Make life easier at 9gal.
Installing Heroku Toolbelt
Creating and logining in your Heroku account
$ heroku login
Github checkout
$ git clone ~/project/nine_gal_lazy $ cd ~/project/nine_gal_lazy
Creating a new branch and entering your 9gal username and password
$ git checkout -b your_new_branch_name # replace your username and password in account.yml $ vi account.yml $ git add account.yml $ git commit -m "Enter username and password"
Creating a Heroku app
$ heroku apps:create your-app-name
Deploying app
$ git push heroku your_new_branch_name:master # Scaling 'clock' processes $ heroku ps:scale clock=1 # Setting time zone # $ heroku config:add TZ="Asia/Shanghai"
$ heroku logs