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Manually patch in the metrics and pump-restarting logic.
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I ran make and it worked, thats as far as I tested. These are the env
vars we used:

  • Loading branch information
forestjohnsonpeoplenet committed Oct 2, 2019
1 parent 287495c commit d927709
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Showing 3 changed files with 475 additions and 27 deletions.
377 changes: 377 additions & 0 deletions router/metrics.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
package router

import (

type MetricSample struct {
ContainerName string
PumpId string
LogCount int

type DeadPumpAlert struct {
PumpId string
DeadFor time.Duration

type InfluxDbPointModel struct {
MeasurementName string
Tags map[string]*string
Fields map[string]*string
Timestamp int64

const newlineByte = byte('\n')
const escapeByte = byte('\\')
const spaceByte = byte(' ')
const commaByte = byte(',')
const equalsByte = byte('=')

const metricsChannelSize = 10000
const deadLogStreamAlertChannelSize = 100
const deadLogStreamThresholdFudgeFactor = float64(6)
const metricHistorySampleCount = 20
const metricsChannelFlushIntervalString = "100ms"
const selfMetricBufferSizeBytes = 4096

var logMetrics = "0"
var metricsFlushIntervalString = "10s"
var metricsProtocol = "udp"

// default docker bridge IP address (Ip address of host machine from containers perspective) and default UDP port for telegraf, 8092
var metricsHostPort = ""

var metricsDatabaseName = "aws"
var metricName = "logspout_log_count_by_container"

var metricsChannelFlushInterval time.Duration
var metricsFlushInterval time.Duration

var metricChannel chan MetricSample
var deadLogStreamAlertChannel chan DeadPumpAlert
var metricBuffer map[string]*MetricSample
var metricHistory map[string][]MetricSample
var lastMetricSent time.Time

func init() {
metricsProtocol = getopt("METRICS_PROTOCOL", metricsProtocol)
metricsHostPort = getopt("METRICS_HOST_PORT", metricsHostPort)
metricsDatabaseName = getopt("METRICS_DATABASE_NAME", metricsDatabaseName)
metricName = getopt("METRIC_NAME", metricName)
logMetrics = getopt("LOG_METRICS", logMetrics)
metricsFlushIntervalString = getopt("METRICS_FLUSH_INTERVAL", metricsFlushIntervalString)

var err error
metricsChannelFlushInterval, err = time.ParseDuration(metricsChannelFlushIntervalString)
if err != nil {
metricsFlushInterval, err = time.ParseDuration(metricsFlushIntervalString)
if err != nil {
metricChannel = make(chan MetricSample, metricsChannelSize)
deadLogStreamAlertChannel = make(chan DeadPumpAlert, deadLogStreamAlertChannelSize)
lastMetricSent = time.Now()

metricBuffer = make(map[string]*MetricSample)
metricHistory = make(map[string][]MetricSample)

metricsChannelFlushInterval, err = time.ParseDuration(metricsChannelFlushIntervalString)
if err != nil {

if metricsProtocol != "udp" && metricsProtocol != "http" && metricsProtocol != "https" {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unsupported METRICS_PROTOCOL: %s. Supported protocols: http, https, udp", metricsProtocol))

go aggregateAndSendMetrics()

func checkMetricHistoryForDeadLogStreams() {
//bytes, _ := json.MarshalIndent(metricHistory, "", " ")
//fmt.Printf("checkMetricHistoryForDeadLogStreams %s\n", string(bytes))
for tagValuesCSV, logStreamHistory := range metricHistory {

//fmt.Printf("tagValuesCSV: %s, checkMetricHistoryForDeadLogStreams %d >= %d ? \n", tagValuesCSV, len(logStreamHistory), metricHistorySampleCount)
if len(logStreamHistory) < metricHistorySampleCount {

numberOfSamplesInARowThatHadZeroLogs := len(logStreamHistory)
for i := 0; i < len(logStreamHistory); i++ {

if logStreamHistory[i].LogCount != 0 {
numberOfSamplesInARowThatHadZeroLogs = i
//fmt.Printf("tagValuesCSV: %s, numberOfSamplesInARowThatHadZeroLogs: %d\n", tagValuesCSV, numberOfSamplesInARowThatHadZeroLogs)

