A project for the module (Advanced) Distributed Systems Prototyping at the Technical University of Berlin.
The interceptor interface is implemented from two different viewpoints.
Producer_Interceptor: The data is changed through an interceptor before the data reaches the Kafka Cluster.
Consumer_Interceptor: The data is the same; However, the consumer has a different output than the data of the CGCluster.
The Kafka Broker and Redis cache can be started via docker compose. simply run
docker compose up
To manually display a specific topic's content in the console, one can use
docker exec --interactive --tty broker \
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server broker:9092 \
--topic <topic-name> \
To start the Pipe, MetricsCollector or BenchmarkConsumer, use
mvn clean install
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=<full-class-name>
where <full-class-name>
is class name with package name:
For Pipe use com.ganges.anoniks.Pipe
For remote metrics collector use com.ganges.benchmark.RemoteMetricsCollector
For benchmark consumer use com.ganges.benchmark.BenchmarkConsumer