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Machine learning actions for OCEANIDS Horizon Europe project - downscaling climate and seasonal predictions with station data.


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Machine learning actions for OCEANIDS Horizon Europe project - downscaling climate and seasonal predictions with station data. See below for more details.

Training models to forecast several target parameters with gradient boosting for harbors in the OCEANIDS project

The code presented here reproduces the data and model training and prediction workflows used in the OCEANIDS project to predict several target parameters for selected locations. The models are trained with ERA5 reanalysis data while seasonal forecasts are used in prediction.

System requirements

Python version 3.12.7 in the UNIX/Linux environment was used in this project.

The time it takes to download training data or run the model training dependes f.ex. on the number of locations, number of predictors, selected hyperparameters, etc. For 4 locations, XX predictors and hyperparameters used, it took approximately XX hours to train the model, with 64 CPU cores and 228G memory. With the fitted model, predicting target parameter from seasonal forecast data takes around XX hours with a similar setup.


To create xgb2 environment used in this project, check out the xgb2.yml file.

To download the seasonal forecast data etc from the Climate Data Store, the CDS API client needs to be installed You will need to register for an ECMWF account to download data from CDS.

Instructions for Optuna and Optuna Dashboard at

For each step it is adviced to use the GNU Screen, downloading the data and running the model training/prediction takes time.

The Climate Data Operator (CDO) software is used in predicting the target parameters for handling the input/output grib files

We use the GNU parallel: Tange, O., 2018. GNU Parallel 2018. Available at:

Downloading the predictors and predictand data

To train an XGBoost model, observational data is required as the predictand (target parameter) in fitting, such as wind gust, temperature or precipitation. We use ERA5 and ERA5D (daily statistics) reanalysis data and derived features as predictors (input variables): time series data from the four ERA5 grid points closest to the observation site is retrieved from our Smartmet-server at with its Timeseries API. Details of all the predictands and predictors available are provided in Tables 1, 2, and 3 at the end of this file.

For training the model you will need a table of the predictand and all predictors in the nearest four grid points around chosen location for the whole time period as input. We have several time series scripts in Python that use the request module to make http-requests to our SmartMet server ( Time Series API ( Use these scripts to get time series from ERA5 and ERA5D, and target parameter observations. To run the time series (ts) scripts, you will need to define harbors_config.json with name of location, corresponding latitude/longitude, and observation period start and end (note: these should follow the Smartmet-server Timeseries query formatting). Output is a csv file for each parameter. Check the directory structures defined in the scripts.

You need to download the predictand data aka the observation time series for your selected location and save them in a csv file (file name should follow: obs-oceanids-{harbor_name}.csv). We run the script to ts query observations for Finnish stations but this needs fmi-apikey which is not shared outside organisation.


The following steps can be run from script, or separately as described in Option 2. Example usage for several locations and predictands: parallel -j1 ./ {\1} {\2} ::: Raahe Rauma Vuosaari ::: WG_PT24H_MAX TA_PT24H_MAX TA_PT24H_MIN TP_PT24H_ACC


To download the ERA5 and ERA5D predictor data, run the It fetches the static, 24h accumulated/max/min, and 00 and 12 UTC hourly time series data, saves them per predictor as csv files. Example usage: python Raahe.

To combine all predictor CSV files into a single training data input file, run the script Example usage: ./ Raahe.

To get the ERA5/ERA5D derived or other additional predictors, run Example usage: python Raahe.

To plot the location and four nearest grid points on map, run Example usage: python Raahe.

Training locations Figure 1 Example: Training locations 1 to 4, along with the Raahe observation site (red).

Training the model (OPTION 2)

If you run (Option 1), these steps are included already. If you choose to run them manually, follow instructions here.

These scripts use config files harbors_config.json and training_data_config.json where latter defines the column headers for predictors used in training the model. Also, KFold run creates location-specific config files for best train/validation dataset split (by years) and Optuna run creates location-specific config files for hyperparameters.

First, to perform the K-Fold cross-validation (split input dataset to optimal training and testing sets by years), run Result is printed to terminal and best split is written to location specific config file. Example usage: python Raahe WG_PT24H_MAX.

Second, to perform the Optuna hyperparameter tuning (, run Check the results on your Optuna Dashboard view. Example usage: python Raahe WG_PT24H_MAX.

And then, to train the model with tuned hyperparameters, run The fitted model is saved as a json file. Example usage: python Raahe WG_PT24H_MAX. If you didn't use KFold or Optuna, you need to specify config files for hyperparameters and train/validation years split before running this script.

