SmartMet Server is a data and product server which provides acces to both observation and forecast data. It is used for data services and product generation. Smartmet Server can read input from various sources and it provides several ouput interfaces and formats. For more detailed description, see the SmartMet Server wiki pages.
SmartMet Server purpose is a service to make data available directly to web apps without needing any data downloading and processing steps on a server. You can directly write javascript web apps to use Copernicus data for the Chile Hackathon. To get a feel for the data offered is a general data browser. For the Impacto Chile Hackathon you can get this data into your own app. This service has datasets from several producers (currently working: CAMS, ECB2SF, ECBSF, ECSF, ERA5). CAMS atmospheric composition model output is available every day for 5 day forcasts with hourly data. ECSF, ECB2SF and ECBSF seasonal forecasts are available once per month for 215 daily forecasts 7 months ahead. ERA5 is every day the reanalysis from 5 days ago. To utilize datasets shown on this service, the SmartMet Server TimeSeries plugin can be used.
For example web app code using a smartmet-server check out the repository and check out the service
The TimeSeries plugin can be used to fetch time series information for observation and forecast data, with specific time or time interval chosen by the user. The datasets can be downloaded with a HTTP request which contains the parameters needed to obtain the information, processing the results and formatting the output. For example, the following request fetches the 'particulate matter d<2.5 um' for the city of Santiago:,-33.45&format=debug¶m=name,time,GRIB-210073:CAMS:6002:1:0:1:0&starttime=20210812T000000&precision=full
The service location that starts the HTTP request query is, and the parameters following it are given as name-value pairs separated by the ampersand (&) character. (Hint: copy the FMI key from the service for the parameter definition 'param'.)
An example response for this query is shown below:
For more information and examples of the usage of the TimeSeries plugin, see SmartMet Server Timeseries-plugin Wiki pages.
Dali is the engine to make images from smartmet-server internal data. It can be used directly or with appropriate layer definitions can provide an OGC compliant WebMapService interface. Open Geospatial Consortiums (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) offers a convenient way for generating map images from a map server over the Web using the HTTP protocol. Several image products can be generated using the SmartMet Server WMS plugin.
An example WMS request to the server (CAMS Total aerosol optical depth at 550nm):,-80,-10,-50
An example response for this query is shown below:
Available WMS 'LAYERS' can be checked with the GetCapabilities request as follows:
An example Dali request to the server (ECBSF dew point temperature in Kelvins):
A response for the previous example query is shown below. The dali product urls can be copied from the grid-gui page by changing a parameters Presentation menu to Dali and copying the image urls. The time setting can be used to make an animation that loads consequitive time steps.
For more information about the WMS plugin, see for example SmartMet plugin WMS (Dali & WMS) Wiki pages or the Web Map Server specification. (The Dali plugin enables more advanced requests than the WMS plugin.)