This is a full-featured source code of the Silam model with striped revision history
Get the source code
$ git clone
Install needed packages
$ sudo apt install make python gfortran libeccodes-dev libnetcdf-dev libnetcdff-dev liblapack-dev libblas-dev libbz2-dev libproj-dev
Compile the binary
$ cd silam-model/source/
$ make gnu
$ make
The latter command should create a binary in ../bin
$ ../bin/silam_v5_7pub.gnu
Silam should run and complain about missing silam.ini. Then the binary is ready to use! You can test it with a test case from
In Ubuntu 20.04 one might get an error message like
grib_api.mod not found
There are several versions of gfortran available in 20.04. Some libraries have headers in a location specific for "module version", where gfortran can't find them:
others have them in gfortran-version-specific locarion
A workaround would be to either explicitly call fortran with -I /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/fortran/gfortran-mod-15
(by adding this option to
FFLAGS in build/options.gnu).
or add symlinks to the needed .mod files to your gfortran include directory (as root).
# ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/fortran/gfortran-mod-15/grib_api.mod /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/finclude/
# ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/fortran/gfortran-mod-15/grib_api.mod /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/finclude/
or wherever your fortran can find them... The issue has been reported at . Please consider confirming the bug if it affects you.
(contributed by Lars Örtegren [email protected])
Enable Repo EPEL
$ dnf install -y
Enable repo PowerTools
$ yum install dnf-plugins-core
$ yum config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools
Install libs
$ dnf install zlib zlib-devel netcdf netcdf-devel netcdf-fortran-openmpi-devel jasper-libs jasper-devel lapack lapack-devel eccodes eccodes-devel
Add to options.gnu:
INCLUDE = ... -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules/openmpi
Add path to NETCDF shared libraries (as root):
$ echo "/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib" > /etc/
$ lsconfig -v
In source directory
$ make gnu
$ make
Enable Repo EPEL
$ dnf install -y
Enable repo PowerTools
$ dnf install dnf-plugins-core
$ dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools
Install packages
$ dnf install lapack netcdf netcdf-fortran netcdf-fortran-openmpi eccodes
==============Seems to be somewhat outdated======================
** Prerequiseites
*** Compilers
The following compilers and platforms have been tested on Linux:
- Intel Fortran v. 12, x86-64. Works with SILAM v5.0. Runtime issues with SILAM 4.5.5.
- Intel Fortran v. 11, ia32 and x86-64 platforms. Recently compilation issues with SILAM 5.2.
- Intel Fortran v. 10, ia32, ia64 and x86-64. Both were used with SILAM v4.5. Seems to have sporadic compilation issues in the ini_boundary_conditions module.
- gfortran < 4.4.5, various platforms. Compiles, but the executables do not work. Do not use. Early versions will not even compile the source because they lack the ISO C-binding module.
- gfortran 4.4.5, ia32. Seems to work.
- gfortran 4.5.3 and 4.6.1, x86-64. Works.
- gfortran 4.8.2, x86-64. Works.
- Pathscale, some version, x86-64. Works but has memory issues at least with the standard settings.
- Portland Group, some version, x86-64. Does not compile, has various issues.
Gfortran 4.5.0 on 64-bit Mac OS seems to work.
The build system requires GNU Make, Perl, and if used with version control, Subversion and Python.
*** Libraries
The following freely available I/O libraries are required:
- NetCDF 3.6.1 or later, download from UCAR or possibly install with a package manager.
- GRIB API 1.8.0 or later, download from ECMWF, or possibly install with a package manager.
- Jasper. Required by GRIB API, usually available from package managers.
- A LAPACK implementation. Typically already installed.
In Ubuntu (at least in 14.04) these libraries can be found from package manager: libgrib-api-dev libnetcdf-dev
These libraries are installed following the standard procedure (./configure, make, make install) but make sure to use the same compiler and version (at least for fortran).
** Compiling SILAM
The makefile referes the setup files, which are provided for the Intel (, Intel on Cray (options.cray) and for the GNU compilers (options.gnu). The options file needs to be modified with the correct file paths, including
- the -I flags for the header files (variable INCLUDE)
- the locations of the libraries or the -L and -l flags (variables NCDIR, LIBDIR, GRDIR, SILAM_LIBS, LFLAGS).
If called without arguments, make will look for file named simply 'options'. This can be a link to any of the specific option files, or otherwise type e.g.
make SETUP=gnu
to use the file 'options.gnu'. When the setup is not the default, its name will be appended to executable name. The different setups have separate directories for the intermediate files.
*** Other compilation options
The options files in this directory are for Intel release (with full optimization), Intel debug and for Gfortran.
In addition to the SETUP variable, the make command can be given the RULES variable which can be either 'full' (default) or 'simple'. The former implies normal compilation resolving all inter-module dependencies. The latter defines each module to only depend on its source code. In this case, only the modules that changed are compiled, but not the dependent modules.
Additional build targets are
- silam: build the model without first scanning the dependencies
- revision: update the revision.f90 module (in non-svn distributions this is replaced with a dummy)
- lib: create a library of the objects listed in lib_codes
- dot: visualize the module dependencies using the graphviz software (dot). The ouput will be in svg format.
- distr: create a .tar.gz file containing the sources and the build files.