle.shuffleString("Hello World")); // dlH ooWler
console.log(shuffle.shuffleString("Hello World")); // rdlloH loWe
console.log(shuffle.shuffleString("Quick rown fox jumps over lazy dog")); // jvyilco owfxud nz apuo rs rkeoQgm
console.log(shuffle.shuffleString("Quick rown fox jumps over lazy dog")); // jcf ro Qowkna goomvyxd puz er iusl
console.log(shuffle.shuffleString("[email protected]")); // ecot@shmt.efs2l3fu1
console.log(shuffle.shuffleString("[email protected]")); // [email protected]
Other ways
import { shuffleString } from "string-shuffle";
console.log(shuffleString("Hello World")); // lHlWero odl
console.log(shuffleString("someRandomString")); // irdosaRenSomntgm
console.log(shuffleString("1234IsAnAmazingString@#$%^&*()")); // m41n(I&aA@Sn^i3%)sgzgi#2*rn$At
console.log(shuffleString("Hello World")); // lH oWlolrde
console.log(shuffleString("someRandomString")); // nitRsgoaSmrdeomn
console.log(shuffleString("1234IsAnAmazingString@#$%^&*()")); // t3nAnr@4Ii&n12gAgsa%m*(i$Sz)#^
Other included modules include
Module | Functionality |
alphabets |
A method that contains all the lowercase ,uppercase , numbers and symbols array |
lowerCaseLetters |
List of all the Capital letters of the alphabet |
capitalize |
A method to make the first letter of a word or statement to uppercase and retain others if they are not lowercase |
upperCaseLetters |
List of all the lowercase letters of the alphabet |
numbers |
List of numbers from 0-9 |
symbols |
Sample list of symbols |
generateRandomString |
A method that generates a random strigg based on the number you pass as an argument |
generateShuffledPassword |
Generates random paswords with combination of caps ,lowercase ,uppercase ,numbers and symbols then shuffles the password to achieve randomness |
generateUnshuffledPassword |
Generates the normal concatenated cobinaton of characters |
shuffleString |
A method that shuffles the string you pass to it as an argument |
import { alphabets } from "string-shuffle";
const { alphabet, lowerCaseLetters, numbers, symbols, upperCaseLetters } =
console.log(alphabet.join("")); //ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!"#$%&'()*+,-./
console.log(lowerCaseLetters.join("")); //abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
console.log(numbers.join("")); //0123456789
Still the modules can be imported from the main package
- import { alphabets } from "string-shuffle";
+ import {lowerCaseLetters,numbers,symbols,upperCaseLetters} from "string-shuffle";
- const { alphabet, lowerCaseLetters, numbers, symbols, upperCaseLetters } = alphabets();
- console.log(alphabet.join("")); //ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!"#$%&'()*+,-./
console.log(lowerCaseLetters.join("")); //abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
console.log(numbers.join("")); //0123456789
import { capitalize } from "string-shuffle";
console.log(capitalize("hello world")); // Hello world
console.log(capitalize("tetris")); // Tetris
console.log(capitalize("my name is a test name")); // My name is a test name
console.log(capitalize("A")); // A
console.log(capitalize("ABC")); // ABC
console.log(capitalize("123")); // 123
By default it shuffles the string
import { generateRandomString } from "string-shuffle";
console.log(generateRandomString(5)); // ye!o
console.log(generateRandomString(10)); // #m)tX&Kza8
console.log(generateRandomString(15)); // eTQa1ts$pA8*nwI
console.log(generateRandomString(20)); // Fryo*JEn1i&2Dp7rgqFK
console.log(generateRandomString(30)); // 8+Zs4,XaodpQxHMp,xUw8if0dy)TF+
Disclaimer: Use this at your own risk. It's here for mock apps or just simple programs so be careful on the usage
import { generateUnshuffledPassword } from "string-shuffle";
console.log(generateUnshuffledPassword({})); // ey99
console.log(generateUnshuffledPassword({ lower: 1, upper: 2, num: 3, symb: 4 })); // pRI.##*369
console.log(generateUnshuffledPassword({ lower: 2, upper: 2, num: 2, symb: 2 })); // jmKE"+89
console.log(generateUnshuffledPassword({ lower: 4, upper: 4, num: 4, symb: 4 })); // gilwLEJW#/,%6959
console.log(generateUnshuffledPassword({ lower: 5, upper: 5, num: 5, symb: 5 })); // rkujyDFOUS%,.)'71677
import { generateShuffledPassword, shuffleString } from "string-shuffle";
console.log(generateShuffledPassword(shuffleString)({})); // 3n3r
console.log(generateShuffledPassword(shuffleString)({ lower: 1, upper: 2, num: 3, symb: 4 })); // o9/B3*M&3*
console.log(generateShuffledPassword(shuffleString)({ lower: 2, upper: 2, num: 2, symb: 2 })); // O5g!8A/c
console.log(generateShuffledPassword(shuffleString)({ lower: 4, upper: 4, num: 4, symb: 4 })); // 3p!rP.YI*90z*n7Z
console.log(generateShuffledPassword(shuffleString)({ lower: 5, upper: 5, num: 5, symb: 5 })); // zS7&6*oKk7Wx)Nl'N18.