Releases: flatpressblog/flatpress
FlatPress 1.4 "Notturno" - Release Candidate 1
This is the first release candidate 1 of FlatPress 1.4 "Notturno". If no further bugs are reported, this version will soon be released as the final version 1.4.
This is a release candidate. Although it's most likely what will become the final release, you may not want to use it on your productive blog yet.
What's new?
The general look and feel of FlatPress 1.4 hasn't changed too much compared to 1.3 - it's all the small details that were improved:
- With an updated Smarty template engine, FlatPress now supports PHP up to 8.4.
- We fixed quite a lot of bugs and possible security issues (thanks to all the reporters!).
- Numerous small enhancements made it into FlatPress, such as as freely choosable blog author name, the ability to change the Admin credentials more easily, or the removal of unwanted metadata from uploaded images.
- Since the PhotoSwipe plugin became the default for displaying images, the old LightBox plugin was removed - you still find it in our FlatPress Extras repository.
- The newly added GDPR Video embed plugin provides a simple two-click solution for GDPR-compliant embedding of YouTube, Facebook and Vimeo videos.
FlatPress 1.4 contains many other improvements, bugfixes and security fixes. See the detailed list below.
Please help testing
If you happen to find the time, please help us with the last test before the final release. Try a fresh installation, or update a testing copy of your existing blog (see instructions below).
Please report any bugs and glitches on the FlatPress support forum. Thank you!
Download and follow the easy installation steps documented on the FlatPress download page.
To update from 1.3 (or 1.3.1) to 1.4 RC1, please use the update package
The 1.3.1 update instructions on the FlatPress download page work for 1.4 as well.
Please backup your whole FlatPress directory before applying the update.
Detailed Changelog
- The fixed "Stats" panel has been converted into a plugin (#363)
- FlatPress anonymizes the IPv4 address of the visitor. IPv6 addresses are replaced by a hash. (#105)
- The determination of the time format has been made more robust
- Template engine:
- Login page:
- Instructs search engines not to index the page (#450)
- Admin area:
- Optional natural sorting for static pages (Hidden improvement suggestion from NHWS)
- The cache is automatically emptied when the theme or style is changed.
- Setting permissions via the maintenance panel now takes all FlatPress files and directories into account. A distinction is made between content, core and other. (#502)
- You can now change the admin password in the configuration menu or create another administrator (#516)
- Contact form / comment function:
- Atom feed: Fixes parsing error (#429)
- Comment Atom feed: Fixed pharsing error if the commenter had not specified a website. (#508)
- Admin area:
- Charset dropdown selection instead of an input field (#340)
- The author entered in the configuration is now the author of the entries and static pages (#483)
- Compatibility to PHP with OPcache:
- OPcache is deactivated when the theme panel is called up so that newly activated themes or styles are displayed immediately. (#213, #244)
- The session-cookie are now somewhat more secure against CSRF attacks. (#481)
- BBcode, Cookiebanner and Emoticons plugin: removed unsafe href onclick HTML method (#422, #477)
- BBcode, PhotoSwipe and Emoticons plugin: Scripts equipped with a nonce to enable stricter CSP (#422, #477)
- Admin area login:
- Allow admin login attempts only every 30 seconds to make brute force attacks more difficult. (#87)
- The fp-user or fp-pass cookie is no longer set when logging in. Admin login and authentication via PHP sessions. (#488)
When installing a release update package, previously saved login information becomes invalid due to the change from cookie authentication to session authentication! The user must be recreated by executing the setup - see FAQ.
