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Flock Workday


You need to download and install the gcloud cli. After installing the cli run the following command to create Application Default Credentials (ADC):

gcloud auth application-default login


./mvnw clean compile spring-boot:run -Pdevelop

Mark src/develop/kotlin as source directory.

Add develop to the springboot application run configuration active profiles.

./mvnw clean install
npm install

Run application and npm start. Make sure you're using the correct node version. If you have nvm installed, run nvm use to set node to the version defined in .nvmrc


User Password Role
[email protected] tommy user
[email protected] pino user
[email protected] ieniemienie user
[email protected] bert admin
[email protected] ernie user


Use ktlint to lint kotlin files or eslint for javascript files


  • Generate diff file with liquibase
    ./mvnw clean compile liquibase:update liquibase:diff
  • Rename db.changelog-diff.yaml to db.changelog-#.yaml
  • Add the new changelog file to the db.changelog-master.yaml
      - include:
          - file: db.changelog-1.yaml
            relativeToChangelogFile: true
          - file: db.changelog-#.yaml
            relativeToChangelogFile: true
# check code style (it's also bound to "mvn verify")
$ ./mvnw antrun:run@ktlint
  src/main/kotlin/Main.kt:10:10: Unused import

# fix code style deviations (runs built-in formatter)
$ ./mvnw antrun:run@ktlint-format

# fix code styles for js files with eslint
$ npm run lint

View database locally

It is possible to view the SCHEMA and VALUES that are in the database on you local environment. When the backend is running you can connect to a console. In the /resources/ you can find the settings:


Connect via the browser to the localhost:8080/h2. Fill the spring.datasource.url as the JDBC URL and press 'Connect'.

Generate secrets

Generate secrets to deploy via travis-ci

tar cvf secrets.tar ./service-account.json src/main/resources/
travis encrypt-file secrets.tar --add