Created by Ingo Andelhofs
Student at UHasselt (2019)
To start using FlashPHP, u first need to add the /_modules
folder to your project.
Then you only need to require the index.php
require_once './_modules/index.php';
Comming soon...
The biggest part of FlashPHP is the Router. You can easily create RESTful routes and use their given $request
and $response
objects to handle basic route functionalities.
// Create a base router. In this case the home route.
$home = new Router('/home');
// Include other route files (see later) or use the same file for small Routers.
// Here we create a simple GET route '/index' for the home route.
// You can access this route by going to '{hostname}/home/index'.
$home->get('/index', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
// Code for route here...
// Start the router. It is IMPORTANT that you start the Router at the end.
Config::default('PATH_COMPONENTS', './components');
Config::default('PATH_MODELS', './models');
Config::default('PATH_VIEWS', './views');
Config::default('PATH_TEMPLATES', './templates');
Config::default('PATH_ROUTES', './routes');
Config::default('PATH_MIDDLEWARE', './middleware');
Config::default('DEFAULT_ROUTER_METHOD', 'index');
Config::default('DEFAULT_ROUTER_ROUTE', 'home');
Config::default_obj('TEMPLATE_ENGINE', new MTemplatingEngine());
$base_route = new Router('/base');
// GET (read) requests
$base_route->get('/index', function(Request $req, Response $res) {/* Code here... */});
// POST (write/create) requests
$base_route->post('/index', function(Request $req, Response $res) {/* Code here... */});
// PUT (update) requests
$base_route->put('/index', function(Request $req, Response $res) {/* Code here... */});
// DELETE (delete) requests
$base_route->delete('/index', function(Request $req, Response $res) {/* Code here... */});
$route->get('/index/:param1/:param2', function(Request $req, Response $res) {
// Returns an object of $_REQUEST, $_POST, $_GET, ($_PUT, $_DELETE)
// Returns the parameter value given in the url or null if not given.
// Returns the Database object. See later.
$req->db->create('User', ['name' => 'Jhon Doe', 'email' => '[email protected]']);
// Returns the uploaded files
// Returns the Session object
$req->session->username = 'ingo_andelhofs';
$req->session->username; // returns 'ingo_andelhofs' (also set in $_SESSION['username'])
// Returns the Cookie object
$req->cookie->firstname = 'Ingo';
$req->cookie->firstname; // returns 'Ingo' (also set in $_COOKIE['firstname'])
$route->get('/index', function(Request $req, Response $res) {
// Send text data to route via htmlspecialchars
$res->send('Hello World!');
// Send datastructures as text data to route (print_r).
$res->send_r([3, 4, 5]);
// Send error
$res->error('An error occured!');
// Log a JavaScript message to the js console.
$res->js_log('A console message.');
// Convert a datastructure (array, ...) to json and send to route.
$res->json(['name' => 'Ingo', 'age' => 19]); // -> {"name": "Ingo", "age": 19}
// Render a view using the Template Engine. View files are in the view folder.
$res->view('home/homepage', ['title' => 'Welcome to the homepage.']);
// End the script with a last message.
$res->end('End of the script');
// Redirect to a given url. Or redirect back to the last visited url.
// Read a file
// Download a file
class Auth {
public static function is_user($param) {
return function() use($param) {
return Middleware::next();
return Middleware::block();
$auth->post('/admin_only', [Auth::is_user_logged_in(), Auth::is_user("admin")], function(Request $req, Response $res) {
// Code for admin only here...
in $route_callback(Request $req, Response $res)
// check for files
// returns uploaded files
// file info
// file storing
$filename = $req->files->profile_picture->store('public/images');
$filename = $req->files->profile_picture->storeAs('public/images', 'filename'); // filename.jpeg -> autocomplete extention
// Downloading
$home->get('/index', function(Request $req, Response $res) {
// Cookies
$req->cookie->username = 'Ingo';
// Sessions
$req->session->user = [
'fname' => 'Ingo',
'lname' => 'Andelhofs',
'pwd' => '**********'
You can see this structure by using the Router::print_all()
// When u create a Router, it is added to Router::$routes_data.
// All the information about the route is saved there.
$home = new Router('/home');
$home->get('/index/:id', function(Request $req, Response $res) {
// Code here...
Router::$routes_data = [
'home' => ['index' => ['get' => ['callback' => function($request, $response) {},
'params' => [0 => 'id'],
'path' => '/home/index',
'request_method' => 'GET',
'options' => [...]]