- Admin area:
- PrettyURLs plugin: To edit the .htacces file directly, the FlatPress Protect plugin option must first be activated. (#379)
- Upload panel: More resistant to RCE attacks and traversal attacks (#451, #114)
- Upload of hidden files is no longer possible. (#486)
- Delete entry and delete static page are now more secure against XSS and CSRF attacks (#220)
- Plugin management now more secure against XSS attacks (#220)
- Widget management: Scripts equipped with a nonce to enable stricter CSP (#422, #477)
- XSS vulnerabilities in the configuration menu -> International settings closed. (#487, #340)
- Logout after one hour if inactive. (#488)
- XSS vulnerability in the editor for static pages fixed. (#490)
- Fixed disclosure of Exif metadata when uploading images. (#492)
- Prevention of symlink attacks by checking the path when setting file and directory permissions (#502)
- GDPR Video embed: Simple two-click solution for GDPR-compliant embedding of YouTube, Facebook and Vimeo videos. (#260)
- LightBox2 plugin (can still be obtained from the flatpress-extras repo) (#359)
- SEO Meta Tag Info plugin: update to version 2.2.4
- FavIcon plugin: update to version 1.1.0
- BBcode plugin: update to version 1.9.0
- The editor toolbar can be deactivated again as in version 1.2.1 when using an alternative editor (e.g. Wysiwyg editor). (#436)
- BBcode toolbar, if BBcode for comments is allowed (#437)
- The fp-content/attachs directory is hidden if the file has been included with the URL tag ([#443](
FlatPress 1.3.1
FlatPress 1.3.1 is a bugfix release for FlatPress 1.3 "Andante".
It fixes problems that occurred when running FlatPress on HTTP-only web servers or behind load balancers / reverse proxies. If you work under one of these environments, you may want to install the update.
Version 1.3.1 also brings a security improvement to the cookies set by FlatPress.
Download and follow the easy installation steps documented on the FlatPress download page.
- Update package from 1.2 to 1.3.1:
- Update package from 1.3 to 1.3.1:
You find update instructions on the FlatPress download page.
Detailed Changelog
- added secure prefix for cookies (#155)
FlatPress 1.3 "Andante"
What's new?
Most importantly, FlatPress 1.3 "Andante" brings FlatPress to PHP 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3.
We had to change a lot for making that happen; most important part was upgrading the template engine Smarty to version 4.
The Smarty API has changed significantly from v2 to v4 - please make sure your themes and plugins continue to work with the new Smarty version!
The minimum required PHP version increases to 7.1. Also, the PHP extension intl becomes mandatory.
FlatPress 1.3 comes with helpful new plugins:
- PhotoSwipe displays images and galleries in a very sexy manner, using the PhotoSwipe library.
- The Gallery captions plugin manages image captions for gallery images.
- SEO Meta Tag Info helps you to optimize your blog for search engines.
- The FlatPress Protect plugin adds HTTP headers for hardening your blog.
- To promote the RSS/Atom feed of FlatPress, the Feed plugin displays the feed links in a widget.
- The CookieBanner plugin shows a banner according to GDPR.
- Add some fun and color to your blog with the Emoticons plugin!
- The Support plugin displays helpful details about your FlatPress installation which you can share when asking the community for support.
Having Slovenian, Danish and Russian translations added, FlatPress becomes more and more international. Thanks to all the translators!
FlatPress 1.3 contains many other improvements, bugfixes and security fixes. See the detailed list below.
Download and follow the easy installation steps documented on the FlatPress download page.
To update from 1.2 to 1.3, please use the update package and follow the update instructions on the FlatPress download page.
Please backup your whole FlatPress directory before applying the update.
Detailed Changelog
Changed requirements
- FlatPress 1.3 runs under PHP up to 8.3; minimum required PHP version increases to 7.1.
- Also, the PHP extension intl becomes mandatory.
- Template engine Smarty updated to version 4.3.1 (#94, #227)
The Smarty API has changed significantly from v2 to v4 - please make sure your themes and plugins continue to work with the new Smarty version! - Added
- README: added "help and support" section
- Re-activated useful "Stats" panel in Admin Area / Entries
- "Follow on Mastodon" added as an alternative to X (Twitter) in the welcome entry
- PhotoSwipe plugin added: Displays images and galleries with PhotoSwipe (#109, #253, #255)
- Gallery captions plugin added: Manages image captions for gallery images (#108)
- SEO Meta Tag Info plugin added: Manages SEO meta tags (#145)
- FlatPress Protect plugin added: Adds HTTP headers for hardening your blog (#146)
- DateChanger plugin added: Allows you to change the publication date for (new) entries.
- Feed plugin added: Displays the RSS and Atom feed via a widget (#317)
- CookieBanner plugin added: Discreet reference to the use of cookies (#325)
- Emoticons plugin added: Allows accessible emoticons via an editor toolbar. Suggested by @DeltaLima
- Support plugin added: Support data for the FlatPress admin and the community can be accessed via the admin maintenance menu.
