NUnitJS provides easy async unit testing for NodeJS. This framework was inspired by NUnit and NodeUnit.
- Simple to use
- Just run the single file script.
- Runs automatically all fixture modules with filename ends with "_fixture.js".
- Works with node.js.
- Helps you avoid common pitfalls when testing asynchronous code
- Easy to add test cases with setUp and tearDown functions if you wish
- Easy to add fixtureSetUp and fixtureTearDown functions if you wish
Here is an example unit test fixture module: fixtures/sample_fixture.js
var assert = require("assert");
exports.testSomething = function(test){
assert.ok(true, "this assertion should pass");
exports.testSomethingElse = function(test){
assert.ok(false, "this assertion should fail");
Here the command line to run:
node nunit.js --path="fixtures/sample_fixture.js"
When run, this will output the following xml report:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite name="fixtures.sample_fixture" time="0.006" tests="2" failures="1">
<testcase name="testSomething" time="0"/>
<testcase name="testSomethingElse" time="0.162">
<failure message="this assertion should fail" type="AssertionError"><![CDATA[actual: false
expected: true
operator: ==
AssertionError: this assertion should fail
at Object.exports.testSomethingElse (/path/to/project/fixtures/sample_fixture.js:9:12)
at Context.startDelegate (/path/to/project/nunit.js:501:29)
at Context.start (/path/to/project/nunit.js:608:18)
at runTest (/path/to/project/nunit.js:542:17)
at /path/to/project/nunit.js:450:13
at setUp (/path/to/project/nunit.js:468:13)
at (/path/to/project/nunit.js:449:9)
at FixtureRunner.runNextTest (/path/to/project/nunit.js:347:20)
at /path/to/project/nunit.js:354:13
at /path/to/project/nunit.js:452:21]]></failure>
Path, folder or file, where to find fixture. Only file that ends with "_fixture.js" are executed. Multiple Path are allowed with comma separated.
node nunit.js --path=testfolder
node nunit.js --path=folder1,folder2
node nunit.js --path=fixtures/sample1_fixture.js,fixtures/sample2_fixture.js
--test=[test name]
Test function name to execute alone.
node nunit.js --path=fixtures/sample_fixture.js --test=testSomething
delay to start tests. Used for debug mode on waiting for debug attached.
node nunit.js --delay=1000
Path where to generate reports parsable by Jenkins. Defaults to reports.
node nunit.js --reports-path=reportfolder
Path where to generate SonarQube reports. Defaults to sonar-reports.
node nunit.js --sonar-reports-path=reportfolder
print passed tests too
print the current version
NUnitJS is designed to help you testing asynchronous code. All context (test, setUp, tearDown, fixtureSetUp and fixtureTearDown) can explicity complete with done() method on context object:
Example 1: complete on same tick
exports.testSomething = function(context){
Example 2: complete on different tick
exports.testSomething = function(context){
}, 500);
if the done() method was never called, test failed on default timeout, 1000ms. You can change timeout if your test spends much time.
exports.testSomething = function(context){
}, 1500);
NUnitJS allows you to define a setUp
function, which is run before each test, and a tearDown
function, which is run after each test calls test.done()
exports.setUp = function (setUp) { = 'bar';
exports.tearDown = function (tearDown) {
// clean up
exports.test1 = function (test) {
assert.equals(, 'bar');
NUnitJS allows you to define a fixtureSetUp
function, which is run before each fixture, and a fixtureTearDown
function, which is run after each fixture completed.
exports.fixtureSetUp = function (fixtureSetUp) { = 'bar';
exports.fixtureTearDown = function (fixtureTearDown) {
// clean up
exports.test1 = function (test) {
assert.equals(, 'bar');
NUnitJS plugin provides easy integration with WebStorm IDE
- Simple to use.
- Easy access actions in toolbar, main menu and context menu.
- Runs and debug all tests.
- Runs and debug current fixture.
- Runs and debug fixture selected.
- Runs and debug multiple selection folders.
- Runs and debug current test.
The Author invests a time and effort to make NUnitJS a useful tool. In addition, we have expenses. We have to purchase domain names and arrange for web site hosting. Making a financial contribution is one way in which you can help him ensure that NUnitJS continues to develop.