Spel is a programming language submitted as an evaluation project for the 2019-20 Formal Language and Compilers course at the UAIC University.
Spel is a language designed to mimic a fantasy story, in a way you might not expect.
Spel was compiled with win_flex_bison, but it might be compatible with lex/yacc. This repo comes with a built-in unittester that can be accessed from the compiler.
Command arguments:
"SPEL.exe <file>"
"SPEL.exe -s or /s <string> for parsing a string";
You can pass a string to the console for the program to parse.
"SPEL.exe <test_file> --test or /test for running on a test file";
You can create tests for checking the language by appending blocks with the structure:
[TEST] Test name :
//Your code here
The output will be either FAIL/PASS depending on wether the word is accepted or not.
You can check if a test which is supposed to fail actually behaves like so by writing [TEST][SHOULD FAIL] ...
"... -v or /v for enabling debug info";
Running the debug mode will print the grammar rules and non-terminals in the order they were acessed by the compiler.Note
Note: If you notice one non-terminal starts with [!warning] that means that the name of the non-terminal is probably incorect, due to a parser error. Refer to the printed rule for determining the correct non-terminal (look for the nt parent of the rule).
The tale begins.
I summon thy name Link
craft points life_points.
craft precise mana_points.
craft rune armor_enchantments.
craft absolute mortality.
craft tome allegiance bestow "Zelda".
void spell attack sacrifice precise stamina, precise mana :
enchant stamina with stamina - 1.
enchant mana with mana - 2.
points spell fire sacrifice precise mana, rune equipment :
cast (mana*equipment).
enchant a with life_points of clone.
if (equipment > '\3') beginif
enchant life_points of clone with a.
else beginelse
cast 0.
and thy brethren.
craft Link clone.
enchant life_points of clone with 100.
craft artifact points basic_attack bestow 3.