- jQuery plugin: Updated jQuery (3.5.1 => 3.6.1) and jQueryUI (1.12.1 => 1.13.2)
- Media Manager plugin shows 50 items per page, not 10
- BBCode plugin: Added "h4" icon to editor toolbar (#201)
- BBCode plugin: Facebook-Video now uses the latest video player API and the lazy loading mechanism of the browser; also now has localized languages with language tag (#252) - see also
- BBCode plugin: Added optional "target" attribute to the "url" element - (PR270 by @sjustesen)
- Comment center plugin (Akismet) revised to enable a more understandable operation (#273)
- Comment center plugin: The admin must authorize comments (set as default) (#101)
- Removed Akismet plugin: Akismet spam check is already included in the comment center plugin.
Before updating FlatPress to 1.3, enter your Akismet key into the Comment Center plugin, and delete the Akismet plugin.
- LastCommentsAdmin plugin will not even attempt to delete or rebuild LastComments caches if LastComments plugin is not available (#43)
- Comment Center plugin: Fixed errors on the config page (#90)
- Comment Center plugin: Fixed error on sending mails with umlaut subjects (#211)
- Akismet plugin: Fixed PHP warnings (#83)
- BBCode plugin: Allows local video files ("attachs/video.mp4") and outputs valid HTML (#192)
- BBCode plugin: Initial settings after fresh install shown correctly (#102)
- Calendar plugin: Fixed incorrect text output when Russian is set as language
- Footnotes plugin: Compatibility with Markdown plugin established (#322)
- PrettyURLs plugin: Works properly again with non-Latin characters in entry titles and category names (#281)
- Reworked Installer (#266)
- Image files, which are not used by the installer, were removed.
- In the setup CSS, unused IDs, classes and incorrect references to fonts have been removed.
- The installer header now shines in a simple FlatPress style.
- Added missing language files for Greek, Spanish and French (#214)
- The installer tries to write permissions recursively for owners and groups, which had to be done manually before.
- Setup determines local time zone and UTC offset automatically (#99).
Reworked "Leggero v2" style, Admin Area now responsive (#259)
- Adjusted the alignment of the calendar widget and the search widget
- The theme now adapts better at screen widths between 720px and 768px
- Media queries were created for individual device classes (smartphone, netbook, laptop and PC) in order to achieve a better display, especially for mobile devices
- The overall appearance is now not so angular/edgy
- A single PhotoSwipe image or a whole gallery is now centered in the responsive design (#150)
- BBcode videos are no longer chopped off in responsive design, but adjusted to the width and center aligned
- A left or right aligned BBcode video will now be centered if the screen < 960 px
- The BBcode toolbar adapted for a better display at the screen width of 640px
- The menu and submenu in the administration area now also has a "slightly" more modern design
- Template and CSS from Uploader > Gallery: image texts; button and table adapted to Leggero V2 style
- Text within the pre element is now printed completely by line break
- Fixes a problem in the admin area when rendering font-sizes in Safari, Chrome and Firefox (iPhone/iPad) (#256)
- Added "background-attachment: fix" -workaround for mobile devices.
- Admin area now has Leggero-v2 style background instead of white background.
Further fixes in "Leggero" theme
- All Leggero theme css files now comply with CSS level 3
- Fixed searchbox glitch in FlatMaas revisited style (#97)
- Fixed missing bullets in preview (#98)
- CSS of the Leggero style had some glitches on mobile devices
- Invalid HTML output fixed (#106, #156)
- Removed unneccessary external font resource ([#112](https:/...
FlatPress 1.3 "Andante" - Release Candidate 1
This is the first release candidate 1 of FlatPress 1.3 "Andante". If no further bugs are reported, this version will soon be released as the final version 1.3.
What's new?
Most importantly, FlatPress 1.3 "Andante" brings FlatPress to PHP 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3.
We had to change a lot for making that happen; most important part was upgrading the template engine Smarty to version 4.
The Smarty API has changed significantly from v2 to v4 - please make sure your themes and plugins continue to work with the new Smarty version!
The minimum required PHP version increases to 7.1. Also, the PHP extension intl becomes mandatory.
