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A basic php framework that supports simple RESTful routes.

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Flash - The PHP Framework

Created by Ingo Andelhofs
Student at UHasselt (2019)

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Router Usage
  3. Database Usage
  4. Templating Engines Usage
  5. JavaScript Helpers
  6. In Development


Simple dowload & require

To start using FlashPHP, u first need to add the /_modules folder to your project.
Then you only need to require the index.php file.

require_once './_modules/index.php';

Composer install

Comming soon...

Router Usage

The biggest part of FlashPHP is the Router. You can easily create RESTful routes and use their given $request and $response objects to handle basic route functionalities.



// Create a base router. In this case the home route.
$home = new Router('/home');

// Include other route files (see later) or use the same file for small Routers.
// Here we create a simple GET route '/index' for the home route.
// You can access this route by going to '{hostname}/home/index'.
$home->get('/index', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
  // Code for route here...

// Start the router. It is IMPORTANT that you start the Router at the end.

Default config

Config::default('PATH_COMPONENTS', './components');
Config::default('PATH_MODELS', './models');
Config::default('PATH_VIEWS', './views');
Config::default('PATH_TEMPLATES', './templates');
Config::default('PATH_ROUTES', './routes');
Config::default('PATH_MIDDLEWARE', './middleware');

Config::default('DEFAULT_ROUTER_METHOD', 'index');
Config::default('DEFAULT_ROUTER_ROUTE', 'home');

Config::default_obj('TEMPLATE_ENGINE', new MTemplatingEngine());

Request methods

$base_route = new Router('/base');

// GET (read) requests
$base_route->get('/index', function(Request $req, Response $res) {/* Code here... */});

// POST (write/create) requests
$base_route->post('/index', function(Request $req, Response $res) {/* Code here... */});

// PUT (update) requests
$base_route->put('/index', function(Request $req, Response $res) {/* Code here... */});

// DELETE (delete) requests
$base_route->delete('/index', function(Request $req, Response $res) {/* Code here... */});

The Request object

$route->get('/index/:param1/:param2', function(Request $req, Response $res) {
  // Returns an object of $_REQUEST, $_POST, $_GET, ($_PUT, $_DELETE)

  // Returns the parameter value given in the url or null if not given. 

  // Returns the Database object. See later.
  $req->db->create('User', ['name' => 'Jhon Doe', 'email' => '[email protected]']);

  // Returns the uploaded files

  // Returns the Session object
  $req->session->username = 'ingo_andelhofs';
  $req->session->username; // returns 'ingo_andelhofs' (also set in $_SESSION['username'])

  // Returns the Cookie object
  $req->cookie->firstname = 'Ingo';
  $req->cookie->firstname; // returns 'Ingo' (also set in $_COOKIE['firstname'])

The Response object

$route->get('/index', function(Request $req, Response $res) {
  // Send text data to route via htmlspecialchars
  $res->send('Hello World!');

  // Send datastructures as text data to route (print_r).
  $res->send_r([3, 4, 5]);

  // Send error
  $res->error('An error occured!');

  // Log a JavaScript message to the js console.
  $res->js_log('A console message.');

  // Convert a datastructure (array, ...) to json and send to route.
  $res->json(['name' => 'Ingo', 'age' => 19]); // -> {"name": "Ingo", "age": 19}

  // Render a view using the Template Engine. View files are in the view folder.
  $res->view('home/homepage', ['title' => 'Welcome to the homepage.']);
  // End the script with a last message.
  $res->end('End of the script');

  // Redirect to a given url. Or redirect back to the last visited url.
  // Read a file

  // Download a file

Middleware & Auth

class Auth {
  public static function is_user($param) {
    return function() use($param) {
      return Middleware::next();
      return Middleware::block();
$auth->post('/admin_only', [Auth::is_user_logged_in(), Auth::is_user("admin")], function(Request $req, Response $res) {
  // Code for admin only here... 

File handeling

in $route_callback(Request $req, Response $res)

// check for files

// returns uploaded files

// file info

// file storing
$filename = $req->files->profile_picture->store('public/images');
$filename = $req->files->profile_picture->storeAs('public/images', 'filename'); // filename.jpeg -> autocomplete extention

// Downloading

Sessions and cookies

$home->get('/index', function(Request $req, Response $res) {
    // Cookies
    $req->cookie->username = 'Ingo';

    // Sessions
    $req->session->user = [
        'fname' => 'Ingo',
        'lname' => 'Andelhofs',
        'pwd' => '**********'

Internal working

You can see this structure by using the Router::print_all() function.


// When u create a Router, it is added to Router::$routes_data. 
// All the information about the route is saved there.
$home = new Router('/home');
$home->get('/index/:id', function(Request $req, Response $res) {
  // Code here...


Router::$routes_data = [
    'home' => ['index' => ['get' => ['callback' => function($request, $response) {},
                                     'params' => [0 => 'id'],
                                     'path' => '/home/index', 
                                     'request_method' => 'GET', 
                                     'options' => [...]]

