###Under Construction, many features may not work.
beech-v35-indev.xml: flyingfisch's first try at a YASim FDM
beech-v35-new.xml: another attempt by flyingfisch at a YASim FDM
Blender/beech35.blend: Main blend file
Blender/beecha35int.blend: Interior
Blender/beech35_uvexample.blend: modification of beech35.blend with i4dnf's UV Map.
blankinst.blend: Blank instrument model
###How to install YASim 32 on Flightgear 3.0.0
- Download the source for flightgear and simgear.
- Install the dependency packages for your operating system (OSG, Boost, Glut (FreeGlut), OpenAL, plib)
- Extract the source code for flightgear and simgear, which you downloaded in step 1.
- Build simgear according to the instructions in
. For *nix, you could do:
cd <simgear_dir>
cd ../
mkdir sgbuild
cmake ../simgear* -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
sudo make install
- Download YASim 32 and extract into
- Then build flightgear according to the instructions in
. For *nix, you could do:
cd <flightgear_dir>
cd ../
mkdir fgbuild
cmake ../flightgear* -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DWITH_FGPANEL=OFF
sudo make install
- Change your flightgear executable in FGRun to the new FG executable. You will see it in the output for
sudo make install
as something like/usr/local/bin/fgfs