FlatPress 1.3 comes with helpful new plugins:
- PhotoSwipe displays images and galleries in a very sexy manner, using the PhotoSwipe library.
- The Gallery captions plugin manages image captions for gallery images.
- SEO Meta Tag Info helps you to optimize your blog for search engines.
- The FlatPress Protect plugin adds HTTP headers for hardening your blog.
- To promote the RSS/Atom feed of FlatPress, the Feed plugin displays the feed links in a widget.
- The CookieBanner plugin shows a banner according to GDPR.
- Add some fun and color to your blog with the Emoticons plugin!
- The Support plugin displays helpful details about your FlatPress installation which you can share when asking the community for support.
Having Slovenian, Danish and Russian translations added, FlatPress becomes more and more international. Thanks to all the translators!
FlatPress 1.3 contains many other improvements, bugfixes and security fixes. See the detailed list below.
This is a release candidate. Although it's most likely what will become the final release, you may not want to use it on your productive blog yet.
Please help testing
If you happen to find the time, please help us with the last test before the final release. Try a fresh installation, or update a testing copy of your existing blog (see instructions below).
Please report any bugs and glitches on the FlatPress support forum. Thank you!
Download and follow the easy installation steps documented on the FlatPress download page.
To update from 1.2 to 1.3 RC1, please use the update package
The 1.2 update instructions on the FlatPress download page work for 1.3 as well.
Please backup your whole FlatPress directory before applying the update.
Detailed Changelog
Changed requirements
- FlatPress 1.3 runs under PHP up to 8.3; minimum required PHP version increases to 7.1.
- Also, the PHP extension intl becomes mandatory.
- Template engine Smarty updated to version 4.3.1 (#94, #227)
The Smarty API has changed significantly from v2 to v4 - please make sure your themes and plugins continue to work with the new Smarty version! - Added
- README: added "help and support" section
- Re-activated useful "Stats" panel in Admin Area / Entries
- "Follow on Mastodon" added as an alternative to X (Twitter) in the welcome entry
- PhotoSwipe plugin added: Displays images and galleries with PhotoSwipe (#109, #253, #255)
- Gallery captions plugin added: Manages image captions for gallery images (#108)
- SEO Meta Tag Info plugin added: Manages SEO meta tags (#145)
- FlatPress Protect plugin added: Adds HTTP headers for hardening your blog (#146)
- DateChanger plugin added: Allows you to change the publication date for (new) entries.
- Feed plugin added: Displays the RSS and Atom feed via a widget (#317)
- CookieBanner plugin added: Discreet reference to the use of cookies (#325)
- Emoticons plugin added: Allows accessible emoticons via an editor toolbar. Suggested by @DeltaLima
- Support plugin added: Support data for the FlatPress admin and the community can be accessed via the admin maintenance menu.
- jQuery plugin: Updated jQuery (3.5.1 => 3.6.1) and jQueryUI (1.12.1 => 1.13.2)
- Media Manager plugin shows 50 items per page, not 10
- BBCode plugin: Added "h4" icon to editor toolbar (#201)
- BBCode plugin: Facebook-Video now uses the latest video player API and the lazy loading mechanism of the browser; also now has localized languages with language tag (#252) - see also
- BBCode plugin: Added optional "target" attribute to the "url" element - (PR270 by @sjustesen)
- Comment center plugin (Akismet) revised to enable a more understandable operation (#273)
- Comment center plugin: The admin must authorize comments (set as default) (#101)
- Akismet-Plugin removed: is already included in the comment center plugin
- LastCommentsAdmin plugin will not even attempt to delete or rebuild LastComments caches if LastComments plugin is not available (#43)
- Comment Center plugin: Fixed errors on the config page (#90)
- Comment Center plugin: Fixed error on sending mails with umlaut subjects (#211)
- Akismet plugin: Fixed PHP warnings (#83)
- BBCode plugin: Allows local video files ("attachs/video.mp4") and outputs valid HTML (#192)
- BBCode plugin: Initial settings after fresh install shown correctly (#102)
- Calendar plugin: Fixed incorrect text output when Russian is set as language
- Footnotes plugin: Compatibility with Markdown plugin established (#322)
- PrettyURLs plugin: Works properly again with non-Latin characters in entry titles and category names (#281)
- Reworked Installer (#266)
- Image files, which are not used by the installer, were removed.