Database Usage


It is simple to create a new DataBase, you just need to add some constants to your config.php file. These constants are the default arguments.


define('DB_DRIVER', 'mysql');
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_PORT', '3306');
define('DB_NAME', 'db-name');
define('DB_USERNAME', 'root');
define('DB_PASSWORD', '********');
$db = new DataBase();
$db2 = new DataBase($driver, $hostname, $port, $database_name, $username, $password);


Create these database schemas for better prepared statements (comming soon...) and to get a visual representation of your table.

new DataBaseSchema('User', [
  'id' => PDO::PARAM_INT,
  'firstname' => PDO::PARAM_STR,
  'lastname' => PDO::PARAM_STR,
  'email' => PDO::PARAM_STR,
  'password' => PDO::PARAM_STR


You can create a new database function by using the new() function.

DataBase::new('select_query', function($db, $table_name) {
  return $db->query("SELECT * FROM $table_name;");

$db = new DataBase();
$db->select_query('User'); // -> Array(User1, User2, ...);


A simple but save way to query.

// Result contains an array with Users or in the case of an Insert the inserted Id property.
$result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM User WHERE id=:id AND firstname=:firstname;", [
  'id' => 3,
  'firstname' => 'Ingo'


A simple select, read query.

// WHERE id=5
$db->get('User', ['id' => 5]);

// WHERE id=3 OR id=4 OR id=5
$db->get('User', ['id' => [3, 4, 5]]);

// WHERE id=5 AND firstname='Ingo'
$db->get('User', ['id' => 5, 'firstname' => 'Ingo']);

// Comming soon...
$db->getUser(['id' => 5]);
$db->getUserById([3, 4, 5]);
$db->getUserByIdAndFirstname(5, 'Ingo');


A simple insert, create query.

$id = $db->create('User', ['firstname' => 'Ingo', 'Lastname' => 'A.']);

// Coming soon...
$db->createUser(['firstname' => 'Ingo', 'Lastname' => 'A.']);


A simple delete query.

$db->delete('User', ['id' => 3]);

// Coming soon...
$db->deleteUser(['id' => 3]);


A simple update query.

$db->update('User', ['id' => 3], ['firstname' => 'Ingo']);

// Coming soon...
$db->updateUser(['id' => 3], ['firstname' => 'Ingo']);
$db->updateUserById(3, ['firstname' => 'Ingo']);


A simple check if an item exists.

$db->exists('User', ['id' => 5, 'firstname' => 'Ingo']);

// Coming soon...
$db->existsUser(['id' => 5, 'firstname' => 'Ingo']);
$db->existsUserWithIdAndFirstname(5, 'Ingo');


A simple duplicate query that returns the new id.

$id = $db->duplicate('User', ['id' => 5]);

// Coming soon...
$db->duplicateUser(['id' => 5]);

Templating Engines

  • BaseTemplatingEngine
  • NTemplatingEngine (No)
  • STemplatingEngine (Simple)
  • MTemplatingEngine (Medium)
  • Components


  • Simple rendering for views width data.



$home->get('/index', function(Request $req, Response $res) {
  $res->view('home/homepage', [
    'title' => 'Welcome to the homepage.'


<h1><?php print($title); ?></h1>
<h1><?= $title ?></h1>


  • Simple rendering for views width data.
  • Var prefixing


  • Simple rendering for views width data.
  • Var prefixing
  • Pretty printing
  • Templates

Pretty printing


<!-- print via htmlspecialchars -->
<h1>{{ $title }}</h1>

<!-- print without htmlspecialchars -->
<h1>{{! $title }}</h1>

<!-- print via print_r -->
<h1>{{r $title }}</h1>



    @section scripts
  <body class="app">
    @section main


@extends TemplateName

@section scripts
<script src="./public/app.js"></script>

@section main


  • Simple rendering for views width data.
  • Var prefixing
  • Pretty printing
  • Templates
  • Conditionals
  • Components



<!-- If statements -->
  <p>If is true</p>
@else if(condition):
  <p>Else if is true</p>
  <p>Elif is true</p>

<!-- Foreach loops -->
@foreach($names as $name):
  <p>{{ $name }}</p>



<!-- Via component::render -->
<?php Component::render('banner', ['title' => 'Welcome']); ?>

<!-- Via component::compName -->
<?php Component::compName(['title' => 'Welcome']); ?>

<!-- Via MTemplatingEngine -->
@component compName('title' => 'Welcome')
@component compName['title' => 'Welcome']

JavaScript Helpers


Support for REST forms.
Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.

<form action='/home/index' method='PUT'>
  <!-- Input fields -->
  <input type='submit' value='Click'>

Support for REST links.
Supported attributes: href, data-req, data-body (except for DELETE) and data-async (coming soon...).

<a href='/homs/index' data-req='PUT' data-body='{"name": "Ingo Andelhofs", "id": 5}'>Link to somewehere.</a>
<a href='/homs/index' data-req='DELETE' data-async='true'>Click and async.</a>

In Development


in $route_callback(Request $req, Response $res)


Flash messages

in $route_callback(Request $req, Response $res)

$res->flash($name, $message);


A basic php framework that supports simple RESTful routes.






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