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Copyright (C) 2022-2023 The Open Library Foundation

This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.


The purpose of this Bulk Operations (Edit/Delete) application is to modify and delete different entities in bulks.

Additional information

Required Permissions

Issue tracker

See project MODBULKOPS at the FOLIO issue tracker.

Other documentation

Other modules are described, with further FOLIO Developer documentation at More information you can find here: bulk-operations-design

Environment variables

This module uses S3 storage for files. AWS S3 and Minio Server are supported for files storage. It is also necessary to specify variable S3_IS_AWS to determine if AWS S3 is used as files storage. By default, this variable is false and means that MinIO server is used as storage. This value should be true if AWS S3 is used. To ensure the correct operation of the module, a system user must be configured. This requires setting the values of environment variables: OKAPI_URL, SYSTEM_USER_NAME, SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD, SYSTEM_USER_ENABLED (by default is true).

Name Default value Description
KAFKA_HOST localhost Kafka broker hostname
KAFKA_PORT 9092 Kafka broker port
ENV folio Environment name
S3_URL S3 url
S3_REGION - S3 region
S3_BUCKET - S3 bucket
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID - S3 access key
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - S3 secret key
S3_IS_AWS false Specify if AWS S3 is used as files storage
MAX_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE 40MB Specifies multipart upload file size
PLATFORM okapi Specifies if okapi or eureka platform
OKAPI_URL http://okapi:9130 Okapi url
SYSTEM_USER_NAME mod-bulk-operations-system-user Username of the system user
SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD - Password of the system user
SYSTEM_USER_ENABLED true Defines if system user must be created at service tenant initialization or used for egress service requests