HTTPKit is a lightweight framework for building webservers in Objective-C or Tranquil.
git clone --recursive
- Edit the SDKVERSION in dependencies/iphone-openssl/ to match your current Xcode's SDK version.
- execute
- Open Xcode project and hit build.
#import <HTTPKit.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
HTTP *http = [HTTP new];
// Simple "Hello you!" pong
[http handleGET:@"/hello/*"
with:^(HTTPConnection *connection, NSString *name) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Hello %@!", name];
// Simplified login example
[http handleGET:@"/login"
with:^(HTTPConnection *connection) {
return @"<form method=\"post\" action=\"/login\">"
@"<label for=\"username\">Name:</label>"
@"<input name=\"username\" type=\"text\">"
@"<label for=\"password\">Password:</label>"
@"<input name=\"password\" type=\"password\">"
@"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Sign in\">"
[http handlePOST:@"/login" with:^(HTTPConnection *connection) {
NSLog(@"logging in user: %@ with password: %@",
[connection requestBodyVar:@"username"],
[connection requestBodyVar:@"password"]);
return @"Welcome! I trust you so I didn't even check your password.";
[http listenOnPort:8081 onError:^(id reason) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error starting server: %s", [reason UTF8String]);
[[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
return 0;
import "HTTPKit"
import "html"
t = Tag
HTTP new handleGET: "/hello/*" with: `conn, name| "Hello «name»!"`;
handleGET: "/login" with: { conn |
t html: "Log in" :[
t :#form :[
t :#label :"Name:" :{ #for => #username },
t :#input :nil :{ #name => #username, #type => #text },
t :#label :"Password:" :{ #for => #password },
t :#input :nil :{ #name => #password, #type => #password },
t :#input :nil :{ #value => "Sign in", #type => #submit }
] :{ #method => #post }
handlePOST: "/login" with: { conn |
"Logging in user: «conn requestBodyVar: #username» with password: «conn requestBodyVar: #password»" print
^"Welcome! I trust you so I didn't even check your password."
listenOnPort: 8080 onError: { reason | "Error starting server: «reason»" print. ^^1 }
NSRunLoop mainRunLoop runUntilDate: NSDate distantFuture