- In the setup CSS, unused IDs, classes and incorrect references to fonts have been removed.
- The installer header now shines in a simple FlatPress style.
- Added missing language files for Greek, Spanish and French (#214)
- The installer tries to write permissions recursively for owners and groups, which had to be done manually before.
Reworked "Leggero v2" style, Admin Area now responsive (#259)
- Adjusted the alignment of the calendar widget and the search widget
- The theme now adapts better at screen widths between 720px and 768px
- Media queries were created for individual device classes (smartphone, netbook, laptop and PC) in order to achieve a better display, especially for mobile devices
- The overall appearance is now not so angular/edgy
- A single PhotoSwipe image or a whole gallery is now centered in the responsive design (#150)
- BBcode videos are no longer chopped off in responsive design, but adjusted to the width and center aligned
- A left or right aligned BBcode video will now be centered if the screen < 960 px
- The BBcode toolbar adapted for a better display at the screen width of 640px
- The menu and submenu in the administration area now also has a "slightly" more modern design
- Template and CSS from Uploader > Gallery: image texts; button and table adapted to Leggero V2 style
- Text within the pre element is now printed completely by line break
- Fixes a problem in the admin area when rendering font-sizes in Safari, Chrome and Firefox (iPhone/iPad) (#256)
- Added "background-attachment: fix" -workaround for mobile devices.
- Admin area now has Leggero-v2 style background instead of white background.
Further fixes in "Leggero" theme
- All Leggero theme css files now comply with CSS level 3
- Fixed searchbox glitch in FlatMaas revisited style ([#97](https://gith...
FlatPress 1.3 "Andante" - Beta 1
Most importantly, FlatPress 1.3 "Andante" brings FlatPress to PHP 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3.
We had to change a lot for making that happen; most important part was upgrading the template engine Smarty to version 4.
The Smarty API has changed significantly from v2 to v4 - please make sure your themes and plugins continue to work with the new Smarty version!
The minimum required PHP version increases to 7.1. Also, the PHP extension intl becomes mandatory.
FlatPress 1.3 comes with helpful new plugins:
- PhotoSwipe displays images and galleries in a very sexy manner, using the PhotoSwipe library.
- The Gallery captions plugin manages image captions for gallery images.
- SEO Meta Tag Info helps you to optimize your blog for search engines.
- The FlatPress Protect plugin adds HTTP headers for hardening your blog.
Having Slovenian, Danish and Russian translations added, FlatPress becomes more and more international. Thanks to all the translators!
FlatPress 1.3 contains many other improvements, bugfixes and security fixes. See the detailed list below.
This is a beta release. It is meant for testing, not for production use!
Please help testing
If you happen to find the time, please help us testing this new version.
There are still a few smaller issues open that keep 1.3 from final release (see the milestone). We'll add all the problems you might find to this list - as soon as it is empty, we have our final release!
Please report any bugs and glitches on the FlatPress support forum. Thank you!
Download and follow the easy installation steps documented on the FlatPress download page.
To update from 1.2 to 1.3.beta1, please use the update package
The 1.2 update instructions on the FlatPress download page work for 1.3 as well.
Please backup your whole FlatPress directory before applying the update.
Detailed Changelog
Changed requirements
- FlatPress 1.3 runs under PHP up to 8.3; minimum required PHP version increases to 7.1.
- Also, the PHP extension intl becomes mandatory.
