Local doujinshi viewer for Android.
Organize your doujin collection
- Include all your doujins in one app without having them clutter your gallery app! Use the search and bookmark functions to organize your ever increasing doujins.
Automatic tag retrieval
Tsuki Viewer
fetches english title, japanese title and tags based on the name of your directory.
Customize tags freely
- Built-in editor to let you append or remove tags. You can also add your own tags on non-doujin directories.
Supports third party image-viewers
- You can either use the built-in image viewer or open another gallery such as
to read your doujins.
- You can either use the built-in image viewer or open another gallery such as
More storage space for your phone
- If you have a lot of images, most galleries build up thumbnail database which can quickly escalate to multiple GBs. If you open images from
Tsuki Viewer
, the native gallery app won't generate a lot of thumbnails. That means more precious storage for your phone.
- If you have a lot of images, most galleries build up thumbnail database which can quickly escalate to multiple GBs. If you open images from
Tsuki Viewer
allows you to quickly alternate between books without having to return to previous screen.
Inspired by Chrome
and other modern web browsers
Switch tabs by swiping toolbar / bottom bar | Switch tabs from Recent Tabs screen |
Tsuki Viewer is developed with modern Android architecture in mind and thus makes full use of Android Jetpack components such as ViewModel
and LiveData
to implement MVVM architecture.
List of libraries used in this project.
- Android Jetpack (ViewModel, LiveData, Room Database, Paging Library)
- Kotlin Coroutines & Flow
- Retrofit
- JSoup
- Subsampling Scale Image View
- Glide
- FlexboxLayout
- RecyclerView-FastScroll
- ThreeTenABP
- TedPermission
- Android-SpinKit
- CircleImageView
Copyright 2020 Ng Zhen Hao
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.