It is simple to create a new DataBase, you just need to add some constants to your config.php file. These constants are the default arguments.
define('DB_DRIVER', 'mysql');
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_PORT', '3306');
define('DB_NAME', 'db-name');
define('DB_USERNAME', 'root');
define('DB_PASSWORD', '********');
$db = new DataBase();
$db2 = new DataBase($driver, $hostname, $port, $database_name, $username, $password);
Create these database schemas for better prepared statements (comming soon...) and to get a visual representation of your table.
new DataBaseSchema('User', [
'id' => PDO::PARAM_INT,
'firstname' => PDO::PARAM_STR,
'lastname' => PDO::PARAM_STR,
'email' => PDO::PARAM_STR,
'password' => PDO::PARAM_STR
You can create a new database function by using the new()
DataBase::new('select_query', function($db, $table_name) {
return $db->query("SELECT * FROM $table_name;");
$db = new DataBase();
$db->select_query('User'); // -> Array(User1, User2, ...);
A simple but save way to query.
// Result contains an array with Users or in the case of an Insert the inserted Id property.
$result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM User WHERE id=:id AND firstname=:firstname;", [
'id' => 3,
'firstname' => 'Ingo'
A simple select, read query.
// WHERE id=5
$db->get('User', ['id' => 5]);
// WHERE id=3 OR id=4 OR id=5
$db->get('User', ['id' => [3, 4, 5]]);
// WHERE id=5 AND firstname='Ingo'
$db->get('User', ['id' => 5, 'firstname' => 'Ingo']);
// Comming soon...
$db->getUser(['id' => 5]);
$db->getUserById([3, 4, 5]);
$db->getUserByIdAndFirstname(5, 'Ingo');
A simple insert, create query.
$id = $db->create('User', ['firstname' => 'Ingo', 'Lastname' => 'A.']);
// Coming soon...
$db->createUser(['firstname' => 'Ingo', 'Lastname' => 'A.']);
A simple delete query.
$db->delete('User', ['id' => 3]);
// Coming soon...
$db->deleteUser(['id' => 3]);
A simple update query.
$db->update('User', ['id' => 3], ['firstname' => 'Ingo']);
// Coming soon...
$db->updateUser(['id' => 3], ['firstname' => 'Ingo']);
$db->updateUserById(3, ['firstname' => 'Ingo']);
A simple check if an item exists.
$db->exists('User', ['id' => 5, 'firstname' => 'Ingo']);
// Coming soon...
$db->existsUser(['id' => 5, 'firstname' => 'Ingo']);
$db->existsUserWithIdAndFirstname(5, 'Ingo');
A simple duplicate query that returns the new id.
$id = $db->duplicate('User', ['id' => 5]);
// Coming soon...
$db->duplicateUser(['id' => 5]);
- BaseTemplatingEngine
- NTemplatingEngine (No)
- STemplatingEngine (Simple)
- MTemplatingEngine (Medium)
- Components
- Simple rendering for views width data.
$home->get('/index', function(Request $req, Response $res) {
$res->view('home/homepage', [
'title' => 'Welcome to the homepage.'
<h1><?php print($title); ?></h1>
<h1><?= $title ?></h1>
- Simple rendering for views width data.
- Var prefixing
- Simple rendering for views width data.
- Var prefixing
- Pretty printing
- Templates
<!-- print via htmlspecialchars -->
<h1>{{ $title }}</h1>
<!-- print without htmlspecialchars -->
<h1>{{! $title }}</h1>
<!-- print via print_r -->
<h1>{{r $title }}</h1>
@section scripts
<body class="app">
@section main
@extends TemplateName
@section scripts
<script src="./public/app.js"></script>
@section main
- Simple rendering for views width data.
- Var prefixing
- Pretty printing
- Templates
- Conditionals
- Components
<!-- If statements -->
<p>If is true</p>
@else if(condition):
<p>Else if is true</p>
<p>Elif is true</p>
<!-- Foreach loops -->
@foreach($names as $name):
<p>{{ $name }}</p>
<!-- Via component::render -->
<?php Component::render('banner', ['title' => 'Welcome']); ?>
<!-- Via component::compName -->
<?php Component::compName(['title' => 'Welcome']); ?>
<!-- Via MTemplatingEngine -->
@component compName('title' => 'Welcome')
@component compName['title' => 'Welcome']
Support for REST forms.
Supported methods: GET
<form action='/home/index' method='PUT'>
<!-- Input fields -->
<input type='submit' value='Click'>
Support for REST links.
Supported attributes: href
, data-req
, data-body
(except for DELETE) and data-async
(coming soon...).
<a href='/homs/index' data-req='PUT' data-body='{"name": "Ingo Andelhofs", "id": 5}'>Link to somewehere.</a>
<a href='/homs/index' data-req='DELETE' data-async='true'>Click and async.</a>
in $route_callback(Request $req, Response $res)
in $route_callback(Request $req, Response $res)
$res->flash($name, $message);