If you want to support me or just help me buy doggy treats! Also, you can keep up to date on what I'm working on. I will be announcing any new modules or pre-releases there for anyone wanting to help me test things out!
New wall tools for drawing walls along a BĂ©zier curve, an ellipse, or a rectangle.
Library that provides a way for modules to register controls outside of the scene layer controls.
Displays a tag next to each module setting, indicating if it is a World setting (GM Only) or a client setting (Per User).
Allows you to animate the various properties of a light, such as emission angle, color, or direction.
Various enhancements to the chat. Roll types as buttons, Adventure Logs, chat message editing, and chat archiving.
A few enhancements to scene management for players and GMs.
Various small self-contained modifications to improve life in FoundryVTT.
Various enhancements to the FoundryVTT Templates layer. This brings different forms of template grid highlighting and auto-targetting features.
A niche tool for entering the results of dice manually. Good for in-person games, or for people who just like rolling real dice.
User login/logout module that adds an expiring message to the chat log when a user logs in/out of the server.
DragonFlagon Enhancement Suite Patch for Foundry VTT
If you wish to contribute to any modules, please perform the following to build any module in the project. The build system requires a unix system (WSL, Mac, or any Linux).
I have converted over to using DOIT scripts for my build environment. It works way better than a bunch of NPM scripts or regular bash shell scripts.
You can find the DOIT script project here: DOIT The Latest Release that can be downloaded: Latest Release
First execute the following command inside the project's root directory:
doit init
If you wish to use all of the commands launch
, devbuild
and devwatch
, you will need to initialize the full Foundry Environment. This also requires you to have the Node version of Foundry installed. This only needs to be done once, or after you move the Server or Data directories.
doit env /path/to/foundryvtt /path/to/foundrydata
: This is the absolute path to your FoundryVTT installation directory/path/to/foundrydata
: This is the absolute path to your FoundryVTT Data directory
To perform builds, you must set the current module target. This is done by running the following command with the desired target module's name.
doit tgt df-curvy-walls
Once you have your environment and target module set up, you can simply type doit
into the console while in the root directory and it will display all of the available commands and help docs for them.
localhost:~/dragonflagon-fvtt $ doit
Usage: doit <target> [args...]
clean [-g]
Cleans up the target module directory
-g If specified, will remove the global build files/directories
dev [module_name]
Copy the targetted module's data to the set foundry data directory
module_name Provide the module name you wish to deploy instead of
the current target
env <f-path> <f-data>
Set the foundry environment
f-path Path to the Foundry Install directory
f-data Path to the Foundry Data directory
getref Create a sym-link to the foundry.js file found in the set environment.
This reference is used for type hinting and for checking on how Foundry
does certain things.
init [-g]
Initializes the currently targetted module
-g This is to initlaize the global environment
launch Launch the foundry server
lint Run ESLint to check validity of files
pack Package the targetted module for release
tag Tag the current commit for release of the currently targetted module
tgt [name] [-r]
Get/Set the target module for development/release. If no target name
is provided, it will print the current target.
name name of the target to be set
-r If you omit a name, this will print the current target raw.
watch Watches the current target module for file changes and executes `dev`
if a change occurs