pmu-analyse Public
Forked from dokor/pmu-analyseUn outil d'aide à la décision en python pour analyser des courses hippiques
Python UpdatedJan 11, 2024 -
agentIGOR Public
Forked from agaget/agentIGORAgenIGOR propose de retrouver des adresses de vos annonces immobilières anonymes
Python UpdatedJan 2, 2024 -
AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner-CLF-C01-Practice-Tests-Exams-Questions-Answers Public
Forked from Ditectrev/Amazon-Web-Services-AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner-CLF-C02-Practice-Tests-Exams-Quest...⛳️ PASS: Amazon Web Services Certified (AWS Certified) Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) by learning based on our Questions & Answers (Q&A) Practice Tests Exams.
UpdatedSep 18, 2023 -
races_parser_canalturf Public
Forked from robnur/races_parserparser for collecting data on 250000+ races and horses participating in them. The program is written in python and works in multi-process mode.
Python UpdatedMay 3, 2023 -
adminlte3-netcore Public
Forked from marcioeric/adminlte3-netcoreSimple structure on Asp Net Core 3, Admin Lte 3 and C# 8
HTML MIT License UpdatedJan 14, 2022 -
AdminLTEWithASPNETCore Public
Forked from erossini/AdminLTEWithASPNETCoreHow to integrate AdminLTE in an ASP.NET Core MVC and .NET5 project
JavaScript UpdatedApr 2, 2021 -
ml-horse-prediction_johnsullivan Public
Forked from johnosullivan/ml-horse-predictionThe ancient Greek Olympics had events for both chariot and mounted horse racing. Since the ancient sport was conceived not much has changed but how bets are placed. Using today's machine learning, …
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 15, 2021 -
Sirus10_Arduino_teleinfo_Moisture_tank_etc Public
Forked from Sirus10/ArduinoC++ UpdatedApr 13, 2020 -
laravel-c9-php-mysql Public
Script aimed to upgrade environments of Cloud9 instances (php 7.2, mysql 5.7, ...) and install Laravel
Horse-Racing Public
Forked from constancedongg/Horse-RacingUse various machine learning algorithms to predict horse racing results.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 6, 2019 -
Sonde_luminosite_RF433 Public
Forked from Jeffodilo/Sonde_luminosite_RF433Sonde de luminosité en 433 Mhz extérieure compatible RFXCom et RFlink sur batterie
C++ UpdatedFeb 10, 2019 -
HorseRacingPrediction Public
Forked from dominicplouffe/HorseRacingPredictionUsing Support Vector regression algorithm to predict horse racing results
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 5, 2018 -
low_energy_sensor Public
Forked from conurb/low_energy_sensorATtiny85 with a BME280 sensor in I2C (mimics an Oregon Scientific sensor)
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 6, 2018 -
JWDB_rflink Public
Forked from jwdb/rflinkClone of the RFLink dev tree
C Other UpdatedJun 22, 2018 -
Arduino-Labo Public
Forked from EpixFr/Arduino-LaboEnsemble des codes et schémas réalisés lors des tests matériels de capteurs et d'actionneurs pour Arduino.
C++ GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJun 10, 2018 -
avdweb_FreqPeriodCounter Public
Forked from avdwebLibraries/avdweb_FreqPeriodCounterSmart library with comprehensive functions for counting (multiple) frequencies and period-times. For Arduino Uno and Zero.
C++ UpdatedJun 3, 2018 -
magento-py-scraper Public
Forked from hectorherranz/magento-py-scraperA python scraper for magento
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 17, 2018 -
arduino-TeleinfoThreePhase Public
Forked from petitssuisses/arduino-TeleinfoThreePhaseArduino code for a french ERDF electrical counter equiped with three phase. Decodes and parse the electrical information as an Oregon Scientific V3 radio data transmitted by OWL CM180 Energy sensor…
C++ UpdatedDec 2, 2017 -
Liquid-dap-duino Public
Forked from ikxx/Liquid-dap-duinoDaphile (Squeezebox) control with arduino and LCD
Arduino GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 22, 2017 -
Mesure-de-niveau_Oregon-Arduino Public
Forked from vdomos/Mesure-de-niveau_Oregon-ArduinoC++ UpdatedNov 3, 2016 -
arduino_cuve Public
Forked from diyfr/arduino_cuveCapteur de niveau par ultrason (SR04) pour une cuve, avec écran LCD 5110 envoi par RF (Format Oregon)
gasMonitor Public
Forked from equinoxefr/gasMonitorGas meter, temp and humidity monitoring device to work with domoticz and RFXcom
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 18, 2015