A small command line tool to automate VPN connections. Currently supports CiscoVPN (Anyconnect) and OpenVPN.
Run the following from the root of this project to build, package, and install the vpnctl
tool on
your machine
npm install
npm run build
npm run package
npm link .
ℹ️ The installation procedure is known to not work with newer Node versions. At time of writing, the highest known version that works is Node v16.20.0. If you encounter problems during installation, please try downgrading your Node version accordingly.
Verify that you properly installed the vpn tool.
$ vpnctl
Usage: main [options] [command]
-h, --help display help for command
connect <name>
disconnect <name>
help [command] display help for command
When we run vpnctl connect endpoint-name
the second parameter endpoint-name is a key that identifies an endpoint configuration entry in the configuration file. The endpoint configuration file is expected to be in YAML format and should be located at ~/.config/vpn.config.yml.
Below is an example configuration file with an entry for an AnyConnect endpoint and an OpenVPN endpoint with comments.
# Tells vpnctl to use AnyConnect
provider: ciscovpn
# The host name of the AnyConnect VPN endpoint
host: vpn.someserver.com
# User name to authenticate with
username: user-name
# Password to authenticate the given user with
password: password
# Binary path (optional).
# Newer versions of AnyConnect binary changed the location (e.g. "/opt/cisco/secureclient/bin/vpn" on macOS).
# To keep backwards compatibility with older versions of AnyConnect, override the binary location here.
binaryPath: /some/path
# Tells vpnctl to use OpenVPN
provider: openvpn
# List containing all inline parameters to be passed to the OpenVpn binary (e.g. --tls-client)
# In an .ovpn file, these are the directives which only span one line.
- tls-client
- client
- nobind
# ...
# The --ca file option (certificate authority file in .pem format) as a multiline string.
ca: |-
# ...
# The --cert file option (local certificate in .pem format) as a multiline string.
cert: |-
# The --key file option (local private key in .pem format) as a multiline string.
key: |-
# ...
ℹ️ In case of an OpenVpn configuration entry, the _directives*, ca, cert, and key properties are used to construct a configuration file which is then piped to the openvpn binary via STDIN (using the
--config /dev/stdin
option). This way, all file parameters passed to openvpn can be conveniently stored in the vpnctl configuration file instead of having to keep track of multiple files.
The following problem occurs, when the Cisco Secure Client application is running and you try to start a VPN session with vpnctl
$ vpnctl connect endpoint-name
Reading VPN configuration from /Users/main/.config/vpn.config.yml...
Successfully read configuration!
Cisco Secure Client (version 5.0.02075) .
Copyright (c) 2004 - 2023 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
>> state: Unknown
>> state: Disconnected
>> state: Disconnected
>> notice: Ready to connect.
>> registered with local VPN subsystem.
>> contacting host (vpn.someserver.com) for login information...
>> state: Disconnected
>> error: Connect capability is unavailable. Another Cisco Secure Client application acquired it. Terminating the other application and restarting this application may resolve this issue. Otherwise, contact your system administrator.
Solution: Close the Cisco Secure Client application.