Present Apple iAd in Mobile App/Games natively from JavaScript.
This plugin will not be updated any more.
Please use the pro version instead, which is much better and supports both banner and interstitial iAd.
- git repo:
- plugin id:
Cordova/PhoneGap plugins for the world leading Mobile Ad services:
- AdMob Plugin Pro, enhanced Google AdMob plugin, easy API and more features.
- mMedia Plugin Pro, enhanced mMedia plugin, support impressive video Ad.
- iAd Plugin, Apple iAd service.
- FlurryAds Plugin, Yahoo Flurry Ads service.
- MoPub Plugin Pro, MobPub Ads service.
- MobFox Plugin Pro, enhanced MobFox plugin, support video Ad and many other Ad network with server-side integration.
More Cordova/PhoneGap plugins by Raymond Xie, click here.
Project outsourcing and consulting service is also available. Please contact us if you have the business needs.