The purpose of this repository is to collect a set of information useful for remote workers, not matter what kind of work you do, developer, designer, writer, consultant. We can always find useful knowledge to share.
Table of Contents:
The following list includes companies which operate completly or mostly with distributed teams, with employees accross the world collaborating together.
Web Design and Development Studio. We believe in creating an environment that fosters creativity and innovation through constant learning. Ultimately, life is about the people you meet, and we want to make this experience great.
PSPDFKit is the leading framework for displaying and annotating PDFs in your iOS apps. It supports blazingly fast PDF viewing, adding annotations, and filling out forms. Our battle-tested code is trusted by Box, Dropbox, Evernote, and hundreds of other companies. Benefit from a solid, tested codebase and incorporate all those advanced features into your own application. It'll save you at least one year in comparison with in-house development.
Joel Gascoigne CEO at Buffer
The joys and benefits of working as a distributed team
Colin Ross chief back-end guy at Buffer
My Ideal Daily routine as a Remote Programmer
Jimmy Daly Head of Content at Vero
I work for a company 7,814 miles away
Yegor Bugayenko Founder and CTO at
Lisette Sutherland Director at Collaboration Superpowers
Remote Programing in
Youjin Do
One way ticket, documentary about digital nomads
Remote year is a one year program where you get paid to travel around the world with 100 interesting people while working remotely from the beach, pool or coffee shop.
The inaugural group leaves June 1, 2015
How to Fight to Make Your Distributed Team a Competitive Advantage, Not a Weakness - Go/Golang jobs, filter on remote - AI/Machine learning jobs, filter on remote
Name | Github Username | Technologies | Website |
Francisco J. Belchi | @fjbelchi | iOS / Android | |
As an employer, restricting your hiring to a small geographic region means you’re not getting the best people you can. As an employee, restricting your job search to companies within a reasonable commute means you’re not working for the best company you can. REMOTE, the new book by 37signals, shows both employers and employees how they can work together, remotely, from any desk, in any space, in any place, anytime, anywhere.
Over the past few months we have been interviewing people from all over the globe about how they tackle the challenges of remote work. Today we’re thrilled to present the collection in a downloadable e-book.
The Remote Work Handbook offers insight into how you can make the most of virtual work through a collection of interviews from employees around the globe.
Learn about the tools you can use to stay connected and how to manage work as an employee working from home, the road, and yes, even an island.
Packed with stories and tips for those whose business models depend upon successfully bridging distance to accomplish knowledge work. We have interviewed early adopters and bring you their lessons learned. Pre-ordering includes invitations to periodic hangouts on air with our interview subjects where you can learn to access and hone your collaboration superpowers.
A fascinating read about the shift toward a new way of doing business—a way that focuses on autonomy, wholeness, and purpose in the decisions we make and the way we structure our organizations. It’s been called a “soulful revolution,” and having experienced it for the past few months here at Buffer, it’s been hugely edifying, encouraging, and rewarding.
A curated list of awesome remote working resources.
Docracy is a home for contracts and other legal documents, socially curated by the communities that use them. Our mission is to make these documents freely available for everyone, while in the process making them easier to customize and use.
This is a collection of simple and relatively generic service contracts for the Design / Development crowd.