The best way to find friendly colleagues to commute with.
app screenshots:
backup url:
- People still drive despite the panopoly of transit options available to people in seattle
- Cars are too still too convenient
- Finding trusted carpoolers is hard
How do we get cars off the road?
- Easy to use mobile app
- Trusted carpoolers linked to well known companies
- Employees can find colleagues to carpool with
"It’s an amazingly well-organized event that is extremely efficient, saving fuel and time. We estimated that 25,000 people casual carpool in D.C. each day. That takes a lot of cars off the road" - Mark Burris Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) Associate Research Engineer
- @yakshaving - Designer/Wizard
- @firemuzzy - Developer/Wizard
- @charimon - Developer/Wizard
- Lots of magic.
- Parse API for data storage
- ios's swift for the app
- middleman (rails, sass, etc) for the website
- no datasets
In order to build and run our app:
- go to the mobile/Slug and open Slug.xcodeproj in xcode
- make sure your xcode is up to date and hit run (all the needed frameworks are in the app already)
Our code is licensed under the MIT License. Pull requests will be accepted to this repo, pending review and approval.