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push release metrics comparison script first version
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mrodozov committed Mar 5, 2018
1 parent 8280277 commit a52446c
Showing 1 changed file with 195 additions and 0 deletions.
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
import json, sys
from time import time
from es_utils import get_payload
from ROOT import *

this program uses pyROOT, no brainer would be to set cmsenv before running it

def _format(s, **kwds):
return s % kwds

def getWorkflowStatsFromES(release='*', arch='*', lastNdays=7, page_size=0):

query_url = '*/_search'

query_datsets = """
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"query_string": {
"query": "release:%(release_cycle)s AND architecture:%(architecture)s",
"lowercase_expanded_terms": false
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"@timestamp": {
"from": %(start_time)s,
"to": %(end_time)s
"from": %(from)s,
"size": %(page_size)s
datasets = {}
ent_from = 0
json_out = []
info_request = False
queryInfo = {}

queryInfo["end_time"] = int(time() * 1000)
queryInfo["start_time"] = queryInfo["end_time"] - int(86400 * 1000 * lastNdays)
queryInfo["architecture"] = arch
queryInfo["release_cycle"] = release
queryInfo["from"] = 0

if page_size < 1:
info_request = True
queryInfo["page_size"] = 2
queryInfo["page_size"] = page_size

total_hits = 0

while True:
queryInfo["from"] = ent_from
es_data = get_payload(query_url, _format(query_datsets, **queryInfo)) # here
content = json.loads(es_data)
content.pop("_shards", None)
total_hits = content['hits']['total']
if info_request:
info_request = False
queryInfo["page_size"] = total_hits
hits = len(content['hits']['hits'])
if hits == 0: break
ent_from = ent_from + hits
if ent_from >= total_hits:

return json_out[0]['hits']['hits']

have a function that narrows the result to fields of interest, described in a list and in the given order

def filterElasticSearchResult(ES_result=None, list_of_fields=None):

#arch = ES_result[0]['_source']['architecture']
#print arch
final_struct = {}

for element in ES_result:

source_object = element['_source']

stamp = source_object['@timestamp']
flow = source_object['workflow']
step = source_object['step']

if not stamp in final_struct:
final_struct.update({stamp: {}})
if not flow in final_struct[stamp]:
final_struct[stamp].update({flow: {}})

step_data = {}
for stat_item in list_of_fields:
step_data.update({stat_item: source_object[stat_item]})

final_struct[stamp][flow].update({step: step_data})

return final_struct

deeper in this context :) ,this function
1. gets two objects filtered after the ES query
2. for each sub-step key found tries to find the same in both objects and to make the difference between their values

def compareMetrics(firstObject=None, secondObject=None):

fields = []
comparison_results = {}

for stamp in firstObject:
for wf in firstObject[stamp]:
for step in firstObject[stamp][wf]:
fields = firstObject[stamp][wf][step].keys()

for f in fields:
comparison_results.update({f: []})

for stamp in firstObject:
for wf in firstObject[stamp]:
for step in firstObject[stamp][wf]:
for field in firstObject[stamp][wf][step]:
#print field
if stamp in secondObject and wf in secondObject[stamp] \
and step in secondObject[stamp][wf] \
and field in secondObject[stamp][wf][step]:
first_metric = firstObject[stamp][wf][step][field]
second_metric = secondObject[stamp][wf][step][field]
if field is 'time' or 'cpu_avg':
difference = first_metric - second_metric
if field is 'rss_avg':
difference = float( float(first_metric) / float(second_metric) ) * 100


return comparison_results

if __name__ == "__main__":

opts = None
release = None
fields = ['time', 'rss_avg', 'cpu_avg']

arch = 'slc6_amd64_gcc630'
days = 7
page_size = 0
limit = 20

#release_one = 'CMSSW_10_1_X_2018-*'
#release_two = 'CMSSW_10_1_ROOT612_X_2018-*'
release_one = sys.argv[1]
release_two = sys.argv[2]

json_out_first = getWorkflowStatsFromES(release_one, arch, days, page_size)
json_out_second = getWorkflowStatsFromES(release_two, arch, days, page_size)

filtered_first = filterElasticSearchResult(json_out_first,fields)
filtered_second = filterElasticSearchResult(json_out_second,fields)

comp_results = compareMetrics(filtered_first, filtered_second)
print json.dumps(comp_results, indent=2, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': '))

c1 = TCanvas( 'c1', '', 200, 10, 700, 500 )

for hist in comp_results:
histo = TH1F(hist, hist, 10000, -500, 500)
for i in comp_results[hist]:

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