To create the F-score (feature importance) figure, run To create the mean absolute SHAP values figure, run

Predicting target parameters

Scripts for predicting target parameters can be found from Predicting target parameters requires first downloading the data and pre-processing as all input data must be re-gridded. downloads (latest or user-specified start month+year) the seasonal forecast (!/dataset/seasonal-original-single-levels?tab=overview) and other necessary data for the European area. The script performs also statistical bias-adjusting and downscaling for several parameters. Preprocessing uses the GNU parallel and CDO.

Predicting with the trained model happens with, and, with input gribs remapped to ERA5 grid and selecting the four grid points used in training. The Python script uses Xarray to join different input grids into one data frame that includes all time steps for each input in the target grid. Then prediction for target parameter is made with XGBoost predict with the previously trained model. Ready csv file is then returned to the bash script that combines the results for all the 51 ensemble members to a single csv output file.

Tables of scripts and config files

{loc}: name of the location (harbor) {name}: name of the ERA5/ERA5D parameter {pred}: name of the predictand

script input output config input config output description location name obs-oceanids-{loc}.csv harbors_config.json ts query for station observations location name era5_oceanids_{name}_{loc}.csv harbors_config.json {loc}_bbox_config.json ts queries for ERA5/ERA5D data location name training_data_oceanids_{loc}-sf.csv Join all the data files into a single training data file for loc training_data_oceanids_{loc}-sf.csv training_data_oceanids_{loc}-sf-addpreds.csv, training_data_oceanids_{loc}-sf_2020-clim.csv training_data_oceanids_{loc}-sf-addpreds.csv mdl_{loc}_{pred}_xgb_era5_oceanids-KFold-*.json harbors_config.json, training_data_config.json {loc}_{pred}_best_split.json


Predictand ML name Data Units Description
Daily greatest wind gust speed WG_PT24H_MAX WG_PT1H_MAX m s-1 Previous day 24h maximum value from 1 hour greatest wind gust speed

Table 1 Predictands used in this project.

Predictors ERA5, ERA5D and seasonal forecast

All available predictors listed in Tables 2 (training the model) and 3 (predicting target parametes), with those used in training bolded.

ERA5, ERA5D, and derived predictors

ML name Predictor Units Producer Spatial resolution ML Temporal resolution Smartmet name
anor Angle of sub-gridscale orography ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° static (00 UTC) ANOR-RAD
z Geopotential m2 s-2 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° static (00 UTC) Z-M2S2
lsm Land sea mask 1=land, 0=sea ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° static (00 UTC) LC-0TO1
sdor Standard deviation of orography ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° static (00 UTC) SDOR-M
slor Slope of sub-gridscale orography ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° static (00 UTC) SLOR
tclw Total column cloud liquid water ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 UTC TCLW-KGM2
tcwv Total column water vapour ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 UTC TOTCWV-KGM2
swvl1 Volumetric soil water layer 1 (0-7cm) ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 UTC SOILWET-M3M3
swvl2 Volumetric soil water layer 2 (7-28cm) ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 UTC SWVL2-M3M3
swvl3 Volumetric soil water layer 3 (28-100cm) ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 UTC SWVL3-M3M3
swvl4 Volumetric soil water layer 4 (100-289cm) ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 UTC SWVL4-M3M3
ewss Eastward turbulent surface stress N m-2 s ERA5D 0.25° x 0.25° previous day 24h sums EWSS-NM2S
e Evaporation m of water equivalent ERA5D 0.25° x 0.25° previous day 24h sums EVAP-M
nsss Northward turbulent surface stress N m-2 s ERA5D 0.25° x 0.25° previous day 24h sums NSSS-NM2S
slhf Surface latent heat flux W m-2 ERA5D 0.25° x 0.25° previous day 24h sums FLLAT-JM2
ssr Surface net solar radiation W m-2 ERA5D 0.25° x 0.25° previous day 24h sums RNETSWA-JM2
str Surface net thermal radiation W m-2 ERA5D 0.25° x 0.25° previous day 24h sums RNETLWA-JM2
sshf Surface sensible heat flux W m-2 ERA5D 0.25° x 0.25° previous day 24h sums FLSEN-JM2
ssrd Surface solar radiation downwards W m-2 ERA5D 0.25° x 0.25° previous day 24h sums RADGLOA-JM2
strd Surface thermal radiation downwards W m-2 ERA5D 0.25° x 0.25° previous day 24h sums RADLWA-JM2
tp Total precipitation m ERA5D 0.25° x 0.25° previous day 24h sums RR-M
ttr Top net thermal radiation ERA5D 0.25° x 0.25° previous day 24h sums RTOPLWA-JM2
fg10 10m wind gust since previous post-processing m s-1 ERA5D 0.25° x 0.25° previous day 24h maximum value FFG-MS
mx2t Maximum 2m temperature since previous post-processing K ERA5D 0.25° x 0.25° previous day 24h maximum value TMAX-K
mn2t Minimum 2m temperature since previous post-processing K ERA5D 0.25° x 0.25° previous day 24h minimum value TMIN-K
u10-00, u10-12 10m u-component of wind m s-1 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC U10-MS
v10-00, v10-12 10m v-component of wind m s-1 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC V10-MS
td2-00, td2-12 2m dewpoint temperature K ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC TD2-K
t2-00, t2-12 2m temperature K ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC T2-K
msl-00, msl-12 Mean sea level pressure Pa ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC PSEA-HPA
tsea-00, tsea-12 Sea surface temperature K ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC TSEA-K
tcc-00, tcc-12 Total cloud cover 0 to 1 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC N-0TO1
kx-00, kx-12 K index ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC KX
t850-00, t850-12 Temperature at 850 hPa K ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC T-K
t700-00, t700-12 Temperature at 700 hPa K ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC T-K
t500-00, t500-12 Temperature at 500 hPa K ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC T-K
q850-00, q850-12 Specific humidity at 850 hPa kg kg-1 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC Q-KGKG
q700-00, q700-12 Specific humidity at 700 hPa kg kg-1 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC Q-KGKG
q500-00, q500-12 Specific humidity at 500 hPa kg kg-1 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC Q-KGKG
u850-00, u850-12 U-component of wind at 850 hPa m s-1 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC U-MS
u700-00, u700-12 U-component of wind at 700 hPa m s-1 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC U-MS
u500-00, u500-12 U-component of wind at 500 hPa m s-1 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC U-MS
v850-00, v850-12 V-component of wind at 850 hPa m s-1 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC V-MS
v700-00, v700-12 V-component of wind at 700 hPa m s-1 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC V-MS
v500-00, v500-12 V-component of wind at 500 hPa m s-1 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC V-MS
z850-00, z850-12 Geopotential at 850 hPa m2 s-2 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC Z-M2S2
z700-00, z700-12 Geopotential at 700 hPa m2 s-2 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC Z-M2S2
z500-00, z500-12 Geopotential at 500 hPa m2 s-2 ERA5 0.25° x 0.25° 00 and 12 UTC Z-M2S2