// So there was at least one sample where there were zero logs.
// is that / are those zero(s) an anomaly? Or is it normal?
// Well, how many standard deviations away from the mean is zero?
// we compare how many standard deviations away it is with the number of samples in a row that were zero, adjusted with a fudge factor.
// So lets say zero is two standard deviations away from the mean and we only saw one sample in a row with zero logs.
// then we would say 2 std devs > fudgefactor(1.5) / # of zero-logs-samples-in-a-row(1) . That would evaluate to true, meaning, the log stream has stopped.
// So lets say zero is one standard deviations away from the mean and we only saw one sample in a row with zero logs.
// then we would say 1 std devs > fudgefactor(1.5) / # of zero-logs-samples-in-a-row(1) . That would evaluate to false, meaning this is normal.
// but if number of zero-logs-samples-in-a-row were to increase to 2, then it would evaluate to true, indicating that the stream has stopped.

if numberOfSamplesInARowThatHadZeroLogs > 0 {
previousSamplesLogCountSum := 0
previousSamplesCount := 0
for i := numberOfSamplesInARowThatHadZeroLogs; i < len(logStreamHistory); i++ {
previousSamplesLogCountSum += logStreamHistory[i].LogCount
previousSamplesAverageLogCount := (float64(previousSamplesLogCountSum) / float64(previousSamplesCount))
sumOfSquaresOfDeviationFromMean := float64(0)
for i := numberOfSamplesInARowThatHadZeroLogs; i < len(logStreamHistory); i++ {
deviation := float64(logStreamHistory[i].LogCount) - previousSamplesAverageLogCount
sumOfSquaresOfDeviationFromMean += (deviation * deviation)
standardDeviation := math.Sqrt(sumOfSquaresOfDeviationFromMean / float64(previousSamplesCount))

distanceFromAverageToZeroInStandardDeviations := previousSamplesAverageLogCount / standardDeviation
logStreamIsDead := distanceFromAverageToZeroInStandardDeviations > deadLogStreamThresholdFudgeFactor/float64(numberOfSamplesInARowThatHadZeroLogs)
// numberOfSamplesInARowThatHadZeroLogs: 1, distanceFromAverageToZeroInStandardDeviations: 0.55, logStreamIsDead: fals

// debugLog(fmt.Sprintf(
// "tagValuesCSV: %s, numberOfSamplesInARowThatHadZeroLogs: %d, distanceFromAverageToZeroInStandardDeviations: %.2f, logStreamIsDead: %t\n",
// tagValuesCSV,
// numberOfSamplesInARowThatHadZeroLogs,
// distanceFromAverageToZeroInStandardDeviations,
// logStreamIsDead,
// ))
if logStreamIsDead {
tagValuesSlice := strings.Split(tagValuesCSV, ",")
deadLogStreamAlertChannel <- DeadPumpAlert{
PumpId: tagValuesSlice[0],
DeadFor: time.Duration(numberOfSamplesInARowThatHadZeroLogs) * metricsFlushInterval,


func aggregateAndSendMetrics() {

if metricChannel != nil {
done := false
for !done {
select {
case s := <-metricChannel:
tagsString := fmt.Sprintf(
if metricBuffer[tagsString] == nil {
s.LogCount = 1
metricBuffer[tagsString] = &s
} else {
b := metricBuffer[tagsString]
// break does not work here :\
done = true
} else {
log.Println("Error: metricChannel is nil!")

if time.Since(lastMetricSent) > metricsFlushInterval {

buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, selfMetricBufferSizeBytes))
i := 0

for tagsString, sample := range metricBuffer {
_, has := metricHistory[tagsString]
if !has {
metricHistory[tagsString] = make([]MetricSample, 0, metricHistorySampleCount)

