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Ultravox client SDK for Android

Android client SDK for Ultravox.

maven package


session.listen("transcript") {
    run {
        val last = session.lastTranscript
        // Do stuff with the transcript

See the included example app for a more complete example. To get a joinUrl, you'll want to integrate your server with the Ultravox REST API.


  1. Bump the version in ultravox_client's build.gradle.kts and in UltravoxSession.kt
  2. Open a PR in GitHub and get the changes merged. (This also runs tests, so please only publish from main!)
  3. Uncomment the "LocalForCentralUpload" maven repository block in the same gradle file
  4. Uncomment and properly populate the three signing-related values in
  5. Run publishToMaven (from within AndroidStudio)
  6. Compress the output "ai" directory into a zip file
  7. Upload that zip to and work through the UI to publish
  8. Create a new tag/release in GitHub please!