Table 2 ERA5/ERA5D and derived predictors for training the models.

Seasonal forecast and derived predictors

Predictor Units Producer Spatial resolution ML Temporal resolution (available SF resolution) ML name
10m u-component of wind m/s 00 UTC (6h instantaneous) u10
10m v-component of wind m/s 00 UTC 6h instantaneous v10
10m wind gust since previous post-processing m/s previous day maximum value (24h aggregation) fg10
2m dewpoint temperature K 00 UTC (6h instantaneous) td2
2m temperature K 00 UTC (6h instantaneous) t2
Eastward turbulent surface stress N m-2 s previous day 24h sums (24h aggregation since beginning of forecast) ewss
Evaporation m of water equivalent previous day 24h sums (24h aggregation since beginning of forecast) e
Land-sea mask - static lsm
Mean sea level pressure Pa 00 UTC (6h instantaneous) msl
Northward turbulent surface stress N m-2 s previous day 24h sums (24h aggregation since beginning of forecast) nsss
Sea surface temperature K 00 UTC (6h instantaneous) tsea
Surface latent heat flux W m-2 previous day 24h sums (24h aggregation since beginning of forecast) slhf
Surface net solar radiation W m-2 previous day 24h sums (24h aggregation since beginning of forecast) ssr
Surface net thermal radiation W m-2 previous day 24h sums (24h aggregation since beginning of forecast) str
Surface sensible heat flux W m-2 previous day 24h sums (24h aggregation since beginning of forecast) sshf
Surface solar radiation downwards W m-2 previous day 24h sums (24h aggregation since beginning of forecast) ssrd
Surface thermal radiation downwards W m-2 previous day 24h sums (24h aggregation since beginning of forecast) strd
Total cloud cover 0 to 1 00 UTC (6h instantaneous) tcc
Total column cloud liquid water kg m-2 00 UTC (24h instantaneous) tlwc
Total precipitation m previous day 24h sums (24h aggregation since beginning of forecast) tp

Table 3. Seasonal forecast and other predictors used in predicting target parameters.


Machine learning actions for OCEANIDS Horizon Europe project - downscaling climate and seasonal predictions with station data.







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