Releases: fkretlow/sebastian
v1.20 release
The JSON metadata has been re-written using a new (improved) python script, which hopefully should be more accurate and comprehensive.
Changes have been made to the staccato dot (now the same size as the augmentation dot); and the pedal up 'star' (which is now six-pointed, rather than eight-pointed!)
This is a pre-release, which users are welcome to test.
v1.12: Trills and thrills
The appearance of variable-speed trill lines has been improved.
Accents have been re-designed.
The metrics of dynamics have been improved for correct spacing of text modifiers.
Some minor changes to JSON metadata, including engraving defaults.
v1.08: new Minim!
This version has an improved minim (half-note) notehead form, and a couple of Finale-specific glyphs.
v1.07: fixes to flags, figs and Finale
Various fixes to improve the appearance of this font on Finale 27.2, particularly note flags. Also fixes to figured bass symbols, and other small improvements.
v1.06: Time sigs, breves, augmented 6 bass fig, etc.
Addition of symbols; fine tuning of breve symbols, including black breve.
Augmented 6 glyph in figured bass vastly improved.