An example project using MQTT to query and set pins on the CC3200 Launchapd
- xx is a GPIO Pin number
- X is a command
- H : High
- L : Low
- ? : Read Back Input Pin
Supported Pins
- GPIO22 - SW2 - Input
- GPIO13 - SW3 - Input
- GPIO03 - AP Jumper - Input
- GPIO11 - Green LED - Output
- GPIO10 - Orange LED - Output
- GPIO09 - Red LED - Output
C:\Program Files (x86)\mosquitto>mosquitto_pub.exe -h
-p 1883 -t ticc3200 -m P13:?
C:\Program Files (x86)\mosquitto>mosquitto_pub.exe -h
-p 1883 -t ticc3200 -m P09:H
To see status of input pin queries:
C:\Program Files (x86)\mosquitto>mosquitto_sub.exe -h
-p 1883 -t ticc3200
Notes: I2C disabled, if you want to control Orange and/or Green LEDs, remove Jumpers J2 & J3 in Top Left