This is a sample application to demonstrate the use of Recoil with React and Typescript for data-initialized application state management.
You can preview this react app at:
- Create React App 5 powered by CRACO Configure and extend CRA webpack configuration
- Typescript usefull to validate all code statically with type safe
- Airbnb Linting style
- Testing Library
- Material Ui 5
- Recoil state management
- dbuilder repo
- react-beautiful-dnd
Clone or download the project then run
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
# OR
$ npm install
$ npm run start
- Home Movie list
- Suggestion carousel
- Paginate movie by query
- Filter year of publication, genre
- Add/remove to watchlist button
- Card view (thumbnail, title, year, star)
- Movie detail
- Add/remove to watchlist button
- View: thumbnail, title, description, star
- View: duration, 10 last reviews, complete cast
- Watch list
- List views
- Action to delete movie from list
- Reorder list drag and drop
├── assets
├── components
| ├── commons
| | └── WatchList
| ├── layout
| | └── Nav
| └── pages
| ├── Home
| | ├── MovieList
| | ├── Suggestion
| | └── SuggestionList
| └── Movie
├── hooks
├── interfaces
├── services
└── store