- Template engine Smarty updated to version 4.3.1 (#94, #227)
The Smarty API has changed significantly from v2 to v4 - please make sure your themes and plugins continue to work with the new Smarty version! - Added
- README: added "help and support" section
- Re-activated useful "Stats" panel in Admin Area / Entries
- "Follow on Mastodon" added as an alternative to X (Twitter) in the welcome entry
- PhotoSwipe plugin added: Displays images and galleries with PhotoSwipe (#109, #253, #255)
- Gallery captions plugin added: Manages image captions for gallery images (#108)
- SEO Meta Tag Info plugin added: Manages SEO meta tags (#145)
- FlatPress Protect plugin added: Adds HTTP headers for hardening your blog (#146)
- jQuery plugin: Updated jQuery (3.5.1 => 3.6.1) and jQueryUI (1.12.1 => 1.13.2)
- Media Manager plugin shows 50 items per page, not 10
- BBCode plugin: Added "h4" icon to editor toolbar (#201)
- BBCode plugin: Facebook-Video now uses the latest video player API and the lazy loading mechanism of the browser; also now has localized languages with language tag (#252) - see also
- BBCode plugin: Added optional "target" attribute to the "url" element - (PR270 by @sjustesen)
- Akismet and comment center plugin revised to enable a more understandable operation (#273)
- LastCommentsAdmin plugin will not even attempt to delete or rebuild LastComments caches if LastComments plugin is not available (#43)
- Comment Center plugin: Fixed errors on the config page (#90)
- Comment Center plugin: Fixed error on sending mails with umlaut subjects (#211)
- Akismet plugin: Fixed PHP warnings (#83)
- BBCode plugin: Allows local video files ("attachs/video.mp4") and outputs valid HTML (#192)
- BBCode plugin: Initial settings after fresh install shown correctly (#102)
- Calendar plugin: Fixed incorrect text output when Russian is set as language
- Fixed broken links in the administration area
- Reworked Installer (#266)
- Image files, which are not used by the installer, were removed.
- In the setup CSS, unused IDs, classes and incorrect references to fonts have been removed.
- The installer header now shines in a simple FlatPress style.
- Added missing language files for Greek, Spanish and French (#214)
- The installer tries to write permissions to the fp-content directory recursively for owners and groups, which had to be done manually before.
Reworked "Leggero v2" style, Admin Area now responsive (#259)
- Adjusted the alignment of the calendar widget and the search widget
- The theme now adapts better at screen widths between 720px and 768px
- Media queries were created for individual device classes (smartphone, netbook, laptop and PC) in order to achieve a better display, especially for mobile devices
- The overall appearance is now not so angular/edgy
- A single PhotoSwipe image or a whole gallery is now centered in the responsive design (#150)
- BBcode videos are no longer chopped off in responsive design, but adjusted to the width and center aligned
- A left or right aligned BBcode video will now be centered if the screen < 960 px
- The BBcode toolbar adapted for a better display at the screen width of 640px
- The menu and submenu in the administration area now also has a "slightly" more modern design
- Template and CSS from Uploader > Gallery: image texts; button and table adapted to Leggero V2 style
- Text within the pre element is now printed completely by line break
- Fixes a problem in the admin area when rendering font-sizes in Safari, Chrome and Firefox (iPhone/iPad) (#256)
- Added "background-attachment: fix" -workaround for mobile devices.
- Admin area now has Leggero-v2 style background instead of white background.
Further fixes in "Leggero" theme
- All Leggero theme css files now comply with CSS level 3
- Fixed searchbox glitch in FlatMaas revisited style (#97)
- Fixed missing bullets in preview (#98)
- CSS of the Leggero style had some glitches on mobile devices
- Invalid HTML output fixed (#106, #156)
- Removed unneccessary external font resource (#112)
- "Add comment" link has its own line (#135)
- Removed legacy/invalid CSS (#133, #134)
- Fixed description of Leggero and Leggero v2 styles (#137)
- Obsolete bullet points removed (#136)
- Updated preview image (#139)
- Fixed comments date format (#237)
- Fixed several layout/CSS glitches (#140, #144, #201, #247, #249)
- Lucida Console [code] ... [/code] is now correct as a font in the CSS file
FlatPress 1.2.1
FlatPress 1.2.1 is a bugfix release for v1.2 "Legato". It solves issue #82 which may have led to a blank page in the admin area.
As a little bonus, 1.2.1 introduces a Dutch translation by Macmee - hartelijk bedankt!
Download and follow the easy installation steps documented on the FlatPress download page.
To update from 1.2 to 1.2.1, please use the update package You find update instructions on the FlatPress download page.
Detailled Changelog
- BOM in French language files broke the admin area on some systems (see #82)
- Added Dutch language pack by Macmee
FlatPress 1.2 "Legato"
The evolution of FlatPress continues with FlatPress 1.2 "Legato".
