Provides a mechanism for tool windows in the browser. Tool windows are dialogs which are:
- non-modal
- resizable
- mobile
- closeable
- display content to the user
- have one or more actions the user may perform via buttons in a button bar
Right now, this project needs some documentation. And much refactoring, since the code
originally came from an upstream author with a singular intent (see credits). See the
file for some in-browser usage.
Use this as a node module via require
or use this as a standalone javascript file
by grabbing the toolwindow.js from dist
. The provided toolwindow.css
mimicks the
styling of a Windows 10 window. If you'd like something else, feel free to use that
as a template (:
ToolWindows are re-usable and will thus "remember" their position if closed and re-opened. To create a new ToolWindow, simply do something like:
var toolWindow = new ToolWindow({
top: 120,
left: 120, // optional: when no top or left are given, this window attempts to center itself
width: 200, // starting width
height: 250, // starting height
minWidth: 150, // don't go thinner than this
minHeight: 200, // don't go shorter than this
closeButtonText: "\u2716", // ✖
placement: "inside,auto",
relativeToElement: "#container",
animated: true,
animationTime: 1000,
content: {
// simple text content -- you can also use "html" or "url" (more on that later)
type: "text",
value: "Hello World!"
title: "Demo window", // goes in the title bar,
buttons: [{
text: "Dismiss",
clicked: function() {
// button click handlers are invoked with the toolwindow as the `this` parameter
}, {
text: "Refresh",
clicked: function() {
// note that we can completely replace the content
// here and that content.value can be any one of:
// - string
// - function producing a string
// - async function producing a string (ie, promise)
this.title = 'New title of demo window';
this.content = {
type: "html",
value: "<hr/>This is html<hr/>"
// optionally fit to content
- By default, if you do not specify any buttons, you will get a "Close" button, which, like the [X] in the titlebar of the window, will close it.
- If you specifically want no buttons, pass an empty array as the buttons and the button bar will be left out too
- possible types for content are:
- text (plain text)
- html (rendered html)
- url (embed an iframe with this url)
- use the node module if you have a build system, or use toolwindow.min.js from
folder if you'd just like a globalToolWindow
Because I need it for a client and I figure:
- it might be useful elsewhere
- it might be useful to someone else
- it originated in freely available code (though much has changed) so I wanted to give back
- for interest' sake, I would like to extend it beyond the minimal requirements and maintain it too
- have you included
in your site (or imported into sass)? - if you're getting errors, I'd like to know about them (:
Ok, so you're not a windows-lover. It is the most common OS out there though,
so if I'm going to make a base style, it makes sense. Still, toolwindow.css
is fairly simple to work with -- I'm quite sure one could create a theme more
like the hosting system or one's favorite OS / window manager.
Visual only. Contributions welcome.
Originally forked from, which is licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE.upstream). Original credit is due.
This project is relicensed, as per the MIT allowance, under the BSD 3-clause license