A routing library.
Assume the following sitemap:
- left/
- foo
- bar
- baz
- right/
- foo
- bar
- baz
An example URL would be e.g. left/foo
Beeline helps with encoding the sitemap as one value. The value is used both for generating URLs and for matching on parsed routes. That way, dead links can be avoided.
The leaf nodes could be modelled with a sum type like
data SumType = RouteFoo | RouteBar | RouteBaz
and the branching at the root could use Either SumType SumType
An URL like left/foo
would then be represented by the value Left RouteFoo
However, Beeline can't work with these encodings. It uses Shrubbery instead of vanilla sum types.
The Beeline analogue for the Foo/Bar/Baz type is shown in test/fixtures/FooBarBaz.hs
, and it is called fooBarBazRouter
This router can be 'interpreted' with strings to build URLs, see fooBarBazToText
The router can also be embedded in other routers, see
in test/Fixtures/Subrouter.hs
corresponds to the Either.
An example route for the URL left/foo
is exampleRouteLeftFoo
. This can be transformed into a String URL using
>>> subrouteToText exampleRouteLeftFoo
You can convert the parsed route into the previously mentioned Either SumType SumType
by writing a custom router interpreter like e.g.:
parser =
$ Shrubbery.branchBuild
$ Shrubbery.branch (\(Subrouter.LeftSubroute fbb) -> (Right $ FBB.handleFooBarBaz (\Foo -> RouteFoo) (\Bar -> RouteBar) (\Baz -> RouteBaz) fbb))
$ Shrubbery.branch (\(Subrouter.RightSubroute fbb) -> (Left $ FBB.handleFooBarBaz (\Foo -> RouteFoo) (\Bar -> RouteBar) (\Baz -> RouteBaz) fbb))
$ Shrubbery.branchEnd
parsed :: Either SumType SumType
parsed = parser route
In practice, the route
the previous example would be a parsed route from recognizeRoute
, see prop_subrouter
in test/Test/RouteRecognizer.hs