It brings FlatPress to PHP 7.4 (finally!) and PHP 8.0. Also, it contains some security fixes. We updated a few libraries, and the BBCode plugin knows some more tricks. Also, many bugs are fixed, thanks for reporting! And, to get FlatPress even more international, many language packs found their way into the standard distribution: French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian (finally!), and Spanish. Big shout out to all translators - thanks a lot!
Download and follow the easy installation steps documented on the FlatPress download page.
To update from 1.1 to 1.2, please use the update package You find update instructions on the FlatPress download page.
Detailled Changelog
- FlatPress now runs smoothly with PHP 7.4 and PHP 8
- Performance: Lazy loading for images
- GDPR compatibility: Data of commenters are not stored in cookies any more
- SEO: Added XML sitemap for search engines (details)
- Leggero v2 is default theme (see #57)
- Leggero v1 is now responsive
- Updated Smarty to release 2.6.31
- Added
- BBCode plugin:
- Added image attribute "loading", default is "lazy"
- Enhanced [video] element accepts video URLs for YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook
- Added "mail" tag (replaces the Protected Mail Links plugin)
- Selectboxes of attachments and images in the editor toolbar are sorted by name
- jQuery plugin: Updated jQuery and jQuery UI to their current versions
- CommentCenter plugin is part of the FP standard distribution
- PrettyUrls and Comment Center are activated by default, LastComments and LastCommentsAdmin are not
- Protected Mail Links plugin removed
- Overhauled v0.812.2 fix for local file inclusion vulnerability (more details)
- Comments are sanitized properly (see #62)
- Uploader checks for forbidden files more carefully
- User password isn't hashed with MD5 any more (see #59)
- Mail adresses are accepted in a broader range (see #48)
- HTTPS URLs in the contact form are now handled correctly (see #55)
- Fixed redirects after login
- Fixed "syntax error, unexpected '['" bug, reported here
- Setup sets date and FP version for the freshly created static pages
- Annoying translation error in German language pack fixed
- ... and many more!
- Added French language pack by Marc Thibeault and Dimitri Soufflet, reworked by Gee
- Added Japanese Language Pack by NORTH HILL WORK STUDIO
- Added Brazilian Portuguese language pack by randy
- Added Italian language pack by Giacomo Margarito
- Added Spansh language pack by karelv
- Reworked German language pack by Detlef
FlatPress 1.2 "Legato" - Beta 2
The evolution of FlatPress continues with the the second beta release of FlatPress 1.2 "Legato".
It brings FlatPress to PHP 7.4 (finally!) and PHP 8.0. Also, it contains some security fixes. We updated a few libraries, and the BBCode plugin knows some more tricks. Also, many bugs are fixed, thanks for reporting! And, to get FlatPress even more international, many language packs found their way into the standard distribution: French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian (finally!), and Spanish. Big shout out to all translators - thanks a lot!
This is a beta release. It is meant for testing, not for production use. Please report any bugs and glitches on the FlatPress support forum. Thank you!
Download and follow the easy installation steps documented on the FlatPress download page.
To update from 1.1 to 1.2.beta2, please use the update package The 1.1 update instructions on the FlatPress download page apply for 1.2.
Detailled Changelog
- FlatPress now runs smoothly with PHP 7.4 and PHP 8
- Performance: Lazy loading for images
- GDPR compatibility: Data of commenters are not stored in cookies any more
- SEO: Added XML sitemap for search engines (details)
- Leggero v2 is default theme (see #57)
- Leggero v1 is now responsive
- Updated Smarty to release 2.6.31
- Added
- BBCode plugin:
- Added image attribute "loading", default is "lazy"
- Enhanced [video] element accepts video URLs for YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook
- Added "mail" tag (replaces the Protected Mail Links plugin)
- Selectboxes of attachments and images in the editor toolbar are sorted by name
- jQuery plugin: Updated jQuery and jQuery UI to their current versions
- CommentCenter plugin is part of the FP standard distribution
- PrettyUrls and Comment Center are activated by default, LastComments and LastCommentsAdmin are not
- Protected Mail Links plugin removed
- Overhauled v0.812.2 fix for local file inclusion vulnerability (more details)
- Comments are sanitized properly (see #62)
- Uploader checks for forbidden files more carefully
- User password isn't hashed with MD5 any more (see #59)
- Mail adresses are accepted in a broader range (see #48)
- HTTPS URLs in the contact form are now handled correctly (see #55)
- Fixed redirects after login
- Fixed "syntax error, unexpected '['" bug, reported here
- Setup sets date and FP version for the freshly created static pages
- Annoying translation error in German language pack fixed
- ... and many more!