Count := fmt.Sprintf("%d", sample.LogCount)
metricPoint := InfluxDbPointModel{
MeasurementName: metricName,
Fields: map[string]*string{"Count": &Count},
Tags: map[string]*string{
"ContainerName": &sample.ContainerName,
"PumpId": &sample.PumpId,
Timestamp: time.Now().UnixNano(),

writePoint(buffer, &metricPoint, i < len(metricBuffer)-1)

newMetricHistory := make(map[string][]MetricSample)

for tagsString, historyForTheseTags := range metricHistory {
sample, hasSample := metricBuffer[tagsString]
if !hasSample {
tagValues := strings.Split(tagsString, ",")
sample = &MetricSample{
PumpId: tagValues[0],
ContainerName: tagValues[1],
LogCount: 0,

newHistoryLength := intmin(metricHistorySampleCount, len(historyForTheseTags)+1)
newHistory := make([]MetricSample, newHistoryLength)
newHistory[0] = *sample
for i = 1; i < newHistoryLength; i++ {
newHistory[i] = historyForTheseTags[i-1]
newMetricHistory[tagsString] = newHistory

metricHistory = newMetricHistory


metricBuffer = make(map[string]*MetricSample)

if logMetrics == "1" {

if metricsProtocol == "http" || metricsProtocol == "https" {
go func(buffer *bytes.Buffer) {
response, err := http.Post(fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/write?db=%s", metricsProtocol, metricsHostPort, metricsDatabaseName), "text/plain", buffer)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error attempting to report self metrics: %+v\n", err)
} else if response.StatusCode < 200 || response.StatusCode >= 300 {
responseBodyString := ""
if response.Body != nil {
responseBody := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0))
_, err = io.Copy(responseBody, response.Body)
if err == nil {
responseBodyString = string(responseBody.Bytes())
log.Printf("HTTP %d (%s) attempting to report self metrics: %s", response.StatusCode, response.Status, responseBodyString)
} else if metricsProtocol == "udp" {
go func(buffer *bytes.Buffer) {
connection, err := net.Dial("udp", metricsHostPort)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error attempting to net.Dial(\"udp\", metricConfig.HostPort) to report self metrics: %+v\n", err)

defer connection.Close()

_, err = connection.Write(buffer.Bytes())
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error attempting to connection.Write to report self metrics: %+v\n", err)
} else {
log.Printf("Can't send metrics because: Unsupported metric protocol: %s. Supported protocols: http, https, udp", metricsProtocol)

lastMetricSent = time.Now()

time.AfterFunc(metricsChannelFlushInterval, aggregateAndSendMetrics)

func writePoint(writer *bytes.Buffer, point *InfluxDbPointModel, hasMore bool) {
tagsCount := len(point.Tags)
tagIndex := 0
if tagsCount > 0 {
tagKeys := make([][]byte, 0, len(point.Tags))
for k := range point.Tags {
tagKeys = append(tagKeys, []byte(k))
sortedTagKeys := SortByteSlices(tagKeys)
for _, k := range sortedTagKeys {
if tagIndex < tagsCount {

fieldsCount := len(point.Fields)
fieldIndex := 0
for k, v := range point.Fields {
if fieldIndex < fieldsCount {
writer.Write([]byte(strconv.FormatInt(point.Timestamp, 10)))
if hasMore {

func SortByteSlices(src [][]byte) [][]byte {
sorted := sortByteArrays(src)
return sorted

// implement `Interface` in sort package.
type sortByteArrays [][]byte

func (b sortByteArrays) Len() int {
return len(b)

func (b sortByteArrays) Less(i, j int) bool {
// bytes package already implements Comparable for []byte.
switch bytes.Compare(b[i], b[j]) {
case -1:
return true
case 0, 1:
return false
log.Panic("not fail-able with `bytes.Comparable` bounded [-1, 1].")
return false

func (b sortByteArrays) Swap(i, j int) {
b[j], b[i] = b[i], b[j]

func intmin(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
} else {
return b

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