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Refactor createBackend and other utility functions.
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taeold committed Dec 6, 2023


This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
heemankv Heemank Verma
1 parent e362f11 commit e361804
Showing 2 changed files with 60 additions and 113 deletions.
137 changes: 47 additions & 90 deletions src/init/features/frameworks/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import * as clc from "colorette";
import * as repo from "./repo";
import * as poller from "../../../operation-poller";
import * as gcp from "../../../gcp/frameworks";
import { logBullet, logSuccess } from "../../../utils";
import { logBullet, logSuccess, logWarning } from "../../../utils";
import { frameworksOrigin } from "../../../api";
import { Backend, BackendOutputOnlyFields } from "../../../gcp/frameworks";
import { Repository } from "../../../gcp/cloudbuild";
@@ -26,32 +26,40 @@ export async function doSetup(setup: any, projectId: string): Promise<void> {

logBullet("First we need a few details to create your backend.");

await promptOnce(
name: "serviceName",
const location = await promptOnce({
name: "region",
type: "list",
"Please select a region " +
`(${clc.yellow("info")}: Your region determines where your backend is located):\n`,

logSuccess(`Region set to ${location}.\n`);

let backendId: string;
while (true) {
backendId = await promptOnce({
name: "backendId",
type: "input",
default: "acme-inc-web",
message: "Create a name for your backend [1-30 characters]",

await promptOnce(
name: "region",
type: "list",
"Please select a region " +
`(${clc.yellow("info")}: Your region determines where your backend is located):\n`,

logSuccess(`Region set to ${setup.frameworks.region}.\n`);

const backend: Backend | undefined = await getOrCreateBackend(projectId, setup);
try {
await gcp.getBackend(projectId, location, backendId);
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.status === 404) {
throw new FirebaseError(
`Failed to check if backend with id ${backendId} already exists in ${location}`,
{ original: err }
logWarning(`Backend with id ${backendId} already exists in ${location}`);
const backend: Backend = await onboardBackend(projectId, location, backendId);

if (backend) {
logSuccess(`Successfully created backend:\n\t${}`);
@@ -74,75 +82,24 @@ function toBackend(cloudBuildConnRepo: Repository): Omit<Backend, BackendOutputO

* Creates backend if it doesn't exist.
* Walkthrough the flow for creating a new backend.
export async function getOrCreateBackend(
projectId: string,
setup: any
): Promise<Backend | undefined> {
const location: string = setup.frameworks.region;
try {
return await getExistingBackend(projectId, setup, location);
} catch (err: unknown) {
if ((err as FirebaseError).status === 404) {
const cloudBuildConnRepo = await repo.linkGitHubRepository(projectId, location);
await promptOnce(
name: "branchName",
type: "input",
default: "main",
message: "Which branch do you want to deploy?",
const backendDetails = toBackend(cloudBuildConnRepo);
return await createBackend(projectId, location, backendDetails, setup.frameworks.serviceName);
} else {
throw new FirebaseError(
`Failed to get or create a backend using the given initialization details: ${err}`

return undefined;

async function getExistingBackend(
export async function onboardBackend(
projectId: string,
setup: any,
location: string
location: string,
backendId: string
): Promise<Backend> {
let backend = await gcp.getBackend(projectId, location, setup.frameworks.serviceName);
while (backend) {
setup.frameworks.serviceName = undefined;
await promptOnce(
name: "existingBackend",
type: "confirm",
default: true,
"A backend already exists for the given serviceName, do you want to use existing backend? (yes/no)",
if (setup.frameworks.existingBackend) {
logBullet("Using the existing backend.");
return backend;
await promptOnce(
name: "serviceName",
type: "input",
default: "acme-inc-web",
message: "Please enter a new service name [1-30 characters]",
backend = await gcp.getBackend(projectId, location, setup.frameworks.serviceName);
setup.frameworks.existingBackend = undefined;

return backend;
const cloudBuildConnRepo = await repo.linkGitHubRepository(projectId, location);
const barnchName = await promptOnce({
name: "branchName",
type: "input",
default: "main",
message: "Which branch do you want to deploy?",
// branchName unused for now.
void barnchName;
const backendDetails = toBackend(cloudBuildConnRepo);
return await createBackend(projectId, location, backendDetails, backendId);

36 changes: 13 additions & 23 deletions src/test/init/frameworks/index.spec.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ import { expect } from "chai";
import * as gcp from "../../../gcp/frameworks";
import * as repo from "../../../init/features/frameworks/repo";
import * as poller from "../../../operation-poller";
import { createBackend, getOrCreateBackend } from "../../../init/features/frameworks/index";
import * as prompt from "../../../prompt";
import { createBackend, onboardBackend } from "../../../init/features/frameworks/index";
import { FirebaseError } from "../../../error";

describe("operationsConverter", () => {
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ describe("operationsConverter", () => {
let createBackendStub: sinon.SinonStub;
let getBackendStub: sinon.SinonStub;
let linkGitHubRepositoryStub: sinon.SinonStub;
let promptOnce: sinon.SinonStub;

beforeEach(() => {
pollOperationStub = sandbox
@@ -24,42 +26,38 @@ describe("operationsConverter", () => {
linkGitHubRepositoryStub = sandbox
.stub(repo, "linkGitHubRepository")
.throws("Unexpected getBackend call");
promptOnce = sandbox.stub(prompt, "promptOnce").throws("Unexpected promptOnce call");

afterEach(() => {

describe("createBackend", () => {
describe("onboardBackend", () => {
const projectId = "projectId";
const location = "us-central1";
const backendId = "backendId";

const op = {
name: `projects/${projectId}/locations/${location}/backends/${backendId}`,
done: true,

const completeBackend = {
name: `projects/${projectId}/locations/${location}/backends/${backendId}`,
labels: {},
createTime: "0",
updateTime: "1",
uri: "",
const setup = {
frameworks: {
region: location,
serviceName: backendId,
existingBackend: true,
deployMethod: "github",
branchName: "main",

const cloudBuildConnRepo = {
name: `projects/${projectId}/locations/${location}/connections/framework-${location}/repositories/repoId`,
remoteUri: "remoteUri",
createTime: "0",
updateTime: "1",

const backendInput: Omit<gcp.Backend, gcp.BackendOutputOnlyFields> = {
servingLocality: "GLOBAL_ACCESS",
codebase: {
@@ -68,6 +66,7 @@ describe("operationsConverter", () => {
labels: {},

it("should createBackend", async () => {
@@ -77,27 +76,18 @@ describe("operationsConverter", () => {
expect(createBackendStub), location, backendInput);

it("should return a backend, if user wants use the exiting backend", async () => {

const result = await getOrCreateBackend("projectId", setup);

expect(getBackendStub.calledOnceWithExactly(projectId, location, backendId));

it("should create a new backend, if backend doesn't exist", async () => {
it("should onboard a new backend", async () => {
const newBackendId = "newBackendId";
const newPath = `projects/${projectId}/locations/${location}/backends/${newBackendId}`;
setup.frameworks.serviceName = newBackendId; = newPath; = newPath;
getBackendStub.throws(new FirebaseError("error", { status: 404 }));

const result = await getOrCreateBackend(projectId, setup);
const result = await onboardBackend(projectId, location, backendId);

expect(createBackendStub), location, backendInput);

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