Releases: flatironinstitute/finufft
v2.3.1 (minor update)
FINUFFT release 2.3.0 (stable)
This release includes many new features since 2.2.0. The main ones are:
- major performance improvements in CPU spread/interpolation through manual SIMD vectorization
- performance improvements for the GPU library
- switchable FFT: either FFTW3 or DUCC0 (where the latter exploits sparse block structure for speed in 2D and 3D)
- modernized Python wrapping
- revamped CMake build
- many bugfixes, improved testing and benchmarking, new documentation...
See CHANGELOG for the full list.
Release candidate for 2.3.0.
This contains a long list of improvements, including major ones, documented in the CHANGELOG.
FINUFFT release 2.2.0.
- First release to have CPU+GPU combined in the same repo
- GPU interface has been changed slightly for forwards compatibility (relative to legacy v1.3 cufinufft)
- Extension of GPU interface for compatibility with CuPy, PyTorch, and Numba frameworks in addition to PyCuda
- Support of CUDA streams
- CMake build system
- Various speed improvements and bugfixes
- Improved documentation
See all changes described in the CHANGELOG
v2.0.2 stable
FINUFFT v2.0.2 stable release.
See CHANGELOG for new features and changes.
If you have trouble compiling the library or especially language interfaces, you may want to check for binaries at
stable 1/31/2020 release of FINUFFT.
Ludvig af Klinteberg's Horner polynomial loop padding to w=4n for better SIMD vectorization on older GCC versions (pre-6).
Vineet Bansal's Mingw32 python patches.
For binaries, see
If you have trouble with the upcoming v1.2, downgrade to this, and note that v1.2 changes a couple of interfaces.
This version improves upon 1.0 in terms of performance, mac OSX compatibility, C interface and header file simplicity, and documentation.
The only interface change is: setting default options
is via
nufft_opts opts; finufft_default_opts(&opts);
instead of
nufft_opts opts; finufft_default_opts(opts);
Ie, you have to insert one ampersand (see docs/).
For binaries, see