Recent versions of Stockfish have gotten too big to run in the browser. Lichess has created an API that allows you to run an engine on your own computer and send the results back to their Analysis page. This is a desktop app that intends to make it easy to use.
Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Still in development, but you can download the preview version here:
Follow prerequisities for installing Rust + Tauri here:
Run project
npm install npm run tauri dev
This is a Tauri-based app -- Tauri is like Electron except it uses Rust instead of Node.js. This app is written in Rust and Typescript.
Tauri uses the OS's native webview. It can be compiled to a native binary for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Commands and documentation related to development of this app.
# test the utility functions for the frontend
npm run test
# same tests but in watch mode
npm run watch
Run linter
# for frontend
npm run format
# for backend
cargo fmt --check --manifest-path=src-tauri/Cargo.toml
cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features --manifest-path=src-tauri/Cargo.toml
npm run prepare
Will apply the .husky
commit hooks to your local git repo.
All the app icons get generated from a single source SVG. To update the icons, run:
npx svgexport src/assets/lichess-pad4-white.svg icon.png 64x
npm run tauri icon icon.png
Clear the cached build for it to take effect locally:
rm -rf src-tauri/target
npm run tauri dev
Uses diesel to manage migrations.
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features sqlite
To add a new migration:
cd src-tauri
diesel migration generate <migration_name>
For testing migrations:
cd src-tauri
diesel --database-url ~/.local/share/lichess-tauri/lichess-tauri.sqlite migration redo
Test build locally
npm run tauri build
Tag the new version:
git checkout main npm version 0.x.x git push origin main --tags
Github workflow will build the app for each OS and add them to a release.
- Pre-release tag format:
- Pre-release tag format:
Manually edit the release and add the changelog to the description