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Developer Installation

Michael Folkerts edited this page Nov 2, 2013 · 8 revisions


This will install a working shell of the app. The databases should be available for download on the Downloads page.

I am also assuming you are using Ubuntu Linux.

You must have the following installed:

sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi python-django \
python-django-south python-imaging python-pypdf python-pythonmagick p7zip-full imagemagick

Please comment if I forgot something.


All commands after svn checkout are given assuming your current directory is the trunk (qualPrep)

##GIT First checkout the repository trunk (read only - also note alternate name of root folder):

git clone qualPrep

Now open the qualPrep directory:

cd qualPrep

##Setup Django Site

We must extract the database file, see 'db.readme':

7za e db.7z

##Setup Apache Eventually this section will be replaced with a bash script

You must update the path to the qualPrep folder in the following files (sorry):

  • apache/django_qualApp-wsgi
  • apache/django.wsgi

Note: If you used a django user and checkout the trunk into /home/django/qualPrep, no changes are needed (except maybe the /admin/static path in django_qualApp-wsgi)

Then copy django_qualApp-wsgi into your apache2 sites filder:

sudo cp apache/django_qualApp-wsgi /etc/apache2/sites-available/

Enable the "site" and restart apache:

sudo a2ensite django_qualApp-wsgi
sudo service apache2 restart

Add database files (and trunk folder ".") to www-data (Apache user) group and give group write permissions:

sudo chgrp --recursive www-data db.files db.sqlite3 .
sudo chmod --recursive g+w db.files/ db.sqlite3 .

Note: don't forget the "." at the end of each line, they reference the current directory (qualPrep).

You must also manage the e-mail settings by adding a file "" in the qualPrep directory. See "" for more info.

#Testing Navagate to http://localhost/qualApp/ and you should see the home page.

Log in to the Admin page to edit all database fields.

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