- Added French language pack by Marc Thibeault and Dimitri Soufflet, reworked by Gee
- Added Japanese Language Pack by NORTH HILL WORK STUDIO
- Added Brazilian Portuguese language pack by randy
- Added Italian language pack by Giacomo Margarito
- Added Spansh language pack by karelv
- Reworked German language pack by Detlef
FlatPress 1.2 "Legato" - Beta 1
The evolution of FlatPress continues with the this first beta release of FlatPress 1.2 "Legato".
It brings FlatPress to PHP 7.4 (finally!) and PHP 8.0. Also, it contains some security fixes. We updated a few libraries, and the BBCode plugin knows some more tricks. Also, many bugs are fixed, thanks for reporting! And, to get FlatPress even more international, many language packs found their way into the standard distribution: French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian (finally!), and Spanish. Big shout out to all translators - thanks a lot!
This is a beta release. It is meant for testing, not for production use. Please report any bugs and glitches on the FlatPress support forum. Thank you!
Download and follow the easy installation steps documented on the FlatPress download page.
To update from 1.1 to 1.2.beta1, please use the update package The 1.1 update instructions on the FlatPress download page apply for 1.2.
Detailled Changelog
- FlatPress now runs smoothly with PHP 7.4 and PHP 8
- Performance: Lazy loading for images
- GDPR compatibility: Data of commenters are not stored in cookies any more
- SEO: Added XML sitemap for search engines (details)
- Leggero v2 is default theme (see #57)
- Leggero v1 is now responsive
- Updated Smarty to release 2.6.31
- Added
- BBCode plugin:
- Added image attribute "loading", default is "lazy"
- Enhanced [video] element accepts video URLs for YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook
- Added "mail" tag (replaces the Protected Mail Links plugin)
- Selectboxes of attachments and images in the editor toolbar are sorted by name
- jQuery plugin: Updated jQuery and jQuery UI to their current versions
- CommentCenter plugin is part of the FP standard distribution
- PrettyUrls and Comment Center are activated by default, LastComments and LastCommentsAdmin are not
- Protected Mail Links plugin removed
- Overhauled v0.812.2 fix for local file inclusion vulnerability (more details)
- Comments are sanitized properly (see #62)
- Uploader checks for forbidden files more carefully
- User password isn't hashed with MD5 any more (see #59)
- Mail adresses are accepted in a broader range (see #48)
- HTTPS URLs in the contact form are now handled correctly (see #55)
- Fixed redirects after login
- Fixed "syntax error, unexpected '['" bug, reported here
- Setup sets date and FP version for the freshly created static pages
- Annoying translation error in German language pack fixed
- Added French language pack by Marc Thibeault and Dimitri Soufflet, reworked by Gee
- Added Japanese Language Pack by NORTH HILL WORK STUDIO
- Added Brazilian Portuguese language pack by randy
- Added Italian language pack by Giacomo Margarito
- Added Spansh language pack by karelv
- Reworked German language pack by Detlef
FlatPress 1.1 "Da capo"
With release 1.1, we took the time to fix a few more things, and to clean up a little bit. The BBCode toolbar has now graphical icons and knows a few more elements, some more languages are included, and a number of bugs and glitches have been fixed. Even one security fix is on board.
Download and follow the easy installation steps documented on the FlatPress download page.
To update from 1.0(.x) to 1.1, please use the update package You find update instructions on the FlatPress download page.
Detailled Changelog
- Languages added: Greek, German, Czech (feel free to send in your language packs!)
- Admin: Fancyfied editor toolbar with more BBCode elements
- Changelog: Missing releases added
- Plugin added: Protected Mail Links
- jQuery plugin: jQuery files are loaded locally now
- Readmore plugin: Now localized (feel free to send in your translation!)
- Searchbox plugin: Full text search enabled by default
- Footnotes plugin: Usage how-to added
- Lightbox plugin: Slimbox version updated, broken overlay fixed
- Security fix: Possible CSRF attack prevented (see details)